Dehai Message Board (DMB)

Nov 27, 2018 3:28 PM
ሃገር ጽንዓት ሃገር እንኪሒራ
ሃገር ስራሕ ካብ ኢዳ ድራራ
ሃገር ጸሎት ገዳም ምስክራ
ሃገር እምነት መስጊድ ዝነግረላ
ሃገር ተስፋ ኣብ ሓድነት ሓይላ
ሃገር ባሕሪ ጸጋ ዝኸበባ
ሃገር ፍቕሪ ሰላም ዝዓሰላ
ሃገር ስምረት ኣብ ሓጐስ ጸበባ
ዘይተጓኒ ንሩሑቕ ቀረባ
ፈታው ስኒት ንኹሉ መርሓባ
ዝበደሀት ዓማጺ ወረራ
ዘይትስምብድ ብፈኸራ ጃህራ
ኣደ ሓቂ ዘይትጠልም ሕድራ
ቃል 'ቲ ስዉእ ክኸይድ ዝበላ

መን ከማኺ ሃገረይ ኤርትራ
ንበሪ ድመቒ ብናይ መስመር ሓራ
ዓማጺት ዓለምና እስኺ መምህራ

Nov 20, 2018 4:55 PM
እቲ ኣሻሓት ዘብከየ
ህዝቢ ዘላደየ
ደሞም ዝሰተየ
ንብረት ዝራሰየ
ኤረይ ዝወረረ
ናይ ትግራይ ወያነ
ይበኪ እነሀለ
ሕጊ/ፍትሒ እንዳኣልዓለ
ከምዛ ዘይበደለ
ገበነኛ ጉጂለ

ጸሓይ ከሎ ቀትሪ
'ቲ ህዝቢ ከአዊ
ዘይሰመዐት እዝኒ
ዝገርም 'ዩ ሕጂ
ዓብዪ ክሓሚ!

ነውራም ገበነኛ
ሓሳዊ ለኹመኛ
ውድቀትካስ እንኳዕ ድኣ ኣርኣየና!

ካብ መጠን ንላዕሊ፣

Nov 17, 2018 4:42 PM
ኣመስጉኑለይ ኣገናዕ በሉለይ
ነቲ ጅግና ሓወይ
‘ታ ኮርዒዳ ሓፍተይ
‘ቲ ወረጃ ህዝበይ
ምስ ዉሕሉል መንግስተይ
ሕልመይ ዘስመሩለይ
ዘሕፈሩ ጸላእተይ
ዝዓቀቡ ኤረይ
ክብሪ መንነተይ

ሰሚሮም ሓቢሮም
ኢድን ጓንትን ኮይኖም
ሕሰም ተጻዊሮም
ግዜኦም ወፍዮም
መስዋእቲ ከፊሎም
ዘውሕሱ ሃገሮም

ኣብ ሓቂ ረጊጾም
ኣስናኖም ነኺሶም
ዓሎቕ ከይረበሾም
ዝስዕሩ ጸላእቶም

እዛ ሓውላል ዓለም
ክትነብራ መስደመም
ንገሩዋ ኩሉ
‘ቲ ቕያ ጥበቡ
ኤርትራዊ ሓይሉ
ናይ መኸተ ዓቕሙ
ዝገብር ምዃኑ

ተሓበን ተነየት
ጻማኻ ‘ዩ ዓወት
ኣንታ ክቡር ሓየት
Nov 17, 2018 3:36 PM
ኣመስጉኑለይ ኣገናዕ በሉለይ
ነቲ ጅግና ሓወይ
‘ታ ኮርዒዳ ሓፍተይ
‘ቲ ወረጃ ህዝበይ
ምስ ዉሕሉል መንግስተይ
ሕልመይ ዘስመሩለይ
ዘሕፈሩ ጸላእተይ
ዝዓቀቡ ኤረይ
ክብሪ መንነተይ

ሰሚሮም ሓቢሮም
ኢድን ጓንትን ኮይኖም
ሕሰም ተጻዊሮም
ግዜኦም ወፍዮም
መስዋእቲ ከፊሎም
ዘውሕሱ ሃገሮም

ኣብ ሓቂ ረጊጾም
ኣስናኖም ነኺሶም
ዓሎቕ ከይረበሾም
ዝስዕሩ ጸላእቶም

ተሓበን ተነየት
ጻማኻ ‘ዩ ዓወት
ኣንታ ክቡር ሓየት

Nov 16, 2018 12:26 PM

ኣብ ፌስታ ኣለኹ!

