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( The 2018 season of the Servetto Stradalli AluRecycling closes in China

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Friday, 19 October 2018

The 2018 season of the Servetto Stradalli AluRecycling closes in China

of Editorial Staff - 18 October 2018

servetto 17102018
On October 21st the last race of the year is scheduled for Team Servetto - Stradalli - Alurecycling.
The Tour of Guangxi, valid for the Women's World Tour, is disputed over a single 145.8 km run around the Chinese city of Guilin, and is in its first ever edition. The most challenging part of the track is between km 80 and 105, where a third and a second category GPM are planned, followed by a rather steep descent. The final flat in the last 30 kilometers could still favor the fastest wheels.

For this final race Team Manager Dario Rossino has selected the athletes Anna Potokina, Mossana Debesay, Elena Novikova, Sara Pillon and Aurora Gaio; thus confirmed the line-up that took part in both the Giro dell'Emilia and the GP Bruno Beghelli. The group will also be Kseniia Dobrynina, recovering after a surgery that forced her to skip post-World races. The Russian athlete will support the teammates from the flagship, waiting to resume the preparation activity for the next season.


Anna POTOKINA (Russia) 
Mossana DEBESAY (Eritrea) 
Elena NOVIKOVA (Ukraine) 
Sara PILLON (Italy) 
Aurora GAIO (Italy)

Team Manager: Dario Rossino (Italy)

Si chiude in Cina la stagione 2018 della Servetto Stradalli AluRecycling

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