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Biden is the most corrupt President in U.S. history.

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Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Biden is the most corrupt President in U.S. history.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

It’s a fact that gets no attention from ‘historians’ and from America’s ‘news’-media, but a consistently established fact nonetheless. As always, for a recent example, the New York Times left it hidden, when they headlined on June 10th “How the Federal Election Commission Went From Deadlock to Deregulation”, as they mentioned only in passing, that “At the center of the shift [to allow unlimited corruption] is Commissioner Dara Lindenbaum, a Democrat who has repeatedly crossed the aisle to vote with her Republican colleagues since President Biden appointed her and she was confirmed by the Senate in a 54-38 vote in 2022.” In other words: on the topic of corruption, Biden supports traditional Republican-Party views that have previously been pushed for by Republican politicians, who get a bigger proportion of their campaign-funding from the rich and their corporations than Democrats do. 

On two issues, Joe Biden has, in fact throughout his career, followed through to implement Republican-Party views, instead of Democratic-Party views: the issues on which he does this are his pushing and leading (though only behind the scenes) for more legalized political corruption, and for legal protection of continuing racial segregation — and each of these two issues is a major ‘libertarian’ (for the super-rich) part of Republican-Party viewpoints (which might be called “hyper-capitalism” — and which the Democrtic Party has only in recent decades come to support also).

On 25 October 2019, Lee Fang at The Intercept headlined “JOE BIDEN’S SUPER PAC IS BEING ORGANIZED BY CORPORATE LOBBYISTS FOR HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY, WEAPONS MAKERS, FINANCE”, and he reported that among the billionaires who were planning a PAC to support Joe Biden’s campaign was Bernard Schwartz. On that same day, I headlined "Biden Backer — Former Lockheed Leader — Convinces Biden to Sell-Out”, and I reported that the “Former Lockheed leader” who was leading this effort, was Schwartz, himself, formerly a Chairman of Lockheed Martin, the company that sells more to the U.S. Government than does any other — it’s by far (p. 8) the largest federal ‘defense’ (actually aggression) contractor. 

In other words: if Biden does become re-elected the U.S. President, then he will be (as he has been) heavily in debt to the world’s biggest weapons-maker, a corporation whose profits are totally dependent upon selling to the U.S. Government and to its allied governments such as in NATO, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Israel. This is exactly the opposite of what America’s Founding Fathers urged subsequent generations of Americans to do. They were very wise. Joe Biden is not. But he’s cunning about how to serve his megadonors.

Only an uninformed person would expect such a President to be seeking Mid-East peace. Biden would instead be seeking the standard neoconservative’s objective, “Peace Through Strength” — in other words, fear-mongering the public against ‘America’s enemies’, and ‘love’-mongering for ‘America’s allies’ (such as NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.). That’s the opposite of what, for example, George Washington urged the American people to do. 

Biden’s relying upon people such as Bernard Schwartz to place him into the White House is the worst possible form of selling himself out — selling-out to America’s “Military Industrial Complex” or “MIC.”

But the reason why such people as Schwartz want Biden to become and remain the President is that, consistently, Biden has been precisely such a war-monger or “neoconservative” as they are, have always been wanting — such as when Biden helped to lead Democrats in the U.S. Senate who backed the 2003 invasion of Iraq. That wasn’t a ‘mistake’ by him as he now claims — it was the way Joe Biden has always been. And, the former Chairman of Lockheed Martin knew that Biden still remains that way.

On 23 October 2019, Luke Darby at GQ magazine, had headlined “How Biden Helped Strip Bankruptcy Protection From Millions Just Before a Recession”. Joe Biden was the leading Democrat in Congress backing and pushing for the George W. Bush and Republican-backed ‘bankruptcy reform’ bill which passed, in the Senate, with 18 Senate Democrats for the 'bankruptcy reform' bill, while 25 Democrats were against it. All 55 Republicans were for it.

In the U.S. House, the Independent Bernie Sanders voted against. All 229 Republicans were for. 73 Democrats there were for, 125 were against. Biden led that minority of Democrats who helped to pass this Republican bill.

