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Youm 7 / Sisi confirms the establishment of a sustainable partnership with Eritrea and discusses with its president the security of the Red Sea

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Tuesday, 09 January 2018

Sisi confirms the establishment of a sustainable partnership with Eritrea and discusses with its president the security of the Red Sea

Tuesday, 09 January 2018 04:01 PM

President Sisi  receives Eritrean President

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi received today at the Eritrean Palace of the President of the State of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, who is on an official visit to Egypt.

Ambassador Bassam Radhi, Spokesman for the Presidency, said that at the start of the talks, President Afwerki welcomed Egypt's keenness to consolidate strategic cooperation with Eritrea in various fields and to establish a sustainable partnership between the two countries.

President Al-Sisi and Head of State of Eritrea review the guard of honor

The President stressed the importance of moving ahead with the implementation of projects of cooperation in different sectors, including agriculture, electricity, health and trade, as well as in the livestock and fisheries sector of Eritrea, as well as the continuation of technical support programs provided through the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development.

The President referred to the cooperation between the two countries in the framework of international forums and organizations, pointing out the importance of increasing coordination and consultation between the two sides on the situations and issues related to the region in the framework of working towards peace and stability and addressing common challenges, foremost of which is the threat of terrorism.
President Al-Sisi receives the Head of State of Eritrea

The spokesman added that the Eritrean president affirmed his country's pride in Egypt's long-standing relations and strategic cooperation, praising Egypt's pioneering role in the region and its keenness to achieve development, security and stability in the African continent.

President Afewerki also affirmed Eritrea's aspiration to intensify bilateral cooperation with Egypt in various fields to the benefit of the two brotherly peoples and to activate joint projects between the two countries in various sectors.

The Eritrean President expressed his country's appreciation for Egypt's technical support and capacity-building programs, as well as the existing cooperation in international forums, pointing to the depth of relations between the two sides.

President Afewerki also stressed Eritrea's keenness to intensify consultation and coordination with Egypt on various regional and international issues and developments and to work to meet the existing challenges.

Ambassador Bassam Radi said that the talks dealt with means of enhancing the Egyptian-Eritrean relations in various fields of development and security. It was agreed to exchange delegations' visits with the aim of activating existing cooperation frameworks and implementing joint projects.

The two sides agreed to continue their intensive coordination on all issues related to the current regional situation in order to strengthen security and stability in the region, especially in light of the importance of the Horn of Africa and its role in Eritrea, and the implications for the security of the Red Sea and the region. Bab al-Mandab.

President Al-Sisi receives Asayas Afwerki

President Sisi and Afwerki, President of the State of Eritrea

*Software translation*

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