ኣባይ ተሳዒሩ
ማዕቀብ ተላዒሉ
ኣብ ታሪኽ ሰፊሩ
ሓጐስ ደስታ ኮይኑ

ህድኣት ሰላም ሰፊኑ
ሓፋሽ ተሓቢኑ
ጸላእቱ ኣርዒሙ
ኣብ ሓቂ ኣድኒኑ

ኣነ ብወገነይ
ካብ ውሽጢ ካብ ልበይ
ምስ ህዝበይ ኣዕሩኹተይ
ስድራይ ጎሬበተይ
ሳዕሲዐ ዓሊለ
ተቛጻጽየ ዘሊለ
እንኳዕ ኣሐጐሰና ኢለ

መዓስ ቀሊል ነሩ
‘ቲ መኸተ ትሩ
ኣንጻር ጓሓላሉ

ወሲዱ እንድዩ ሂወት
እታ ዝኸበረት
ናይ ቡዙሓት ሓየት
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Nov 15, 2018 5:23 PM

Dear Present, I am ready for you.

Dear past, I survived you.

Eritrean struggle ends only in victory. As Napoleon Bonaparte once said victory belongs to most persevering. What does persevering mean? Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty, obstacles and discouragement without giving up. We are abide accepting the challenges and believing in ourselves and to become more dedicate and keeping our pride and never quit or give up until we succeed. Peace is the beauty of life. We always stand against evil. This victory or past victory were each of us contributed and committed to Eritrea’s victory. We work hard together toward a this outcome. Eritrean who live in Europe, America, and Africa.

Dear Present , I am ready for you.

Now, we need to give our dear Eritrean friends a big hug, how thankful we are to have people like them in our life. So, thank you from the bottom of our heart for being Eritrean friends. We want them to know that we deeply appreciate their support and selfless love. They are always so kind and patient with us. We need even write them letter to let them know.

Dear future, I am coming to you.

The past can not be changed. We should not dwell in the past. The future is yet in our power. Our vision is to make Eritrea (Eritrean Anthem)
“Will build up and make her green” (ንህንጻ ንልምዓት ክንሰርሕ) (give for good cause today the cost of a $5.00 latte, to make Eritrea green)

“We shall honor her with progress” (ስልጣኔ ከነልብሳ ግርማ)
“We have a word to her to embellish” (ሕድሪ'ሎና ግምጃ ክንስልማ)

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Nov 15, 2018 1:34 PM

ረዚን ህዝቢ

ክቡር ዜጋ - ህዝቢ ኤርትራ
ተፈታዊ ከም ወይኒ ዘለላ
ወትሩ ድሙቕ ከምቲ ወርቂ ዛራ
ከም ናይ ብሻ ሓጺን ድባሩዋ

ፈታው ሓቂ ሩህሩህ እንካ ሃባ
ጎይታ ጽንዓት ኣብ መከራ ራህዋ
ጭዋ ህዝቢ ጻዕዳ ከም ዓለባ

ሞጒቱ ዝረትዕ
መኪቱ ዘዅርዕ
ካብ ህዝብታት ብጹዕ

ትርፎ ስራሕ ዘይፈቱ ዘረባ
ንፍቕሪ ንሰላም ኩልሳዕ መርሃባ
ዘየፍቅድ ንዓመጽ ወረራ

ሰሪሑ ዝዕንገል ዝጽይን ምጽወታ
በላዕ ናቱ ስስዐ ዘይፈልጣ
ንበር ክበር ርትዒ ከተጽልላ
ዓለም ጸፋር እስኻ መምህራ
Nov 14, 2018 5:48 PM


