ፍቕሪ ፈለማ ======= ፍቕሪ ፈላማ ንሂወተይ ጣዕማ ኣብ ኩሉ ሓኪማ ኣቃባጥረለይ ከም ቈልዓ መብጽዓ ስዓሞ ከንፈረይ ዓይንኻ ኣዓሚትካ አንተላይ ክሳደይ ከም ጠበቕ ለጊብካ ኮበርታ ኩነኒ ኣብ ልበይ ደቂስካ ፍትወትካ ግለጾ ብሽምጠይ ሓቚፍካ ሕሹኽ ኣይትረስዕ ኣብ እዝነይ ልጊብካ ኣቕልበሉ ዓይነይ ቁርጽርጽ ቃላተይ ጽን በሎ ትንፋሰይ ትርግታ ናይ ልበይ ቴርሞ መተር ኮንካ ዓቅኖ ሙቖተይ ሓጐሰይ ኣድምቆ ከም ቀውዒ ዘራእቲ ነባሪ ግበሮ ለይቲ ምስ መዓልቲ ዘይውላዕ ዘይጠፍእ ከም ጸሓይ መብራህቲ ቀልበኒ ፍቕሪ ኣይደልን እንጀራ ወርቂ ስልማቱ ይትረፈኒ ሓራ ፍቕሪ ሰልመኒ ዘይብሉ መዘና
“ጎለይ ሪኢኻ ሕለበኒ በለት ላም” ================== ኣታ ዘይጸዓድ፡ ለዋህ ጅግና ህዝቢ መዓስ በቒቐልካ፡ ትሕዝቶ ዘሎኒ ኣይረሃወን ገና፡ ኢድ'ዩ ሓጺሩኒ ዘይብላ ኣደስ ካብ እምኒ ትጸንዕ እንዳኣሉ ኮይንኒ ኣንታ ለባም ቁቡእ ሽግርና ከይሓጽር፡ ከይምዕር ሂወትና ጸላኢ በዚሑ፡ ዘዐንቅፍ ጉዕዞና ወያነ ወሪሩ፡ ወኪል ጸላኢና ማዕቀብ ተወሲኹ፡ ክሳዓር ንያትና ግና ኣይከኣሉን፡ መሊስና ሰዊድና ኤርትራ ዓዂዃ፡ ሸርሕታት ሲዒራ ክብሪ ተሓልዩ፡ ንምርሽ ኣሎና ገበተ ኣይዓረፈን፡ ደመኛ ጸላኢ ሸርሑ ይቐያይር፡ ሕሰምና ክርኢ ንቃሓሉ ድኣ፡ መኸተና ነዕቢ እቲ ሓፍ-ዞቕ ጉዕዞ፡ ክሓጽር ብተሎ ድኽነት መከራ፡ ኲዕትና ክንቀብሮ ንጠምት ውሽጥና፡ ቅልጽምና ነሕብሮ እንሆ'ኳ ድሮ: ራህዋ ተቐልቂሉ፡ ልብና ዘረስርስ ረሃጽካ ዘፍረዮ፡ ንኹሉ ዘሓጉስ ህላዌ ሃገርና፡ መጻኢና ዘውሕስ ንስራሕ ጥራሕ!!
