World News

Digital colonisation I Fintech disruption

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Monday, 30 September 2019


Editor's note

There’s a global standoff going on about who stores your data. A number of countries, including South Africa, India and Indonesia, recently boycotted a global agreement on data flows, pushing for more of their citizens’ data to be stored on home soil. Some have complained about what they see as “digital colonialism” by Big Tech companies. But Jacqueline Hicks warns that the economic benefits to developing countries of this so-called ‘data localisation’ drive aren’t clear cut - and depend on what kind of data is being stored and where.

Traditional banks are haunted by financial technology - fintech - firms. Kamal A Munir and Hamza Mudassir explain how they found several blind spots among banks who get hit the hardest by disruption. Two stand out in particular: an over-reliance on existing competitive advantages and an inherent misunderstanding of what disruption really means for them.

Gemma Ware

Global Affairs Editor

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