Hitler’s Woyane Imitators


Selam Nerayo

Dear Readers:

When I started writing this article back in July, my intention was to write two to three pages riposte to Mr. Suim Mesfin's outlandish claim that Eritrea is under the Nazis and that Isayas overnight was found to be a full-fledged Hitler. Back then, my intention was to explain, in a mild manner and approach, what exactly Nazism was in a page or so and may be in a second page to elucidate the fact that Eritrea under Isayas may not be 100% Scandinavian democracy. But it certainly is much more at peace with itself and in better position economically as well as democratically than many African countries. Hence the Ethiopian Foreign Minster's comparison absolutely to my taste was - to say the least - absurd, ill-founded, and ill-advised by all counts and considerations. If any thing it is they, the Woyanie, with all the heinous deportation of 35,000 Eritreans, who are earnestly imitating the deeds of Hitler's racist Reich against the Jews.

Back in July, I had a great hope that the border disagreements would be solved peacefully and amicably. As time went on and July turned to August, the Woyanie reversed to their former-self, vengeful, revanchist warmongers, Orwellian liars, and nothing exemplifies their Orwellian absurdity than their painting of the Eritrean Government with the old Dergist misnomeric word of Shaiebiya. The hateful messages against Eritreans, the accusation about economic jealousy, the robbery of wealth of Eritreans in Ethiopia and then the deportation particularly those pregnant women who were denied decent child labor and worst of all separating toddlers from their mothers, all these Woyanie crimes forced my mind and heart to go on writing.

To the best of my ability, I tried to stick to the truth and if there are mistakes here and there, readers are welcome to point them out. I am perfectly aware that my knowledge of the crime of Hitler, Nazism, and the 3rd Reich is neither complete nor orderly. Nevertheless, it is with great hope that what I provided here will be sufficient enough to expose the weird claim of the Woyanie. Moreover, I wrote this article with much emotion particularly about the robbery of wealth and the deportation of innocents, which took a big toll of every Eritrean pride. For this reason there may be few typos and grammar errors which is bound to happen in this kind of climate and thus my apology, in advance, to readers is here in order. Last but not least, for the sake of those friends and relatives who are still under the gun of the Woyanie's Ethiopian police state, I hope you don't mind if I signed my name simply as Selam N.
Selamin Rahiwan Nukulatina!

Hitler!… His Demonic Weltanschauung
The Source and the Meaning of it…
His Impact on World History…
The Aggressive Ethiopian Woyanie Imitation of Hitler!…
And The Robbery of Wealth and the Inhumane Deportation of
Thousands upon Thousands of Eritreans!



One of the most cherished axioms of world diplomacy is "to know what, how, and at what point" to say an appropriate diplomatic verbal aphorism that benefit once own country. In short, diplomacy is the art making others believe that you believe what you don't believe.

The problem is when such patriotic art of lying for one's country is accompanied by a bald misnomer as the Ethiopian Foreign Mister, Mr. Sium Mesfin, did in equating Issayas Afeworki - the Eritrean president - to Hitler while at the same time disenfranchising thousands of Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin from their cherished Ethiopian citizenship, taking the complete ownership of their property, bank account, private businesses from the biggest construction company to a small tea house, and deporting and evicting them to the border of Eritrea in a similar imitation of Hitler. Then the cliché of the Ethiopian foreign Minster easily becomes senseless and miserably loses the audiences it went to impress. Had Mr. Mesfin tried to equate Issayas with other African dictators, and there are many of them, I am sure the analogy would have found willing listeners in the advanced World. But equating to Hitler? The man whom in his hand perished 60 million people? The Hitler, the one and only leader in world history, who believed on the supremacy of the Aryans as the only people who truly deserve and matters the most on this earth! In my humble opinion, such evil man with megalomaniac world view can not be equated to a leader of a small African country who tries day and night to alleviate the pain and sorrow of economic backwardness of his people while practicing no noticeable human right violation comparable to many African leaders. By any political yard stick measurement, the idea that Issayas Afeworki is equivalent to the Fuhrer who masterminded the death of 6 million innocent Jews out of blind hatred is not only misplaced, it also shows the leadership quality and political acumen of the Ethiopian Foreign Minster.

Obviously the Ethiopian Foreign Minister have no command of world history and particularly the ideology of Nazism. So try as I might, I am going to say few words about Hitler and his dark, evil, and murderous regime lest many uninformed Ethiopian demagogues, and there are many of them, will take Mr. Mesfin's pronouncement as God's given truths.

So many people have suffered under Hitler. Millions of them, defenseless people, Jews, Blacks, Gypsies, Socialists, Communists, Russian and Polish civilians and yes, even Germans whose only misfortune was to be born with dim sight or less hearing or any one who is painted as slow learner and even some just because "they look like they were walking slowly" hence unfit to be a member of the fast marching Aryan race. How did this sad affair of this criminal come about? What exactly is his philosophy?