ደርሆ ነቆ ====== ከመስግን ክዝክር ነቲ ብነጻ ዘገልግል ስዓታት ዝነግር ተባዕታይ ደርሆና ደወል ናይ ገዛና ዘባራብረና ዝዕየ ‘ተለና ኣይተፈጥረን ከምኡ ዝፈልጥ ስዓቱ በሪሁ ጸልሚቱ ስዓቱ ሓልዩ ይንቊ ዓው ኢሉ ይደግም ናይ ሓይሉ ኩሉ ክሰምዓሉ
Must listen interview
Eritrea-SA relationship has developed in leaps and bounds - Ambassador Iqbal Jhazbhay
ኣይተባራቡሩኒ ======== ኣበይ ኣላ ኣበይ'የ ዝረኽባ መልክዕ ጠባይ ውነይ ዝዓብደላ ዕንቊ ባሕሪ ኩሉ ሰብ ዝሃድና ቁሊሕ ኢለ ክረኽባ ጺዒረ ተመንየ ጸልየ ኣንቃዕሪረ ተኾነለይ ሕልመይ ተሰመረ ለባም ሸገ ጎደሎ ዘይብላ ካብ ፍጡራት ንሳ'ያ በይና ኣብ ድቃሰይ ይረኽባ የዕልላ ብር ተበልኩ ይሓርቕ ይጉሂ ሕልሚ ፍቕረይ ዘይትፈቱ ጋህዲ ዝመሓለት ጸሓይ ከይትርኢ ወሲነ ኣብ ድቃስ ክነብር ፍቕራ ክምገቦ ኣይደልይን መግቢ በሊዕካ ትሸኖ ከይተባራቡሩኒ ሕቑፎኣ ከይስእኖ
ዝምነያ ሓዳር ======= ሙውቕ ሓዳር ሓጐስ ዝመልኣ ገዛ ኣምላኽ እሕሕ ዘይስምዓ ስኒት ፍቕሪ ፍሽኽታ መልክዓ ዘዛራበት ጐረቤት ጎደቦ ኩሉ ሙሉእ እንጀራ ኣጂቦ ናብራ ጻድቃን ህድኣት ዝመልኦ ኣብ ጸሎቱ እዝጊ ዘይርስዓ ብቐትሪ ብለይቲ ባዕሉ ዝባርኻ ክትፈሪ ክትዕምብብ ቃሉ ዝቐብኣ ሓቡሩኒ ኣበይ’የ ዝረኽባ ንገሩኒ ከመይ’የ ዘቑማ ሓዳር ትምኒት ክልተ ኣዕኑዳ ባህጊ ልበይ ሕልመይ ዝቐረጻ
We are working on a password field to allow editing of posts. Unfortunately, the current reCAPTCHA is best tool available to prevent spam.
Dehai Admin
፩ይ "ብዕራይ ናብ ዘበለ የብል ዕርፊ ጥራይ ነጽንዕ" ድምጻዊት ፍረሂወት በሪሁ ኣብ ዝኽሪ ምሕራር ባጽዕ 2011
፪ይ "ክንድቅስ ክንትንስእ ኤርትራ ኣይንረስዕ" ነፍሰሄር ኣቦይ ሓጂ ስራጅ መሓመድ ኣብ ህዝባዊ ኣኼባ ዞባ ደቡብ ምስ ክቡር ፕረሲደንት ኢሳያስ 2007?
፫ይ "ኣስላማይ ክስታናይ ወሲ ቆላ ደጋ፡ ንምኽሪ ጸላኢ ኣይትሃቦ ዋጋ...ከይትኸውን ዕዳጋ" ኣቶ ኣተወብርሃን ሰጊድ ኣብ ሓምሳታት/ሱሳታት?
The bottom line: love Eritrea, defend its existence and regardless on what you may think of the government, NEVER BETRAY your country and remember governments can be changed by the Eritrean people, but Eritrea is ALWAYS Eritrea and let's keep it that way!
ርሑስ ኣውድዋመትን Happy 2017!
“The smallest good deed is better than the best intention.” ተጨባጢት ንእሽቶ ሓገዝ ካብ ጽቡቕ ተብግሶ እታ ዝበለጸት ድምቕቲ’ያ ናይ ልቢ ዕጋበት ካብ ወርቂ ትምዘን ዋላ ተናኣሰት ስለዚ ኣይትበል ዕግንግን ብንእሽቶይ ጀምር ኤርትራ ዘማዕብል ጽቡቕካ ዝነግር ሕልና ዘቕስን ኣይትሰከፍ ርእስኻ ኣይተድንን ጽቡቕ ግበር ሞራልካ ዘሐንን ይንኣስ ይዕበ ኣብነት ዝኸውን ኤርትራ ሃገርና ዘጎልብት ዘሐብን ምስ ወዲ ሰብ ኣምላኽ ዘማሳግን ኣብ መሬት ኣብ ሰማይ ንኹሉ ዘአምን
Dear ስእለ,
Thank you for your feedback. We will work on the items you suggested.
