World News

Antibiotics: what the future looks like

Posted by: The Conversation

Date: Thursday, 19 October 2023

The Conversation is present in nine jurisdictions around the world. This means that we now have access to the world’s top experts on the most pressing issues facing us. One of these is the fact we are running out of effective antibiotics.

We wanted to know if experts were optimistic about the future of antibiotics. The health editors across all our editions put me in touch with some of the brightest minds working on this problem, and I reached out with a simple question: will we still have antibiotics in 50 years? Reassuringly, they all said yes. But all had major caveats.

US President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel has not reduced fears that the conflict could draw in others in the region. Chief among them is Hezbollah, the militant group and political party based across Israel’s northern border in Lebanon. Julie M Norman explains its relationship with Hamas.

Alexandra Hansen

Deputy Editor and Chief of Staff

Will we still have antibiotics in 50 years? We asked 7 global experts

André O. Hudson, Rochester Institute of Technology; Fidelma Fitzpatrick, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences; Juliana Côrrea, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/EAESP); Lori L. Burrows, McMaster University; Raúl Rivas González, Universidad de Salamanca; Roy Robins-Browne, The University of Melbourne; Yori Yuliandra, Universitas Andalas

We asked 7 global experts in microbiology and biochemistry if we are headed towards a future with no antimicrobial agents.

Hamas and Hezbollah: how they are different and why they might cooperate against Israel

Julie M Norman, UCL

Hezbollah’s full involvement in the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflict would likely open up a regional war.

Compatible seabirds may make better parents, but personality clashes can lead to family tragedy and ‘divorce’

Fionnuala McCully, University of Liverpool

Like humans, seabirds seem less likely to part ways when they have relationships built on similar personalities.


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