Via Hitler's "Main Kampf", it is easy to see that Hitler's Weltanschauung was a system of prejudice; a racist interpretation of history, a social Darwinist view of life and nature, a preference for the militaristic style of life, and a belief of transforming Germany and the Aryan race to world power. As historian Klaus Fischer (Nazi Germany: A New History) aptly said, "The bedrock of Hitler's worldview was solely based on the belief of the biological and cultural superiority of the Aryan race. This belief formed the basis of his philosophy of history and his political ideology. Hitler has rambled so laud and so simplistically and as such it can be explained in one phrase: hate to any one who does not fit the view and cartography of his Aryan image. His nihilistic philosophical propensity was that of a crude naturalist who explained human nature on the analogy of nature. His concept was the cruel Darwinian view that nature is red in tooth and claw and always favors the strongest and the fittest. Moreover, Hitler assumed a law of nature that promotes what he termed the 'higher breeding.' In order to promote human progress, nature encourages the stronger specimen to mate with the stronger, while discouraging the propagation of the weak. 'By interfering in this process,' - and herein lies the justification of his killing of the millions of innocents - Hitler said, 'we sin against the natural order of things.' (See C. Fischer, Page 164)

It is against this background that one must see Hitler's relentless desire to eliminate any body who does not fit the Aryan image of his and his gangs. It is the Nazi's uncompromising belief in once superiority that lead to euthanasia program against defenseless Germans (so called invalids) and the industrialization of mass death of Jews and other Eastern Europeans. In the end, it is this evil mindedness which illuminates the nature of Nazism in a particularly clear light and which I honestly believe the Ethiopian Foreign Minister has no grasp at all.

What Hitler did to defenseless Ger mans

One needs no affirmation than to point out what Hitler said at the Nuremberg Party Rally on August 5, 1929. In that rally, Hitler said, "If Germany was to get a million children a year and was to remove 700-800,000 of the weakest people, then the final result might even be an increase in the strength of the Aryan race. The most dangerous thing is for us to cut off the natural process of selection thereby gradually rob ourselves of the possibility of acquiring able people. As a result of our modern sentimental humanitarianism, we are trying to maintain the weak at the expense of the healthy and thereby criminals have the opportunity of procreating, degenerates are raised artificially and with difficulty. And this way we are gradually breeding the weak and killing off the strong." (Nazism: A History in Documents; Vol. 2; page 1002)

No sooner Hitler came to power, medical evaluation and asylum centers sprouted in every German hamlet. Every German who is suspected with "feebleminded behavior and appearance" was herded to these centers. Thousand of innocent Germans were subjected with a barrage of questions, most of it flimsy to the core, and have nothing to do with what makes a human-being a human-being. Innocent children were sent to death just because they didn't have the right "bearing, eyes, mimicry, voice, pronunciation, word syntax, rapidity of answers, responsiveness, participation in conversation and many more (H. Friedlander, "The Origin of Nazi Genocide," page 32).

" Parents of these children were made to feel guilty unabashedly by society at large for making the Reich's racial purity inadmissible. The children too were also made to feel guilty. I will never forget a letter that was written to a Father by a girl named Helen whose only misfortune was to be born with minor epilepsy. In that solemn and sad farewell letter, Helen said. "Father, dearest Father, I do not want to leave this life without once more begging your forgiveness and that of all my brothers and sisters for what I have failed you in throughout my life. May God accept my illness and this sacrifice as an expiate for it. Dearest Father, please do not hold anything against your child who loved you so deeply and think always that I am going to heaven, where we all meet again with God and our loved once who have died. (Nazism: A History in Documents; Vol. 2; page 1031)"

As a father myself, it is painful for me to quote Helen's letter in its entirety and the proceeding paragraph was only the minor part of it. The letter was smuggled from the Wurttemberg asylum and Helen wrote it few hours before she was gassed by the Medical Gestapo. It is the pain of these children like Helen - God bless her soul - that makes me mad about the Ethiopian Foreign Minster whose careless comment about Hitler was absolutely absurd.

For Hitler, Helen's type of Germans were "useless eaters" (Hitler's Reich definition not mine) and thus by the warped Reich reasoning, they were genetic polluters and social burden to his National Socialist State and to the purity of the Germanic race. Based on this definition, Hitler gassed more than 100, 000 of those innocent Germans. The absurdity and criminality of it all can be clearly seen by the boastfulness of Reich Statistician who gave justification to all these murder in terms of the foodstuffs the Reich was saving; bread, potatoes, cheese, sugar, eggs, vegetables, and many more (Nazism: A History in Documents; Vol. 2; page 1042)".

In terms of RM, here is how Nazi statisticians calculated how much RM was saved by killing 70,273 inmates like Helen.

