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Opposition playbook I Assange's extradition hearing

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Tuesday, 25 February 2020


Editor's note

Opposition parties in many of the world’s newest and least established democracies enter elections knowing that they have little chance of winning. This is largely owing to the great disadvantages they face in accessing resources that are easy for governing parties to come by – and how common it is for such polls to be rigged. Increasingly, opposition parties aren’t taking their losses lying down. Nic Cheeseman outlines the five main steps disgruntled politicians are taking to discredit election results and governing parties.

Julian Assange finally gets his day in court in the UK this week. The extradition hearing is to decide whether to send him to the US to be tried for publishing classified military documents. Holly Cullen explains, there are many possible outcomes for the case, depending on how the arguments play out in court.

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