Basic South Sudan is "the most tragic case" in Africa: U.S. diplomat

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Date: Monday, 18 June 2018

June 18, 2018 (WASHINGTON) - U.S. President Trump’s nominee for the post of Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs described South Sudan as a most tragic case of repression in Africa.

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Tibor Nagy (Photo Univ of Texas)

Speaking before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on 14 June 14, Ambassador Tibor Nagy vowed to work for the end of conflicts in Africa and the promotion of stability and good governance adding that "Africa is at a historic crossroads, and the direction it takes will impact its future and the security and well-being of the rest of the world".

The U.S. diplomat who served all his carrier in Africa pointed to the positive changes in the continent in various fields and countries but regretted that some of Africa’s problems remain unchanged, or have worsened.

"Terrorism and violent extremism have increased in scope and intensity. Some African leaders are perpetuating their rule through constitutional manipulation and increased repression," he said.

"The most tragic case is South Sudan – born in ebullience in 2011 but since descended into ethnic warfare due to its uncaring leaders," he further stressed.

Nagy is expected to be confirmed by the Congress in his function as the first Mr Africa in the U.S. administration a year-and-half after Trump’s election.

Since the eruption of the South Sudan crisis in December 2013, U.S. administration shifted its support to the President Salva Kiir and imposed sanctions on his government’s members.

Also, last May, Washington initiated a comprehensive review of its assistance programs to South Sudan to ensure its aid does not contribute to or prolong the country’s ongoing conflict, or facilitate predatory or corrupt behaviour.

“The government of South Sudan has lost credibility, and the United States is losing patience," said a statement issued by the White House.

Until his nomination, Ambassador Nagy served as Vice Provost for International Affairs at Texas Tech University.

He was the U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia from 1999-2002, and Ambassador to Guinea from 1996-99.


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