" On the basis of an average daily cost [per patient](Italics as defined by the Nazis) of RM 3.50, the saving will be:

1. A daily saving of RM 245, 955.50

2. A yearly saving of RM 88, 543,980.00

3. With life expectancy of ten years RM 885,439,800.00. (quoted in the same page above)"

The official number of Germans that were killed by Hitler and his Medical gangs would have gone much higher had there was no protest from notable Germans (very few of them however) like the Bishop of Munster and the very honorable, Martin Niemoller, a Lutheran pastor in Berlin, an staunch opponent of the Nazis, where he was arrested in 1937 and spent his time in the concentration camps until the end of Hitler's Reich. So in 1941, Hitler stopped gassing Germans to calm the civilian population of Germany since he needed them as - borrowing historian Goldhagen's terminology - "willing executioners" in Eastern Europe, particularly, the implementation of his "final solution of the Jews people" once and for all and on his campaign to conquer Eastern Europe. Moreover, although the official position of Hitler on the German euthanasia program was not to do it any more in favor of the Eastern pogrom. The truth was, behind the door, the killing of innocent Germans particularly in the children's killing wards went on unabated even after the war had ended. In arresting one of Hitler's medical gangs, Dr. Valentin Falthauser, American soldiers discovered that the last German child victim was murdered on the 29th of May 1945, twenty-one days after the Nazis surrendered unconditionally (See H. Friedlander, page 52). Such was Hitler's atrocity on the meek and defenseless Germans which to me the official number of 100, 000 Germans of euthanasia death in the hand of the Nazis is not only very low but also a mockery to sense of Humanity.

The world as Hitler saw it

Hitler, as most demagogues are, didn't stop with the annihilation of innocent Germans. He had disturbing and peculiar view of every human being. To Hitler, the world is divided into three race categories. Those that are founders and creators of culture, the Aryans; those that have the capability to bear culture, the Orientals; and those that destroy culture, the Jews and Africans. According to Hitler, the Aryans are the originators of foundation and walls of what is sensible and beautiful and above all, scientific and thus the technical achievements heralded in history has nothing to do with any body but that of Europe and America "Main Kampf, page 290-291". Never mind my African ancestors were writing their "Ha, Hus' " and counting their "hade, Klets'"; the Chinese have their gun powder; and the Jews, their Torah; long before the Saxon, the Alans, the Franks, the Angles, the Burgundians, The Lombards, the Vandals, the Visigoth, the Ostregoth, and all the barbaric tribes whom Hitler is so proud off knew how to dress properly. Never mind too, that Aryanist Europe owes its alphabet to the Semitic Phoenicians; its algebra to the Arabs; its fundamental calendar to the Egyptians; and its Zero to the Hindus. And yet to the twisted mind of Hitler, any thing achieved outside Northern European proper did not exist at all. Quite to the contrary, if truth is to be told, there is ample testimony in world history the fact that it was Hitler's favorite tribes who destroyed Egypto-Roman Culture and forced the world to hibernate in a total Dark Ages for more than 500 years.

Hitler on the Orientals

The mind of Hitler is so convoluted that even those who tried to be near him and did his bidding ever escaped his wrath. A clear example of this is what he said about the Japanese. According to Hitler, "the Japanese are cultural bearers." "And yet," said Hitler, "It is not true, as some people think, that Japan adds European technology to its culture; and come up with new and better one." "To the contrary", he added, "if beginning today all further Aryan influence on Japan should stop, assuming that Europe and America should perish, Japan's present rise in science and technology might continue for short time; but even in a few years the well would dry up and its culture would freeze and sink back into the slumber from which it was awakened by the wave of the Aryan culture that came to its door" in the 1850th (Main Kampf, page 291). In this connection one is tempted to ask whether the Fuehrer would change his mind upon seeing the Sonys, the Hondas, and the Nicons that nowadays adore the World household including the household of his beloved Euro-Aryans. But then racists are racists. Once an ignorant metaphor is printed in the narrow and limited mind of a racist like Hitler, it never changes.

Africa in the eyes of Hitler

For Hitler, "Africans are incapable of even being culture bearers much less culture creators. In an obviously irritated mood, he denounced all well meaning efforts to raise all primitive blacks to the level of culture bearers, arguing that this would have to be at the expense of retarding the progress of able Aryans, an effort that would be as self-defeating as it would be unnatural."(Fischer, page 167) The moment Hitler came to power, every African who happened to live in his Reich became endangered species overnight. The first Africans who became victims of Hitler were the so-called "Rhineland bastards." These were the children of German women and African Soldiers who were members of the French Army that was occupying the Rhineland after the First World War. The moment Hitler came to power in April 1933, he sent his SS house to house to arrest those innocent children as young as 4 years and as old as 14 years. No body knows to this day exactly what happened to these unfortunate African children; more than 1000 of them. They simply vanished. No account has ever being detailed about their fate and tragedy in the English World; at least not to my knowledge.

