Basic Short-term Wins, Long-term Risks: Human Trafficking and People Smuggling in the Mediterranean Area

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Date: Sunday, 07 October 2018

A chapter authored by Tuesday Reitano (Deputy Director, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime) for the 15th edition of the IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook.

October 7, 2018

The massive profits to be made on the migrant trade from Sub-Saharan Africa to Europe (which, according to EUROPOL, was valued at between €3 billion and €6 billion in 2016) has attracted criminal groups of other ilk, both in Africa and between Africa and Europe. The smuggling trade has proved a boon to counterfeiters, document fraudsters and to corrupt officials along all of the routes. Closing down the established routes from Niger to Libya has dispersed migrants across other territories, using and enabling networks across North Africa.................................


Tuesday Reitano

Tuesday Reitano is Deputy Director at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime and a senior research advisor at the Institute for Security Studies in Pretoria, where she leads the ENACT programme on behalf of the GI.

Tuesday was formerly the director of CT MORSE, an independent policy and monitoring unit for the EU’s programmes in counter-terrorism, and for 12 years was a policy specialist in the UN System, including with the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Development Group (UNDG) and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

In this time, she has amassed a wealth of experience in fragile states and development working both with states, civil society and at the community level to strengthen resilience to transnational threats, promote sustainable development and the rule of law. Tuesday has authored a number of policy orientated and academic reports with leading institutions such as the UN, World Bank and OECD on topics ranging from organized crime’s evolution and impact in Africa, on human smuggling, illicit financial flows, and the nexus between crime, terrorism, security an

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