We have resolutely fought against the UNjust sanctions for which no evidence for the culpability of Eritrea in what it had been accused has been provided to date. We have endured unthinkable sufferings,and ills aimed at our social fabric and long-term sustainability. We have been building our nation despite the many obstacles that were thrown against us--all while waiting and working for the victorious conclusion that came to light last June and is highlighted by the lifting of the sanctions today. We now redouble our efforts for accelerated nation building. JUST CAUSE, RESISTANCE, PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE, RESILIENCE! Those are the components of our VICTORY!

Nov 14, 2018 1:08 AM
ዮሃና! ዮሃና!
እንኳዕ ኣሐጐሰና
ድሕሪ መኸተ ዓወት
ኤርትራዊ ሕላገት

ሓፋሽ ኣይተኻእለን
ኣብ ጸበባ ጸገም
መኪቱ ሲዒሩ
ሓቂ ኣመስኪሩ

መንቀኛ ደኒኑ
ንሓቂ ሪዒሙ
ሓደ ድምጺ ኮይኑ
እገዳ ኣልዒሉ
ፍትሓዊ መሲሉ

ሓፋሽ ክምስ ኢሉ
ከብዱ ብሕሩሩ
ትማሊ ዘኪሩ
‘ቲ ወጽዓ በደሉ

ዮሃና ዮሃና
እንኳዕ ኣሐጐሰና
ከም ጸሓይ ምድማቕና
ዓወት ‘ዩ ጻማና

ዕድመ ንሻዕብያ
ኢንጅነር ‘ዚ ቕያ
ምስ ጹኑዕ ህዝብና
ዓወት ዘብቅዓና
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Nov 13, 2018 5:42 PM

Critical Thinking

If we want Eritrea to advance in technology what do we need to know? We need to understand the western culture in order to advance in technology. I can share with you how they have advance in technology. Sometimes it is harder to understand your own culture because you live in it but for someone like me who was an immigrant who tried to understand the western culture, it was not easy either at first because I didn’t speak German or English. So, it was more difficult to understand it without a languages. First it took me a few years to learn the German languages, second it took more years to understand their culture. The best way to learn a language and to know culture is to live in it or work or go to school with them by observing, and experienced it their values. Even western themselves don’t see it their own culture how it is from different angle because they have accepted their own way of teaching of the educational system. While I was questioning it why math was taught the way it is today, it didn’t not make sense to me how it was taught currently, most of them they didn’t mind it because they have already accepted. For me, I couldn’t accept it without analyze it and understood the virtue. The virtue was not clear to me. I didn’t care that I got good grade or not, I did not have faith on their educational system and most of them were paying thousands of dollars to be educated, I on the other hand from the beginning their teaching was to abstract. There are many things that we do in our own culture that we take it for granted, we don’t question it either, we just do it. I will give you an example, when a priest comes to our home we kiss the cross but we don’t even know what kind of cross it is? we kissed without knowing shape and what the shape is. Even if it is cross we have no idea what kind of cross it is? And what I found out about the western culture is also the same thing what they learn in school subjects is that their previous philosophers and scientist have already designed abstractly how they should learned it . I had no choice to learn what everybody was learning, specially mathematics, even though no one can tell me the application for it and I was not happy to learn something without known what it is use for. It didn’t feel it from the beginning how it was graphed with all the fluxion (curve). It didn’t seem to have any connection with technology. I kept asking what was the purpose what I was learn this kind of mathematics. I was getting excuses after excuses that it will useful later but I wanted to know now if it is useful at all. The western educational system is very abstract unless critically you think about it, it very hard to figure out the virtue.