I have searched their fate in Second World War and Nazi Genocide books, more than twenty of them and only two of them mentioned the tragedy but not in much detail that attract the eye and quench the heart, not even one full page. One of the books that mention them (that of Friedlander) said that their fate was only sterilization. This thesis is very hard to believe in light of Hitler insatiable enmity against the Black color. One can not honestly expect Hitler to do any less atrocity than what he did to the many millions innocent Jews and Gypsies. My question to those who stick with the sterilization thesis is that "why was their fate never heard after 1937?" Had they survived the war at least we would have heard from one or two of them. The truth is they didn't and no body cared to dig about their fait. That is the sad part of it and can never be forgotten by any African.

More to the point however, I have expected less from European historians and even less so from American Historians since majority of them have no interest on Africa and Africans. But Jews writers, that I was shocked! The Jews being the primer victims (6 million of them) of Hitler and his gangs; one would expect that Jews writers to be a little more sympathetic to other voiceless minority victims. Sadly, except Henry Friedlander who mentioned them in passing, others completely ignored them. They spread from Daniel Goldhagen to Leni Yahel out of "Haifa University and Yad Vashem" whose magisterial book would have became a bench mark of the Holocaust studies had there been in her part a bit of sensitivity to include Africans even if their number was so small in comparison to the Jews tragedy.

I must also point out that Hitler and his gangs had theory popularized in Nazi circles, that "the Jew and the Negro were in fact related… The Jew was of an impure race consisting of a hybrid between the Negro and the Oriental (See Robert Proctor, Racial Hygiene, page 114)." This bestiality and hatred should have been an incentive enough for Jews Holocaust writers to spend few hours and dig Hitler's crime on the defenseless African children in Rhineland. The fact that few of them wrote and inadequately is sad to say the least.

In addition to the above African tragedy, it is also important to mention that Hitler and his gangs practiced horrendous torture on African-French and Black American war prisoners where some of them were used as medical experiments to advance Aryan biology just as the ashes of burned Jews were used to fertilized Nazi farms in Auschwitz as means to feed the SS camp commanders with fresh vegetable. To give just one example of the cruelty over the African color is the firm penalty Hitler placed on German Soldiers who failed to shoot any captured African and African-American be it civilians or soldiers. "In 1940, Ernest Herming Hardenberg, a member of the SS since 1933 and a physician assigned to the 2nd SS Panzer Grenadier Division, 'Das Reich' during the French campaign, was tried by the SS court for failure to shoot a wounded African French prisoner of war and Himmler ordered his removal from the Army." (See Robert Kesting, "Holocaust and History," edited by Michael Berenbaum and Abraham Peck, page 363, This book is a collection of articles by different authors and Mr. Kesting article about Black Experience during the Holocaust is one of them.)

What Hitler did to the Jews

Hitler enmity and anti-Semitism against the Jews is so deep and so vast that I must confess a humble reader like me is ill equipped to tell the story that befallen to millions of Jews. There isn't a single activity in the world that Hitler didn't blame the Jews, be it his personal failure in handling daily life and Germany's misfortune such us failure to win the First World War or the economic depression that hit Germany in the 1920th. He questioned their loyalty to Germany, about their cleanliness, economic exploitation, cultural destruction, their blood, their height, their religion, and their race to the extent of claiming Jesus was never a Jew." In the end, there isn't a single expression that escaped him in his meager education to vilify and destroy Jewish Humanity. "The whole book (Mein Kampf)," as K. Fischer (page 168) said, "reverberates with dark rumination about blood-defiling and blood poisoning by demonic dark Jews." Hitler rants relentlessly "about nature abhorring Jews bastards" and appeals "to the sacred Aryan obligation to keep the blood pure." As Fischer complied them and I checked them in Mein Kampf, here are samples of Hitler's prejudiced epithets that were used to describe the Jews:

By the time one finishes Mein Kampf, one feel desolate and helpless. One also suspects Hitler's sanity, which is typical for people who suffer from psychopathic borderline personality. The sad fact is millions of Germans followed him believing his nationalism instead of judging him for his sound mental capacity and his ability to make the right and humane judgement.

In my humble reading, I never came across on any single instance throughout History that the Jews became a source of instability to the German Nation. This truth never persuaded Hitler and his minions. Once they came to power, they moved very quickly to put all the instruments that enabled them to destroy the Jews people not only from Germany but from Continental Europe. First came the Nuremberg Law that expunged Jews from German Life. This was followed by Kristalnacht - the night of the broken glass - where the Gestapo destroyed Jews shops, burned Jews books, and humiliated Jews men and women by ordering them to scrap and clean the street by hand. As Hitler conquered Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals, he sent his killer squad, the Einsatzgruppen, specifically trained to kill civilians in Eastern Europe, Jews of every walk of life, Polish intellectuals, and Russian communists.