A lot of Biden supporters said that Biden was “a real Democrat” and that Sanders was no Democrat at all (since he’s an Independent who merely caucuses with the Senate’s Democrats). But Sanders voted like most Democrats did, and Biden voted like all Republicans did. 

Back when the ‘bankruptcy reform’ bill first was first being drafted in 1999, the Washington Post headlined “Creditors' Money Talks Louder in Bankruptcy Debate”  and reported that,

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), a key Judiciary Committee member who hails from the home base of credit card issuers MBNA Corp. and First USA, opposes the liberal faction's bill. "I'm not the senator from MBNA," he said.

Luke Darby’s article noted that,

MBNA hired Joe Biden's son Hunter in 1996. Even after Hunter became a federal lobbyist in 2001, he stayed on at MBNA as a consultant at a fee of $100,000 per year, meaning he was pulling in a six-figure salary at the same time his father was pushing for the industry's top priorities. Biden's interests were so aligned with MBNA's that in 1999 he was forced to defend himself by declaring, “I am not the senator from MBNA.”

Joe Biden has always expected voters to ignore his record and simply trust his promises because he’s a “regular Joe” like they are. He promises that he won’t keep promoting invasions of countries (such as Iraq) that never even so much as threatened the United States, and that he won’t keep supporting corporations that were his biggest financial backers. So, he said (and says), voters should just trust him to do the right thing. According to Open Secrets, headlining in 2008, ”The Money Behind Biden”, “His largest contributor over time has been credit card giant MBNA Corp.,” the credit-card issuer, “which, despite being acquired by Bank of America a few years ago, remains atop the list of Biden’s major contributors.” That company knew how to repay a debt, and they had a big debt, to him, to repay. In fact, while the ‘bankruptcy reform’ bill was being drawn up, during the 2000 political campaign-cycle, MBNA wasn’t merely Biden's #1 donor, but its employees donated over twice as much to his campaign as did his #2 donor during that cycle, and he delivered the goods so well that they owed him now even more.


And Senator Biden was very grateful to all of them after he won the Democratic nomination. It would be as usual in American politics, one corrupt politician up against another corrupt politician, each of whom is trusted by the voters in his own Party. Truth, to them, makes no difference; but, in a land where truth makes no difference, does “democracy” even mean anything, other than an empty slogan, and ‘constitutional’ formalities?

On 27 November 2007, C-Span showed a Joe Biden Town Hall. A brief clip from that was posted online as “User Clip: Joe Biden 2007, Money in Politics”, and here’s my transcription from what I consider to be the most revealing (about Biden’s values) part of it:

“User Clip: Joe Biden 2007, Money in Politics”

27 November 2007, Iowa Town Hall

(0:40-) People who accept money [from lobbyists] aren't bad people. But it’s human nature. You go out and bundle $250,000 for me, all legal, and then you call me after I am elected, and say “I would like to come and talk about something.” You didn't buy me, but it’s human nature, you helped me. I’m going to say, “Sure, come on in.” … What it does mean, it means that the front of the line is always filled by people whose pockets are filled, people who are special interests. Most of you are no part of any special interest.

He went on there to promise that if elected President he will change that, by campaigning constantly (AFTER winning the Presidency — not BEFORE) against the corrupt system which had made him President. He thinks that his audience will believe in the tooth-fairy, if only he tells them that the tooth-fairy exists and that he’s it. The deceptive irrelevant line from all of the corrupt candidates is the same: “I’m the most electable one!” But corrupt people constantly lie, and nobody is actually certain whom the “most electable” one is; but that’s really not even the question here. What the Democratic primaries are actually about isn’t about beating Trump. He’s not even a candidate in the Democratic primaries. They’re not about ‘beating Donald Trump’, but instead about whom the person will be that’s going to be running against Trump in the general election. The primaries won’t be selecting the next President. They will only narrow the field of contenders, to two. Which two? That’s the question here. 

Furthermore: the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Republican National Committee (RNC) design and run the primaries, and don’t at all represent their voters but instead their mega-donors, who contribute over half of their campaigns’ funding and also control their ‘news’-media so as to put on the show that will fool the voters to think that if they choose between a candidate who represents one group of billionaires, against another candidate who represents a different group of billionaires, then that constitutes a “democracy” — but it doesn’t. Each of the Parties is a closed self-appointing club of members each of whom represents a group of billionaires, and the show that the club puts on for its voters is only to fool them, and all of the winners will follow-through only on the promises to their megadonors, not to their mere voters. (This fact has even been proven empirically by massive quantitative data.) They call that “democracy.” They lie.

