World News

Mexico's remittance boost

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Monday, 01 June 2020


Mexicans who live in the United States are sending more money back home than ever. Despite broad economic devastation in the US, migrant remittances - which support some 10 million people in Mexico - reached US$4.02 billion in March 2020, a 35.8% increase over last March. This has shocked bank officials who had predicted cash transfers would drop off and earned thanks from the Mexican president, who called migrants “living heroes.” How are Mexican workers still sending so much money home in such difficult times? Araby Smyth finds three reasons.

In other news, in the UK - both among the general population and healthcare workers in particular - the coronavirus is taking a much greater toll on people of colour, and many ideas have been put forward to explain it, from the prevalence of underlying health issues and greater vitamin D deficiency to a genetic difference in immune response. But Winston Morgan argues there’s a danger of viewing this issue as one of racial differences and not, more accurately, as a consequence of the racism that hugely disadvantages people based on the colour of their skin and ethnic origins.

Catesby Holmes

Religion Editor | International Editor

Mexicans living in the U.S. sent $4.02 billion home in March 2020, a 35.8% increase over March 2019. Jane Russell/WallpaperFlare

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