It is by chance that I got an answer what the problem was with mathematical graphing and other. In order to understand all this technology that was made with artificial Intelligence, it seems that one require more understanding of electronics but it actual require more understanding of mathematics. Not the kind of mathematics that is taught in school or universities, the kind of mathematics that is not taught in public schools. Am I saying there is other kind of mathematics? Oops! Did I say that? አፈዲሔዮም::

What we need to focus is in mathematics not so much in electrical and electronics. Even though it seems that the electronics works with electricity but the rule are mathematics and it is called Boolean Algebra. ካብ ጉይይ ምዉዓል ክሳምሓዝ:: Mathematics.

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Nov 13, 2018 1:15 PM

ኮሪዐልኪ ኤረይ

ኤረይ ቀኒአልኪ
እወ ኮሪዐልኪ
ሓይሉ ሚስጢርኪ
ኣይጉነጽን ኢልኪ
እምባ ስዮራ ኰንኪ
ኣባይኪ ኣምበርኪኽኪ
ንኹሉ ማሪኽኪ
ደሚቑ ‘ቲ ስምኪ፧

‘ቲ ንእሽቶ ዓብዪ
ሓሳዊ ኣቃጣሪ
ጕሒላ መንጣሊ 
ቀታሊ ቀንጻሊ 
ንዓኻ ይሰሚ፧

የልዕሎ ‘ቲ ስምኪ
ሕሹኽሹኽ ይብለልኪ
የዕለብጥ ብኣኺ
ሰናይ ዘይሓልመኪ

ይቚንጡ ስጋኺ
የጸልም ታሪኽኪ
ከዐንቅፍ ጉዕዞኺ

ሓያሉ ድኹሙ
ዝግዕር ዓው ኢሉ
ብጋህዲ ብሕልሙ
ኤረይ ይብል ኩሉ
ርእሱ ኣዚርክሉ

ሓይሉ ፍትወትኪ
በርቲዑ ስሕበትኪ
'ቲ ሚስጢር ጽን ዓትኪ
ዝጨበጠ ሓቂ
ዓለም ኣገሪምኪ

መኪትኪ ሲዒርኪ
መጒትኪ ረቲዕኪ
ኤረይ መን ከማኺ፧

ስዩም ኢሉ ኣባይኪ
ዓልሊ ዓው ኢልኪ
ይቃላሕ ሓጐስኪ

ንበሪ ክበሪ 
ዓምብቢ ህጠሪ
ንደቅኺ በሊ
ዓይንኺ'ዩ እዝኒ
ኣባይኪ ዘለሊ
Nov 13, 2018 1:09 AM

ቀኒአልኪ ኤረይ

ኤረይ ቀኒአልኪ
እወ ኮሪዐልኪ
እንታይ ’ዩ ሚስጢርኪ
ንኹሉ ማሪኽኪ
ደሚቑ ‘ቲ ስምኪ፧

‘ቲ ንእሽቶ ዓብዪ
ሓሳዊ ኣቃጣሪ
ጕሒላ መንጣሊ
ቀታሊ ቀንጻሊ
ንዓኻ ይሰሚ፧

የልዕሎ ‘ቲ ስምኪ
ሕሹኽሹኽ ይብለልኪ
ይሻቐል ብኣኺ
ክፋእ ይኣልመልኪ

ይቚንጡ ስጋኺ
የጸልም ታሪኽኪ
ከዐንቅፍ ጉዕዞኺ

ሓያሉ ድኹሙ
ዝግዕር ዓው ኢሉ
ብጋህዲ ብሕልሙ
ርእሱ ኣዚርክሉ
ኤረይ ይብል ኩሉ

ሓይሉ ፍትወትኪ
በርቲዑ ስሕበትኪ
ንኹሉ ኣምበርኪኽኪ
ኣብ ሓቂ ረጊጽኪ

ስዩም ኢሉ ኣባይኪ
ዓልሊ ዓው ኢልኪ
የቃልሕ ሓጐስኪ

ንበሪ ክበሪ
ዓምብቢ ህጠሪ
ንደቅኺ በሊ
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Nov 12, 2018 10:05 PM

Let's Buy Fruit Seeds and Flower Tree Seeds to make Eritrea beautiful!