As the People’s Party (which seeks a real revolution for democracy in America) reported on 28 September 2023,

An incumbent president has never lost a party primary [no matter how bad the incumbent happens to be]. In 2017, the DNC stated in court that its presidential primaries are a charade and that it picks the nominees. It stated that, as a private corporation, it is under no obligation to be impartial or follow its own rules. The court upheld this argument.

Furthermore, the DNC and the Biden campaign are essentially the same entity. Biden appointed DNC Chair Jamie Harrison, who is shutting down debates and rearranging the primary schedule according to Biden’s wishes. In February, the entire DNC unanimously endorsed Biden. The president’s campaign dictates the rules of the primary and can change them at will. At the convention, the party can even choose a nominee who didn’t run in the primary, as it did in 1968. This means that even if Biden dropped out, the DNC would still install someone like Gavin Newsom.

The Biden campaign is also the biggest donor to the DNC. Donations to the Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee with the DNC, financially sustain the party. It brings in hundreds of millions of dollars from big donors that flow to the DNC, all fifty state party organizations, and their vast array of staff, consulting firms, and vendors. The entire party ecosystem and everyone who profits from it would collapse if the party nominated Kennedy. This is why the party rigged the election against Bernie twice and why it will never choose RFK Jr. The party would rather lose with an establishment candidate who keeps the corporate money flowing than win with a populist.

Each of the Parties campaigns against the other Parties, each of which represents its respective mega-donors, all of whom together control the public (with the help of their ‘news’-media), so that the Government will never represent the public, but will instead represent some coalition of all of the billionaires — regardless of what the public needs. And this has even been repeatedly confirmed by scientific empirical studies in political science. So, this is the type of dictatorship that the U.S. Government actually is.

The result is that a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with their Government, regardless of which Party is in power. On 4 October 2023, Gallup headlined “Support for Third U.S. Political Party Up to 63%”, and reported “Sixty-three percent of U.S. adults currently agree with the statement that the Republican and Democratic parties do ‘such a poor job’ of representing the American people that ‘a third major party is needed.’” (Gallup said nothing there about the people whom the U.S. Government does represent: its billionaires.)

Of course, lots of Democrats think that any Democrat will be better than Trump. And lots of Republicans believe that Trump is better than any Democrat. There is a sucker born every second; and, so, people believe this way, and their Party thus ends up having lousy individuals carrying its banner, such as both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were in 2016. Both Parties deserved to lose, but that (a Hobson’s choice) isn’t a democracy. It’s corrupt politicians, and it’s stupid voters who refuse to recognize the corruption of, and in, ‘our own side’ — not only the other’s. It’s not democracy, because it’s thoroughly corrupt, on all sides. Democracy is rejection of the corrupt system, and of corrupt candidates. It’s demanding better than that. It’s not only the donors — the mega-donors (the people who really are seeking special personal favors and NOT good government) — who are corrupt, and who always do “buy” politicians, such as Joe Biden (and Donald Trump). It’s also stupid voters, who make things bad for everyone except the corrupt and the corrupters. No actual democracy consists of the corrupt and the corrupters. That’s just a fact which all of the resolutely stupid voters ignore because they’re so attached to their chosen tooth-fairies, which all of the mainstream ‘news’-media (which are controlled by billionaires) feed to them. (Even many non-mainstream media are also controlled by billionaires; and, so, neither the Government nor its press is trustworthy in such a corrupt country.) 

