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(ET) Egyptian delegation trains Eritrean doctors in Asmara

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Wednesday, 01 August 2018

Egyptian delegation arrives in Asmara to train Eritrean doctors photo


Training of Eritrean doctors

Samar Nasr

Egyptian Ambassador to Eritrea, Yasser Hashem, said that in the framework of the strategic relations between Egypt and Eritrea and the activation of the health cooperation between the two countries, a delegation of Egyptian technicians from the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited Asmara to install many medical devices in the fields of ophthalmology, To establish specialized medical centers in Eritrean hospitals and to train Eritrean doctors and technicians in their use.

The Ambassador added that cooperation in the field of health and medicine is one of the most important areas of cooperation. It is a continuation of the Egyptian presence in Eritrea and in the Horn of Africa as a maker of peace and development and fostering the interests of Egypt through distinguished relations with the peoples of the African continent.

An Egyptian medical delegation arrived in the Eritrean capital, Asmara, earlier this month to train Eritrean doctors on some of the new medical devices used in ophthalmology, dentistry and general surgery. 

According to an official statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday, Egypt’s Ambassador in Eritrea, Yasser Hashem, said that the Egyptian delegation's visit came in light of efforts to boost mutual cooperation between both countries in the health sector. 

“The delegation which is affiliated with the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development included several doctors and technicians who installed a number of medical devices and helped establish specialized medical centers in the Eritrean hospitals,” The statement read. 

Hashem added in his statements that the cooperation between Egypt and Eritrea in the medical field reflects promising and successful relations between the two countries. 

Earlier this year, President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki visited Egypt in light of efforts by Egypt and Eritrea to strengthen their close ties. 

Egyptian-Eritrean relations 

After Eritrea had gained its independence from Ethiopia, following a long civil war on borders, on May 24, 1991, Egypt was among the top countries enhancing political, economic and diplomatic relations with Eritrea. 

In this regard, Cairo and Asmara signed a Friendship and Cooperation Agreement on March 31, 2009, as well as a Protocol of Cooperation between the National Council for Youth in Egypt and National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS) on December 14, 2009. 

Since the June 30 revolution, which Eritrea has supported at the African Union level, President Afwerki visited Egypt several times; the most recent two visits were in 2014 and 2016 to further enhance the deep relations between the two countries. 

Delegations from Egypt and Eritrea have met several times over the last few years to intensify the coordination between them in various sectors, including agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure, trade, culture, education and health. 

The Egyptian delegation of the Agriculture Ministry visited Asmara in 2016 to meet with Eritrean Agriculture Ministry’s general director and head of poultry and research departments to discuss means of fostering bilateral relations in the agricultural field. 
Additional reporting by Marina Gamil

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