Dear Dehai members,

Let's Buy Fruit Seeds and Flower Tree Seeds to make Eritrea beautiful!

Few years ago I visited Sawa and we planted lemon tree about 3000. I was thinking why did we planted only lemon trees in Sawa. Among the best varieties for our hot dry climate are plums, pomegranates, peaches, apricots, and figs, they all grow beautifully in Eritrea. The best variety to plant is the wonderful. Those fruits tree even better, they do not need a lot of watering. We can also grow flower tree that can make Eritrea beautiful.

We can make Eritrea beautiful by planting fruits trees and flowers. Please donate today the cost of a $5.00 latte, You have the power to see beauty. Please see the see the link below for more detail.

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Nov 9, 2018 4:39 PM


ኣታ ማዓዱለይ ኣይፋልካን በሉለይ
እዚ ወይጦ ኣጽሚምዎ እዝነይ
እዚ ሃሱስ ሂቡኒ ዘይሕብረይ
ኣቖጢዑ ኣቕሒርዎ ልበይ

ይኣክል ኣሽካዕላል ንገሩለይ
ነቲ ዝሓበረ ምስ ኩሎም ጸላእተይ
ዝነገደ ብወጽዓ በደለይ
ዘጸለመ ንጽንዓት መኸተይ

ነውራም 'ዩ ተግባሩ ንጥፈቱ
ሰባብ 'ዩ ዕላማ መልእኽቱ
ዓወት ህዝቢ እናሻዕ ዘናሹ
ፉቱሕ ስረ ዑሱብ ናይ ጎይቶቱ

ዘይማሃር ካብ ሕሉፍ ፍሽለቱ
ብቑሩብ ቁራቦ ዝሸጠ ክብረቱ
ናይ ታሪኽ ሓተላ ዘይኮነ ዘዘንቱ

ጥርጣሬ ይዘርእ ሚሂዙ  ኲዒቱ
በቃ! ከይሓፈረ ብቐትሪ ሸፊቱ
ኣብ ሾሻል ሜድያ ኣዝጊቡ ዓሪዱ
ወጊሑ ይዓርቦ ሃብሮማት ከናሹ

ራኢ-ኣልቦ ዘይጥምት ኣርሒቑ
ጸቢብ ርእሲ ዘይሓስብ ኣዕሚቑ
ዘደናግር ሓሶት መሚሒቑ
ጸረ-ሃገር ካብቶም ዝወደቑ

ፎ በልዎ ቀልቢ ኣይትሃብዎ
ፌራ 'ዩ ፈውሲ ዘይርከቦ
ዝተለኽፈ ብሕማም ጎደቦ
ብገንዘብ ድዩ ድሕረት እንታይ ክንብሎ? 
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Nov 8, 2018 4:20 PM

There are 4 type of attitudes and 4 type of personality.

Positive, Negative, Neutral and Sikken

A person who has sikken attitude try to destroy everyone image that comes in connection with a poitive image. This type of attitude is more of a negative attitude and is very destructive. A negative attitude is not constructive, it promote fear and a narrowing of focus and the mind. A neutral attitude haven’t encountered one the other three other attitude to decide to use an attitude. A positive attitude has optimism views. When you think positive you can become successful in life. I am very positive about life in general.

There are also four type of personality.
 Sanguine, Choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic
Sanguine : Talkative, active, and social. Enthusiastic  
Choleric : Decisive goal oriented. Independent  
 analytical, detail oriented, and are deep thinkers
Phlegmatic: relaxed, peaceful, quiet, and easy-going

When you are dealing or selling things to people. Identify what type of personality that you are dealing with. Based the personality, you can sell them the product you want to sell. This is how you approach it. Let’s say you are dealing with Sanguine person who talkative, person. All you have to do is listen to him/her. You job is to listen not talk to much. He or she will do all the talking and all you have to do is sell to them what they are looking for. There are people who have phlegmatic personality who expect you to sell them and want to hear you what you can offer them. All they do is listen to you what you have got for them.