On 22 January 2020, the Washington Post headlined a 6,000-word article about the day in politics “The Daily 202: Joe Biden talks Ukraine, but not impeachment, in Iowa”, and reported that “The centerpiece of Biden’s pitch is that he can bridge the partisan divides and work with Republican senators to get big things done.” It was actually true: Biden was clearly aiming to become the ‘Democratic’ President who could be ‘bipartisan’ with congressional Republicans, and sign into law legislation that until his occupancy of the White House had been only decades-long Republican and billionaires’ dreams, but under a Biden Presidency would now become his proud “bipartisan achievements.” He could turn out to be the most effective Republican (but of the Democrat-in-name-only, hyper-hypocritical, type of) President ever — a truly bipartisan-fascist President. It would be a fitting culmination to his career. And it has been. He never dealt with an American coup, or sanction, or invasion, that he didn’t support — and each of them was bipartisan, even though on domestic policies he has often been blocked by the Party of Republican billionaires, whose members of Congress agree with Biden only on his foreign policies, since virtually all of America’s congresspeople are likewise neoconservatives (that being the billionaires’ foreign policy, on which they are all united).

And Biden has a long record of lying to voters, even about his own personal record, and winning ‘elections’ on that basis. Of course, the most-publicized example of this has been about Hunter Biden’s laptop and its contents, which revealed astounding evidences that the U.S. President has been receiving 10% kick-backs from international-corporate deals that are done with the participation of his son Hunter Biden, but which America’s Democratic Party ‘news’-media hide and allege (without any proof at all) are ‘Russian disinformation’. On 21 July 2023, I headlined about this “The Significance of the Congressional Probes into FBI-Biden Corruption”, but even the Republican Senators and Representatives who have done impressive investigations into this have failed to gain any support for prosecution of the President on bribery and conspiracy charges, and treason — all of which charges are supported by the massive evidence — in order to bring these federal crimes to a jury trial, because only a few of the Republican billionaires support that, because exposing it to a broad segment of the public would bring the entire corrupt house-of-cards crashing down — and much of their fortunes with it. Instead, the U.S. Government hides it from the public and has prosecuted — and, on 11 June 2024 convicted — only Hunter Biden and not his father, and for his illegal possession of a gun, not for the far-more-important briberies, whose evidence is on Hunter Bden’s laptop, the same laptop that contained massive evidence also of those bribery-kickback conspiracy operations but which still aren’t being heard in any court.

Although Warren Harding has been considered by historians to have been the most corrupt of America’s Presidents, his corruptness has been dwarfed by Biden’s. Furthermore, even Clinton’s, Bush’s, Obama’s, and Trump’s, have been strong competitors (though not nearly as strong as Biden’s) for that title.

After all: even in most of the “Third World” countries, very few of the heads-of-state have nearly as much evidence against them of bribery, conspiracy, and treason, as America’s President Biden does.

What, then, are the options for Americans, in the upcoming November 5th Presidential election? To vote on the basis of any of the Parties’ thoroughly rigged-by-the-rich political show would be stupid, but another fact is that around 63% of Americans do want an alternative to it. The only independent candidate who has any chance to actually win the election is RFK Jr.; and all of the others have none at all but are purely “spoiler” candidates (to throw the win to either the Republican or the Democrat, like Nader in 2000 threw it to Bush). Back in the year 2000, there was a real and large difference between Bush and Gore; but since then, that hasn’t really been so in the Presidential contests: the differences have been only theatrical. This clearly is the case between Trump vs. Biden. However bad one of those two is, the other is at least nearly as bad; and neither of them has had better than a poor record during his four-year term; so, the question is: Do those approximately 63% of Americans who reject both Parties find such a choice acceptable? What are their options? Either they could vote for Kennedy, who really would be a change, or else they would vote for either the Democrat or the Republican. If they vote for either Trump or Biden, they don’t REALLY reject both of the Parties. Any such person was then merely engaging in theater to answer Gallup’s question there in that way. But any of them who was SERIOUS about it, would be voting for Kennedy, simply BECAUSE there exists no clear evidence that he would be a rotten President, as all have been during recent decades, going back at least to the time of JFK who was assassinated in 1963.

To any of my fellow-Americans who still are concerned not to vote for a candidate who might possibly (like Nader did in 2000) throw the ‘election’ one way or the other (as opposed to being an authentic possibility to win the U.S. Presidency), I ask: Would you prefer a violent revolution in this country? Have you even thought about that possibility? Because things are heading in that direction. Would you really prefer the change to happen violently? I wouldn’t. I therefore thank RFK Jr. for giving me, at long last, a possible alternative to that outcome. 


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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