Dehai Admin
ፈታሕ ሽግር ====== ብገዛእቲ ምድራ ዝባደመት በሊሕን ህርኩትን ደቃ ዝሰኣነት ከይትምዕብል ሓሳድ ዝረኸበት ኩሉ ኣብቂዑ ጀሚራ ክትህነጽ ርኣዩ'ዶ እታ ጻዕራም ኣደ ሃብሮም ዋዕሮ ትሰርሕ ከም ጻጸ ዘይእግማ ናይ ገዛ ናይ ደገ ኣብ ዝባና ቈልዓ ተሓንጊጣ ጭዃሮን ባዴላን በቲ ሓደ ኢዳ ትወናጨፍ ትግርብ መሬታ ከይብሕጎግ ክዕቀብ ሓመዳ እቲ ንኡስ ተስፉው ተማሃራይ ናይ ሎሚ ናይ ጽባሕ ሕድሪ ተቐባላይ ይተክል ይኹስኩስ ተኸቲሉ ዋርሳይ ምስሊ ንህቢ ንዕረ ዘምዕሩ ንሰላም ንራህዋ ውሽጦም ዝግንጽሉ ኣብነት ሓድነት ብሓደ ዝሃሙ ፍቕሪ ጸሎት እምነቱ መዝሙሩ ቱኩር ህዝቢ ዝበልዕ ጫዂሩ ጐይታ መትከል ታሪኽ ምስክሩ ፈታሕ ሽግር ንሱ'ዩ ባዕሉ
Dear Dehai;
Happy Holidays! It looks you have been working on new Dehai website. Good luck on that. However, the Dehai – DMB is not working properly for now. Even it is not mirroring the old DMB version before we can enjoy the new Dehai. Anyways:
1. It is not allowing to create a password for editing purpose
2. It is not allowing to type in English. Only allowing in Tigrigna
Today, I was able to post a poem with a title እሽታ but it came out as a ሲዲ ንባብ። Please delete it entirely or allow me to create a password and I can edit it myself.
ዝኸበርኩም ድሃይ ኣድመን፣
ሓንቲ ግጥሚ ብ "እሽታ!" እትብል ኣርእስቲ ኣብ ደሃይ ዲምቢ ሊኢኸ ነረ። ግና ኣብ ክንዲ ብግጥሚ መልክዕ ትወጽእ ብስዲ ንባብ መልክዕ ወጺኣ ኣላ'ሞ ደምስስዋ ወይ ይዐሪኹም ኣውጽእዋ። ብወገነይ ክእርማ/አዲት ክገብራ ኣይከኣልኩን። ፓስ ዎርድ ክህልወኒ እዚ ሓድሽ ደሃይ ዌብ ሳይት ኣይፈቅድን እዩ። ኣይ ሚስ ኦልድ ደሃይ። እቲ ናይ እንግሊዘኛ ቨርዥን ድማ ይሰርሕ የለን።
እሽታ! === ኣታ ኣይትብከዩ ኣይትሕዘኑ ዓይንኹም ድረዙ ኣይትሕመሙ ሙዉት ዘይሪኦ ኣይትግበሩ ወርቃዊ ግዜኹም ኣይትቕተሉ ዝሞተስ ከይዱ'ዩ መምለሲ ዘይብሉ ኣብ መንግስተ-ሰማይ ይቀበሎ ባዕሉ ናይ ሙዉት ይትረፍ ሁሉዋት ጓስዩ ኣለዉ ቡዙሓት ብደዎም ዘብክዩ ካብ ስራሕ መኸተ ዝሓከሉ ዝጠፉኡ ንጀው ነየው ክብሉ ከዋቕዑ ዕድሜኦም ዘቑጸሩ ንህዝቦም ሃገሮም ዝብድሉ ማሓዛ እንስሳ ከም ኣድጊ ዝሃሉ ዑሩባት ሕልና መሳርሒ ጉሓሉ ባዶ ርእሲ ታሪኽ ዘይገንጸሉ ኣለዉ ዕንቅፋት ምዕባሌ ዝዓወኑ ስጉምቲ ከይከዱ ዝደኸሙ ተስፋ-ኣልቦ ርእሶም ዝሓመሙ ዓቕሊ እንጣጢዕ ሽሮ ዘይበሰሉ RIP Aboy Sheikh Siraj Mohamed!