Not satisfied with the gruesome achievement of the Einsatzgruppen, even-though their capability and killing rate per day was so horrendous they killed 33,000 Jews within two days at Babi-Yar, Hitler became restless. This restlessness to finish annihilating the Jews people was also on the mind of the Fuhrer's number one henchman, Himmler. Himmler ordered the acceleration of the entire killing machine in the east such that the death camps were made to organize and industrially mechanize to the fullest possibility science could offer. In other words, the Death Camps were to be equipped with the most lethal means available in the world of chemical science. To bring the science of killing to fruition, a conference was called at Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin, where SS officers, Nazi party officials, and high civil servants participated. Out of this conference came a manifesto - the Wannsee Protocol - on how to annihilate the Jews people.

The die was cast and a whole industry was opened whose only mission was to kill defenseless Jewish civilians. Trains were organized that collects Jewish from every corner of the European Continent and brought them to the death camps. Death camps like Auschwitz (#1, #2, and 3#), Chelmno, Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, Belzec started to work with feverish speed. Others like Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, and Mauthausen were also not far behind. Collaborators from every European countries (The French, Dutch, Luxembourgians, Belgians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Croats… On and on!) where the Nazi machine put its feet were hired with the express order to identify Jews and help the SS in rounding them up and sending them to the killing camps. Then too, there were the chemical companies that supplied the lethal poison gas, the Zyclon B-hydrogen cyanide, or prussic acid. Finally, there were participants from big business who happily collected all able body Jews to be used as slave labor to help them produce armaments for Hitler's Army in the East. In Hitler death camp armament factories, any person who doesn't produce is left to die from hunger or was expressly sent to the ovens of Auschwitz. (For the intensity of Europeans collaborations with Nazis, it is instructive to see Ernst Klee, Willi Dressen, and Volker Ries, "The Good Old Days: The Holocaust As Seen By Its Perpetrators and Bystanders particularly the chapters on the Jews pogrom of Covno and other parts of Lithuania.)

Killing Jews came in a number of ways. While gassing was the major venue and means, death in the hand of the Einsatzgruppen (Hitler's killing squad) was also a major cause. In addition to the proceeding two methods of killing, countless of Jews have also died either fighting the Nazis as in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising or out of sheer hunger and overwork in the slave labor camps.

Going through the testimony of those Jews who experienced the brutal treatment of Hitler's Gestapo massive killing. Men and Women like Viktor Frankel, Eli Wiesel, Promo Levi, Sara Nomberg Przylyk, the courageous leader of the Warsaw Uprising, Mordechai Anielewiez, and the last painful thought of the Ghetto Uprising by Yossel Rakover as reconstructed by Zvi Kolitz. One is forced to reexamine the many natures of mankind, its wile and harrowing instinct to lie and deceive, at one moment to have the smile of an Angel and at another moment to absolutely behave like ferocious beast. Truly one can never forget or forgive Hitler and his Nazis particularly when one is faced with the pictorial verbal description of those who faced death with resignation, courage and dignity that gave no satisfaction to the murderous Gestapo.

A witness to the killing of a group of Jews by the Einsatzgruppen, a certain German Engineer, Hermann Friedrich Graebe, stumbled upon a ghastly mass execution. He told the sad story this way: "I saw a heap of shoes of about 800 to 1000 pairs, great piles of under-linen and clothing. Without screaming or weeping the people marked for death undressed, stood around in family group, kissed each other, said farewells and waited. During the 15 minutes that I stood near the pit; I heard no compliant or plea for mercy. …An old woman with snow-white hair was holding a one-year-old child in her arms singing to him and tickling him. The child was cooing with delight. A couple was looking on with tears in their eyes. The father was holding the hand of boy about ten years old and speaking to him softly; the boy was fighting his tears. The father pointed toward the sky, stroked his head, and seamed to explain something to him. At that moment, the SS at the pit shouted something to his comrades" and minutes later the killing was done with quick succession of rifle shots. "Every Jew was shot on the head," said the German Engineer, " and all of them had blood running over their shoulders from their heads." (Fischer, page 502)

As for those who perished in the gas chamber, their last minute existence on earth was watched by Rudolf Hoess, the commandant of Auschwiitz and Berkenau. Here is the sad story as was told by Hoess: "Once the victims had been shoved into a gas chamber, which could hold close to eight hundred people when tightly packed, the doors were sealed and the gas was released through vents in the ceiling. It could be observed through the peephole in the door that those who were standing nearest to the induction vents were killed at once. The reminder staggered about and began to scream and struggle for air. The screaming, however, soon changed to the death rattle and in a few minutes all lay still. After twenty minutes at the latest no movement could be discerned." (Fischer, page 508)

