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(MN) Yehdego Medhanie Mered. case, the defense technician speaks

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Friday, 19 October 2018


Mered case, the defense technician speaks 
«Three profiles compared, but only one is the defendant»

The analysis of the expert would leave very little doubt: "The other accounts are in no way traceable to the man in prison for two years." Profiles which result in numerous movements, even after his arrest. Among them, also one in Dubai, a city where a source of the Dutch authorities places the trafficker in August 2016



Facebook accounts, IP addresses, phone numbers and localizations over time and space. In front of the judges of the second court of assizes we return to take stock of the more technical aspects of the trial to the alleged trafficker of men Yehdego Medhanie Mered. But this time, from the defense point of view. Under accusation a man who from the moment of his arrest has always declared to be the victim of a resounding exchange of person and to actually be a refugee waiting for him to arrive in Libya and from there then in Europe through the Mediterranean. His name would be Medhanie Tesfamariam Behre , who has been locked up for two years at Pagliarelli in Palermo. "I exclude all three profiles attributable to the accused", Says the IT consultant Danilo Spallino , appointed by the lawyer Michele Calantropo to compare the Facebook profiles brought into play by the prosecution, for which they would all head to the alleged trafficker on trial. These are the profiles called Medhanie Meda, which the defendant himself recognizes as his personal account, and of Meda Yehdego and Meda Yehdego.7.

Three profiles compared to each other on the basis of the data obtained from the in-depth analysis of the same and those contained in the so-called Facebook Business Record, a sort of digital archive. Different accounts, therefore, for as many different people, according to the opinion of the technician, who also compared the IP addresses from time to time used for connections to these profiles and geolocalizations related to these accesses over time: « It is attributable to the accused only one profile, Medhanie Meda ", which he attributes himself. A profile that appears on October 4, 2014and for which, due to an anomaly due to the Facebook Business Record, it is only the phone number coupled to this account on 12 August 2015 and not the email address, except for the registration one. The first access is made by Asmara , based on the time zone that belongs to that area. The data recorded on this profile indicate, besides the date of birth, also the city of birth "Asmara, Eritrea", equal to the current city (at the time the registration is made). If the recording is performed by a device equipped with GPS it is probable that the current city is automatically acquired by the social network, «but we do not know if this is the case, we can not know».

The last connection on Eritrean territory is 31 October 2014, again from Asmara and the sim used is Eritrea. On 7 December 2014, this profile was linked by Addis Ababa , in Ethiopia, a connection via mobile device. On 30 January 2015 the profile is linked to an IP address always assigned by the ethiopian mobile company identifiable in the city of Asosa, also in Ethiopia. Until March 9, 2015, accesses take place from Sudanese territory. There are other accesses even while the accused is already detained. The result is the day of extradition from the airport of Rome, probably attributable to the investigators, another one from Palermo, one from Sciacca, finally one in July again from Palermo, relating to an attempt to access the profile made by the same lawyer Calantropo. There are, according to the computer expert, clear compatibility between the data emerged from the analysis of the data returned by the social profiles and what is declared, with respect to the movements over time, by the defendant himself and by some people close to him and who identity of Medhanie Tesfamariam Behre, from family to roommates and close friends.

Incompatible, however, with the movements and relative locations related to the other accounts compared. The Meda Yehdego profile is registered on September 24, 2013 , while Meda Yehdego.7 is August 20, 2016 : "There are no traces or data that may lead to believe that the defendant's phone was used to connect to these two profiles" . The accesses of the Meda Yehdego profile from 1 February 2014 to 27 March 2015 are all located in Libyan territory . From 5 August to 22 November 2015, they are all located in the Sudanese territory . While on 22 August 2016, it is an access from Dubai . Not really a random place, if we want to. According to a report last November by Sergeant Samuele Sasso (special harbor master's office), in fact, the source in contact with the Dutch police during the investigations "reported that until the summer of 2016 Medhanie was in Dubai ", in reference to the boss of the route. The same that in theory would be on trial in Palermo and in prison since May 2016.

Also from the same profile, until October 7, 2016, the accesses are all from Nairobi , while from 23 November from the city of Kampalain Uganda. Also the profile Meda Yehdego.7 in August 2016 connects from Dubai: "The connections of this profile and the previous one in the same period occur from the same area, so presumably it could be the same user - explains the expert -. It is possible that another subject possessing the necessary credentials make these accesses, from one place to another, the phone then passes from the hands of several subjects ». Finally, he clarifies the doubts about some contents found in the cell phone of the defendant at the time of his arrest. Like those on the pictures that "the prosecution expert mistakenly refers to scenes of cannibalism and organ trafficking, but which actually refer to images related to a Buddhist funeral rite that is done inside the cemeteries, the royal ambassador of Thailand confirms it ". 

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