
Child poverty | Tunisia's new president

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Friday, 18 October 2019


Editor's note

Child poverty remains stubbornly high in sub-Saharan Africa. If African governments are going to make a real difference, their policies must move beyond singular responses. This is because child poverty is a lot more complex and its causes are more multidimensional than current policies had assumed. Keetie Roelen explains, for example, that child poverty’s strong psychosocial and relational dimensions are often overlooked.

Supporters of Kais Saied took to the streets this week celebrating the election of the former law professor and political outsider as president of Tunisia. Omar Safi argues that the victory wasn’t surprising as the new president represents the Tunisian ideal of how the ruling class should be.

Jabulani Sikhakhane

Deputy Editor and Business & Economy Editor

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