Last but not least, about those who perished in the slave labor camps, Viktor Frankel, (One of the few lucky ones who survived the Nazi slave labor camps) in his book, "Man's Search For Meaning," graphically detailed the process of human deterioration, physically and psychologically. Here is Mr. Frankel's monumental and tragic expose of Hitler's slave labor camps: "When the last layers of subcutaneous fat had vanished, and looked like skeletons disguised with skin and rags, we could watch our bodies beginning to devour themselves. The organism digested it own protein, and the muscles disappeared. Then he body had no resistance left. One after another the members of the little community (slave laborers) in our hut died…. After many observations we know the symptoms well,…. 'He won't last long,' or 'This is the next one' we whispered to each other, and when, during our daily search for lice, we saw our naked bodies in the evening, we thought alike: 'This body here, my body, is really a corps already. What has became of me? I am but a small portion of a great mass of human flesh.…….of a mass behind barbed wire, crowded into a few certain huts; a mass of which daily a certain portion begins to rot because it has became lifeless.'"(See also Fischer, page 510)

The efficiency to kill the Jews was so aggressive and so determined that at the height of the deportation of Hungarian Jews in the summer of 1944; the ovens of Auschwitz-#2 alone were gassing 24,000 Jews per day. And the inhumanity of the Nazis knows no bounds. Any valuable item like gold ornaments or gold removed from the teeth of every inmate was sent to the Nazi coffers. The hair of men and women was also shaved and processed and was sold at a profit. Ashes from the crematorium was collected and used as a fertilizer in the Nazi vegetable garden surrounding the death camps. As I said elsewhere, Hitler's crime on the Jews was so horrendous, so vast, so deep and so unforgivable; it is impossible to chronicle it in this short article. I will simply present the statistics below and will let the numbers speak for themselves.

Number of Jews Murdered in Europe


Jewish population

in 1939

Number of Jews Murdered

Percentage of Jews Murdered

1. Poland




2. USSR (Nazi Occupied)




3. Romania




4. Hungary




5. Czechoslovakia




6. France




7. Germany




8. Lithuania




9. Holland




10. Latvia




11. Belgium




12. Greece




13. Yugoslavia




14. Austria




15. Italy




16. Bulgaria




17. Others








The above data can be found in Ronnie Landau's book (The Nazi Holocaust, page 316) and in my years of reading about the Holocaust, I found the number to be pretty much on the mark although many American and European Holocaust deniers do not believe them. The number in fact passes the 6 million mark when one considers those Jews deported from Luxembourg, Norway, Albania, and many European principalities. Similar Data can also be found In Norman Davis, page 1328; Noaks & Pridham, page 1208; and Fischer, 512, Lucy Dawidowicz, The War against the Jews, Appendix A).

The grim fact about the above numbers is that even Rudolf Hoess - murder-in-chief of Auschwiitz - a man of an enormous cruelty and complete imperviousness to moral reflection, in the end was forced to reflect about the very calamity of the crime he was committing daily against innocent Jewish mothers and children. Here is what he said in his autobiography:

"In Auschwitz, I truly had no reason to complain that I was bored….. I had one end in view, to drive everyone and everything forward so that I could accomplish the measures laid down (i.e. Hitler's final solution of the Jewish question).

"I had to watch coldly as mothers with laughing and crying children went to the gas-chambers…. I had to stand for hours on end in the ghastly stench…… I had to look through the peepholes… and watch the process of death itself.

"My family, for sure, were well provided for at Auschwitz. When I saw my children playing happily, or observed my wife's delight in our youngest, the thought would often come over me, how long will our happiness last." (Quoted in Norman Davis, "Europe: A History," page 1018).

Sure enough, for Rudolf Hoess, the happiness didn't last, at the end of the war, he was brought to trial at Nuremberg and he confessed openly that he mercilessly killed 2,500,000 innocent people in cold blood particularly the inhumane use of the Zyclon-B gas-chambers. He was sentenced to death and was hanged in the very land he committed all those crimes: Poland. (For full confession of Rudolf Hoess, see Whitney Harris, "Tyranny on Trial," page 334-337.)