Other people have Choleric personality. People who has this type of personality, they know what they want. They know what they are looking for. Tell them what you have to offer, they will make decision whether they want it or not and very easy to deal with. Other have Choleric personality. They like to know all the details before they buy anything from you. Of course some have combination of two personalities. Do you know your own personality and your attitude is like? Have thought about it before? What kind of personalities and attitudes do you have?

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

ዮናታን ሰለሙን ርእሶም
Nov 7, 2018 9:11 PM

became paralyze after an accident

Dear Dehai members,

I am going to share with you about an Eritrean Artist who live in Munich Germany. His name is Kaleb. He paint beautiful pictures with his mouth because he was diagnosed paralyzed from neck down after he dove head first into the water hitting his head against a large rock. He was in coma for two weeks and after he woke up for the first weeks and months he could not understand what had happened to him that will regain his ability to move arms and legs in no time. Now he write and painting with a pen and brush by his mouth. How can I help him?

I can support him by encourage him and buying his art work and I can also help him again his full functionality of his body. This will be not make him happy but this can make people who are paralyze who want regain their ability to move arms and legs. At this point whoever become paralyze, will remain paralyzed until end of life. Or I can suggest an idea based on the understanding how science of movement works we can try my hypotheses. If it works fine and if my hypotheses doesn’t work that’s will be also fine because it is better to try and fail than not try and fail.

The reason Kaleb was unable to move from his neck down was because he lost connection his brain with the rest of his body after some of his energy was apart from his body.

The question is that how can paralyze person regain their energy back in order function normal. The second question is what kind of energy do we use to reconnect our brain with the rest of our body?

There are a lot of e people who became paralyze after an accident around world. The most famous person was Superman, Clark Kent his birth name was Kal-E. He fell down from a horse, he became paralyzed.

We are still learning about ourselves how we are created in this world. We don’t really understand everything how it works and why things happen. When we don’t have answer we just simply have to accept it. I am sure to some of us it bother us why this things happen to us.

We can try my hypotheses in Eritrea and if it works, Eritrea can be a hub for this kind of treatment.

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Yonatan Solomon Russom
Nov 7, 2018 3:33 PM

Applied Mathematics is about abstract of science of number, quantity and space.

Why Eritrea need to teach her students applied mathematics:

Applied mathematics can be applied to many fields, science, engineering, business, computer science and industry. Since mathematics can be applied to many fields, it is best if Eritrea focus on teaching her students the abstract of science of number, quantity and space.

We need to study about abstract science of numbers, quantity and space. This can help us later whatever field the student is going to specialize will have good background in numbers, quantity and space.

Applied mathematics deals with numbers, quantities and space. What are those three subjects? We talk about the abstract of science of numbers, it is about number theory that deals strictly with number and how one can think logically through numbers and it also teach one how to think step by step in order to achieve particular end.

It teaches one how to proceed, operate, take action step by step. After the number theory one can also learn about quantities. Why each process has certain steps. From the beginning to the end how many action has to take in order to complete the task.

We can use variables to quantify the number of steps we have to take action. The last abstract of science of space is about visualizing as picture. We should be able to see it how it looks in shape on space term.

How it looks like two or more dimension and Space. We need to be able to visualize multi dimension mathematically. How does it look a shape that has several dimensions? This helps us visualizing in space which is the third abstract of science of space. Applied mathematics is a combination of mathematical science and trained knowledge.

If Eritrea want to advance in science, engineering, business, or computer science, and industry, applied mathematics can be very helpful and this kind of mathematics is intimately connected with research in pure mathematics.

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Yonatan Solomon Russom
Nov 6, 2018 5:25 PM

Eritrea before & After 1991

Eritrean have been looking towards the future since 1961. We had a good plan to prosper and grow very quickly by relying on ourselves. We set on self reliance policy expectations for ourselves during our struggle for our independence day 1991. We do not want to create a culture of dependency that shackles African countries into a cycle of poverty. The Eritrean government vows not to lead another “spoon-fed” Eritrea. Our faith was tested since 1991. We are against Hunger, racism, and strongly advocates the principal of self-reliance as the only way to freedom and prosperity. This idea of Eritrea becoming and known for whispers promises of freedom. Initially, this sounded impossible, we were Told it is better for us to focus on our survival until we become strong and prosperous country. We knew that we were going to face a lot challenges a head of us, we did and we still have a lot of challenges a head of us to build Eritrea, they way we want it.