ጉዕዞ ሂይወት ======= ጉዕዞ ሂይወት መዓስ ልሙጽ ኮይኑ ዓቐብ ቁልቁል ዓሚቝ’ዩ ሚስጢሩ ዓቕሊ ይሓትት ክትበጽሖ ንኹሉ ክትብርብሮ ሰፈፉ መዓሩ ሓጐስ ሓዘን ኣብ ሂይወት ዘጽልሉ ራህዋ ስእነት ኣብ ሰብ ዝዕንትሩ ዓወት ውድቀት ዘይነጻጸሉ ፍቕሪ ጽልኢ ሰባት ዘጸለሉ ተጻረርቲ ኩሎም ኣዉኡ ኣለዉ ቀመም ሂወት ‘ዮም ምሳና ዝነብሩ ኣይሓሙ ኣይሞቱ ወርትግ ዝቕጽሉ ብመርገም ምርቓ ዘይስወሩ ሓጐስ ሓዘን ኣብ ሂይወት ዘጽልሉ ራህዋ ስእነት ኣብ ሰብ ዝዕንትሩ ዓወት ውድቀት ዘይነጻጸሉ ፍቕሪ ጽልኢ ሰባት ዘጸለሉ ተጻረርቲ ኩሎም ኣዉኡ ኣለዉ ብጸሎት ምህለላ ዘይሕበሉ ተጻባእቲ ኣይቀትሉ ኣይምሕሩ ጉዕዞ ሂይወት ዘሕስሙ ዘምዕሩ ፈውሲ-ኣልቦ ኣእላፍ ዘደንገሉ “ሂወት ጉዕዞ’ያ፡ ምዕራፍ ኣይኮነትን፥ ስለዚ እቲ ጉዕዞ ኣስተማቕሮ።”
President Isaias Sends Message to Foreign Leaders
Asmara, 1 January 2017 - President Isaias Afwerki sent a message to several Heads of State and Government on the advent of the New Year once again drawing their attention to continued injustices meted to Eritrea. The President underlined that such indefensible acts not only contravene fundamental tenets of international law and morality but are also fraught with perilous threats to regional peace and security.
Recalling that 14 years have elapsed since the adoption of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission ruling on the border delimitation and demarcation, the President pointed out that sovereign Eritrean territories still remain under occupation. In this connection, he called on the leaders to ensure the respect of the rule of law.
President Isaias went on to underline that the Eritrean people have been wronged several times at the hands of the UN in the past and as such they deserve redress and reparations for the wrongs done and not continued and unjustified punishment.
In regard to the illegal and unfair sanctions against Eritrea, the President noted that the unjustifiable sanctions were passed deceitfully on fabricated charges which had no basis on law or facts. President Isaias stressed that the main purpose of the sanctions was to deflect international attention from the occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories and thereby corner Eritrea from advocating its legitimate rights.
President Isaias underlined that the continued wrong doings against the Eritrean people, coupled with the occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories constitute harm beyond reparation and called on the UN Security Council to rectify its errors without further delay.
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