In all this horrendous crime, what should not be forgotten or forgiven is that Hitler and his gangs like Rudolf Hoess tried every thing imaginable in the world to erase the Jews people from Continental Europe. Hitler prophesied in January 1939 by saying that "the war will not end as the Jews imagine, namely, in the liquidation of all the European and Aryan peoples; the outcome of this war will be the extermination of Jewry. For the first time, it will not be other nations who will bleed to death. For the first time we will practice the ancient Jewish law: an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. It will be fertile soil in every prison camp, in every family to whom we explain why, in the end, they must make sacrifices. And this world enemy, the wickedest of all times, will play his role no longer, at least for one thousand years (Leni Yahil, page 317)." He was almost successful. Had the War ended in 1947 instead of 1945, Hitler and his gangs would have achieved their goal of annihilating the Jews people. This was because in those days no body cared to save the Jews except the honorable Denmark whose King made it a habit of putting the "yellow star of David" in his lapel to show solidarity with his Jews subjects. In tandem with this humane King, the Danish underground resistance has left a rich legacy of courage and determination not only in transporting their Jews brethren to safety in Sweden but also sent a warning to any would be Nazi collaborator in any part of Denmark not to help the Nazis in their search for Jews. For this heroic reason, the Nazis success in sending Jews from Denmark to death camps was less than 600. The Swedish also did their best, notably diplomat Raoul Wallenberg. Another worthy of remembrance was a Spanish diplomat stationed in Hungary who has done his best saving Jews unlike and in spite of his country's dictator, Franco, collaboration with Hitler.

The three world big leaders who could have made a difference never bothered helping the Jewish people. Stalin was a committed enemy of the Jews people and could not be counted to save them. The Royal Airforce was bombing chemical factors (the huge IG Farben at Auschwitz-III) just a stone through away from the ovens of the death camps, but Churchill was more interested in finishing the war in his favor thereby save the British Empire for future generation. Similarly, out of Ankara, Turkey and Foggia air base in southern Italy, the American Airforce was capable to destroy the death camps just as they were doing to Hitler's source of oil in Rumania and his synthetic oil and rubber plant at Monowitz which lay less than 5 miles of the gas chambers of Berkenu and Auschwitz. Sadly Roosevelt was more interested to finish the war with both Japan and Germany thereby save American lives first and foremost. He was also more forthcoming in helping Stalin rather than the Jews considering his refusal to accept Jews refugee who were running at top speed from Hitler's inferno. The Churches too, notably the Vatican, either didn't care or deeply sleeping and didn't do much to help the distressed and the oppressed Jews as millions of them were rounded up from every corner of Europe and were brutally sent to Auschwitz and other death camps.

For the prisoners who watched the American bombing, the tragic denial of liberation from those SS thugs that were watching the death camps was heart breaking. Here is what one of Birkenau prisoners has said about their misfortune: The moment the sky was littered with American bombers, "all the SS men would go into the bunkers but we came out of our own hats, and prayed that a bomb will fall, or soldiers and weapons will be parachuted, but in vain. Whenever there was a raid the SS ran away. We were always left alone, completely alone. Perhaps we could have run away. But being totally powerless and feeling helplessly forgotten, we had nowhere to go." (For detail about the negligence to give a hand to camp inmates, see Sir Martin Gilbert, Auschwitz and the Allies, particularly chapter 31)

British and American apologist usually say that their governments didn't know what Hitler was doing in the east. The truth was, they knew about the industrial killing in Auschwitz as early as 1942 when two Jews inmates escaped and brought with them extremely accurate information about the whole process of gassing innocent and defenseless Jews. Sadly even the mighty BBC never said a word about Auschwitz.

This wholesale betrayal left very bad taste on the Jewish people Worldwide to never trust the Gentile world. One can honestly say that It is for this reason many Israelis of today justifiably don't trust the world but themselves although deep down, they know the policy of their Government on the Palestinian issue is unhealthy and wrong headed. The evil hand of Hitler taught them to be suspicious and rightfully so. This is not to say that the Palestinians have no legitimate cause - which as a matter of fact they do - and yet, not to acknowledge the age-old suffering of the Jews people is to let oneself be immersed into a dangerous fickleness and unrestrained human hubris. This is particularly true when one remembers the fundamental fact of Jewish history littered with persecutions under the Byzantines, massacres during the Crusades, Jewish expulsions from England (1290), France (1306), Spain (1492), Portugal (1497), Frankfurt (1614), Vienna (1670), Jewish pogroms in the Ukraine (1648, 1768), Odessa (1871), and throughout Russia - especially after 1881 culminating in Kishinev (1903) - and when all these atrocities are added to Hitler's unequalled mayhem over the Jews people, their indelible anxiety and suspicion on the Gentile world is not only correct but also absolutely understandable. (Jewish expulsion dates came from Professor Cornel West of Harvard and his wonderful book, "Race Matters", page 104; Professor west's view on Jews suspicion and anxiety over the gentiles was also reprinted in Paul Berman's book, "Blacks and Jewish," page 145)

To the last, Hitler was blaming the Jews while his bunker was shaking from the constant bombardment by the very people who contemptuously considered them as "Slav untermenschen (subhumans)." In Hitler's every bit of consciousness, the Jews are the source of his misery and of the end of his 1000 years Reich. Because of them came Russian soldiers under Field Marshal Zhukov to the gate of his bunker. He never brought his sense back to earth that the Russians are Men enough and fighters enough to be able and come to his bunker. It was all the fault of Jewish Bolshevism. What was so maddening about Hitler was that, even in the final hour before his death, he was still haranguing and hating the Jews. In his death bed, he didn't abandon the vision of the hell into which he had intended to cast the Jewish people and to the last he exhorted his followers in his will "to observe the racial laws most carefully and to fight mercilessly against the poisoners of all the peoples of the world, international Jewry (L, Yahil, page 652)." Such is the mentality of a psychopath whose crime surpasses every merciless Tamerlane and Attila the Hun who appeared in this sad world.