As we do start get matured and stable politically, and financially, we will start enjoying our life and take advantage of the freedom that we have now. It is not only us, other will have enjoying our freedom as well. When we make the choices for our future How we want to be that all of us are equal and deserve equal support and education, we get the respect due to our responsibilities. The experience and fighting for equality taught us to be matured and shape us to be Eritrean. Just like a lion how he react to situation. How we perceive experiences, how we react to them, self-reflection after the fact and the way that we carry on after the fact. At the end of the day, we are judged by how responsible Eritrean are. We heard it from the Ethiopian people, how surprise they were that we are not materialistic people. No one told us or helped us or show us this expectations. We figure out how we should carry ourselves. We are doing our best to serve our people.

Eritrean leaders are our example how we should carry ourselves. They are like us and live in our neighborhoods, they make different decisions to support our cause. Our leaders are actually very much like us. Even some of us live and own better Houses and cars. I respect them doing the best they can to be a good role models to us.

As Eritrean, we are very responsible. You don’t see in the street of Asmara, police are asking for bribe, like Kenya, Uganda or other African countries. Our life is very straightforward. We are very self-focused because we have to be. We have ourselves to look after. Most us we have obligations and responsibilities. Our attention is directed towards our country and people and we say all the time Awet Nihafash.

We have big dreams to be self-reliance, it is very hard to achieve these dreams. It takes tons of work and self-sacrifices. We are working hard and suffer a lot to be the country we want. We are seeing the fruit, progress slowly but surely. We are learning from our experiences as much as we can. Taking those experiences, and let them shape us into being stronger, smarter, and better Eritrea.

Awet Nihafash
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Germany & Eritrea
Nov 2, 2018 7:40 PM

Eritrea & Germany

As much as Germany has influence over European Union, Eritrea has as much influence over IGAD.

This what I will address to IGAD members,

Dear IGAD members,

As you already know our region is becoming very important interesting to the big power. Eritrea is watching and analyzing the situation very carefully. We need to be careful how we do business relationship in our region. We have to request equal partnership in our business partnership. If it does not Benefit our people, it would not be worth it to have partnership. In this region we need to think and work together, the western country like Germany Can not use divide and rule to control other. We need to send them clear message, we are IGAD. Either they work with IGAD or to find other partner. We have already suffered enough from colonialism. We do not want another illegal occupation in Africa. We know what happen to Gadafi, Meles Zenawi

Other world leaders. IGAD does not allow divide and rule and this is our number one rule. Germany or other has no right to middle in our politics. Germany has its own history. We have our own history. They should respect our IGAD rules or need to stay away from our region. We rather partner with China than dealing with colonist mentality or divide and rule.

As much as Germany has influence over European Union, Eritrea has as much influence over IGAD.

Thank you

Nov 2, 2018 1:40 AM
ህረምዎ ርእሱ
ኣቲ ተመን ጭርኡ 'ተቖርጸ
ተሃሪሙ ሕቚኡ ዘይሞተ
ብተንኮበት ገና ዘይተገንዘ
ኣብ ምስሓግ ዘሎ ዝሰምበደ
ድገምዎ ርእሱ ክሓልፍ ክድበ

ነባሪ ክቐስን ክዕልል ብሞቱ
ረይስኡ ኣርእይዎ ኣብ ጉድጓድ ክኣቱ  
ሓመድ ከፍስሰሉ ከይስስን ሂወቱ 

የጥፋኣዮ ገጹ እዚ መርዛም ተመን
ነውራም ኣሸባሪ ብማንም ዘይእመን
 መይቱ ዘይተቐብረ ብገበ ዝህደን

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