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VIDEO: The Conference “Perspectives for sustainable Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa"

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Friday, 22 March 2019


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A conference initiated by the permanent mission of Eritrea to the United Nations in Vienna in cooperation with permanent missions of the other Horn of Africa countries

and supported by UPF, UNCAV, AIES, AWETHU and WFWP on the topic

Vienna International Center (UN), C-Building, Room C1, 2nd floor


Program - 1st Session

Chair: Mr. Peter Haider, President UPF Austria

Dr. Werner Fasslabend, President of AIES, Former Austrian Defence Minister

H.E. Mirghani Abbaker Altayeb Bakhet, Ambassador of Sudan in Austria

H.E. Abdulkadir Bakri Hamdan, Permanent Mission of Eritrea to the UN in Vienna

Dr. Andreas Melan, Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs, Head of Africa Department

H.E. Aden Mohamed Dileita, Ambassador of Djibouti in Germany

H.E. Majok G. Thiep, Ambassador of South Sudan in Turkey

H.E. Mahad Ahmed Haji, Charge D' Affaires, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Somalia to UNIDO


Program - 2nd Session

Chair: Tageldin Hamad, Vice President UPF International

Mr. Shaukat Abdulrazag, Director for Africa, Technical Cooperation Department, IAEA

DI Abdalla Sharief, President of UN Correspondents Association Vienna

Captain Simon Gebre Yohannes Neguse, Eritrean Nuclear Security program

Mr. Hassan Eltigani Malic, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Mr. Jacques Marion, Secretary General Universal Peace Federation Europe

Dr. Gerhard Kinnast, E.C.E.X.A. Environmental Concepts Exchange Association


Conference languages: English and Arabic


The leaders of Ethiopia and Eritrea on July 9th 2018 signed a declaration ending the state of war between the two countries. The summit between Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in the Eritrean capital, Asmara, marked the first time that the neighbouring heads of state met in nearly two decades. 

The Horn of Africa enjoys an excellent strategic location south-west of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. It refers to four countries — Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti — but, in its wider political and economic context, the term also includes Sudan and South Sudan. The strategic importance of this East African region comes from it being the source of the Nile and a gate to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Its location on one side of some of the world’s major trade sea lanes and land routes gives it vital importance. Its importance increases because of its proximity to the oil-rich Arabian Peninsula. The area has always been a magnet for international powers because of the sea traffic going by, major ports in the area, tremendous nearby riches, weapons trading, crossing points for people and merchandise and the dangers of piracy.


The Horn of Africa, with its geostrategic location, is a source, as well as an area of transit and of destination of mixed migratory flows, and a centre of migratory routes towards Europe, the Gulf countries and the Middle East, and Southern Africa. (EU Trust Fund)


A ground pass is required to enter Vienna International Centre (VIC). If you do not have a permanent pass, please register not later than March 15th 2019 on Those, who would like to enter the VIC and attend the conference on March 20th 2019, are requested to present their identity document at Gate 1 of the VIC. The VIC, 1220 Wien, Wagramerstrasse 5, is best reached by Subway U1 (Kaisermühlen).


Further information:

H.E. Abdulkadir Hamdan, Permanent Mission of Eritrea to the UN in Vienna, Tel.: +49 160 4150219, E-Mail:

Peter Haider, Universal Peace Federation Austria, Tel.: 0650 2588846, E-Mail:








Image result for Austrian Institute for European und Security Policy


Horn of Africa Peace Initiative - Universal Peace Federation – Awethu Forum to promote African Unity in Diversity - Women’s Federation for World Peace United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna - Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy

EriDiaspora TV

The Conference “Perspectives for sustainable Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa” was hosted and organiazed by the Permanent Mission of Eritrea to the UN in Vienna in cooperation with Austrian Institute for Europian and Security Policy, the Universal Peace Federation, Hornofafrica Peace intiative, Awethu form to Prmote African Unity in Diversity, Women’s Federation for World Peace and United Nations Correspondent Association Vienna on March 20 2019 at United Nations Vienna.

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