World News

Music in the DRC | Parachute research

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Tuesday, 29 January 2019


Editor's note

Musicians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have always been on the receiving end of patronage networks. Will this change under President Félix Tshisekedi? Thomas Salter argues that musicians in the country are likely to face the same invidious choice - accept the patronage of the powers that be, or face the consequences.

“Parachute research” is all too common in developing countries. This involves scientists and research groups from developed countries conducting research and collecting data in poorer parts of the world, publishing their findings in prestigious journals – and giving little or no credit to their local collaborators. Moses John Bockarie says there’s a growing push back against this practice, and offers concrete examples of equitable alternatives.

Charles Leonard

Arts + Culture Editor

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