Speaking about the Slavic "untermenschen," whom Hitler tried to forcefully change them to cave dwellers. The World owes them much for their heroic sacrifices they did to break the neck of Hitler and his Nazis. Without the heroic stand at Stalingrad, Leningrad, and at the gate of Moscow, the Fuhrer would still be standing tall in his old age in his hometown, Linz. This was particularly true when one considers the contribution made by Field Marshal Rokossovsky as a commander in the battle of Stalingard and Kursk and so too, General Chuikov and his 62nd army who single handedly denied Field Marshal Paulas and the German army from crossing the Volga to the extent of even a single German soldier. To be sure, British and American land and air war contribution was prodigious. Still, that by itself may not have been enough to do away with Hitler short of the American use of the Atomic Bomb. Without Russian contribution, the western allies would have taken them more years to defeat Hitler than the 1945 conclusion.

What was amazing was that, irrespective of the Slavic fighting capability, for Hitler, the Slavs were only fit to be slave laborers. He treated them so brutally and under his plan, the Nations such as Poland, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, and Russia were marked to cease to exist and their land to be turned to German Agricultural Colonizers or as Hitler formulated it in "Mein Kampf" - "Lebensraum" for the Germans. Their people were also marked to be forcefully suppressed, as Hitler said, like dark British India. The proof of all this can easily be found in the records of a number of discussions Hitler had with his cronies, particularly in "Hitler's table talk."

Poland according to Hitler:

Hitler ideas on the polish nation were unambiguous. Their Intellectuals, highly regarded Religious people, all Military officers, Business Men, Landlords, and any sign that may revive the soul of the Polish Nation, were systematical destroyed. Here is what Hitler said about Poland and the Polish people as the German Army was heading to the East:

"The Poles [he declared], in direct contrast to our German workmen, are especially born for hard labor. We must give every possibility of advancement to our German workers; as to the Poles, there can be no question of improvement for them. On the contrary, it is necessary to keep the standard of life low in Poland, and it must not permitted to rise. Poland is only permitted to be used as source of unskilled labor. It is also indispensable to bear in mind that the Polish landlords must cease to exist, however this may sound, they must be exterminated where ever they are."

"There should be," said Hitler, "one master only for the Poles - the Germans. Two masters, side by side, cannot and must not exist. Therefore all representatives of the Polish intelligentsia are to be exterminated. This, too sound cruel, but such is the law of life. The Poles will also benefit from this, as we look after their health and see to it that they do not starve, but they must never be raised to a higher level, for then they will become anarchists and communists. It will therefore be proper for the Poles to remain Roman Catholics: Polish priests will receive food from us and will, for that very reason, direct their little sheep along the path we favor. If any priest act differently, we shall make a short work on him. The task of the priest is to keep the Poles quit, stupid, and dull-witted. This is entirely in our interest. Should the Poles rise to a higher level of development, they will cease to be the manpower of which we are in need." For all these reasons," said Hitler, the Poles are to be treated mercilessly and never forget that "the lowest German workman and the lowest German peasant must always stand economically ten percent above any Pole (Lord Allen Bullock; Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, Page 693)."

With this express order from Hitler, the Gestapo went on the binge of killing any pole that stood on the way of Polish Nazification. One local German official in Poland frankly admitted that "I did not hesitate to say that for every Germany killed, up to 199 Poles would be shot." And as Fischer graphically put it in his book (page 489) torture often preceded the execution of the hostages: "The use of torture in the interrogation was almost a general rule. The torture usually applied were beating, whipping, chaining for several days without a moment of rest for nourishment or hygienic care, immersion in ice water, drowning in a bath tub, charging the bath water with electricity, electrification of the most sensitive parts of the body, burns at certain palaces on the body and the pulling out of fingernails."

Add to this gruesome existence the Nazi Medical experiment on prisoners where they are thrown into a Vacuum chamber and where "prisoners inside would stand as their lungs was forced to rupture. Some experiments gave men such pressure in the heads that would go mad and pull out their hair in an effort to relieve the pressure. They would tear heads and faces with their fingers and nails in an attempt to maim themselves in their madness. They would beat the walls with their hands and head and scream in an effort to relieve the pressure on the eardrums. These cases… generally ended in the death of the subject. The experiments were generally classified into two groups, one known as the living experiment and the other simply the "X" experiment, which was a way of saying execution experiment (Fischer, page 490)."

It must also be said that all this experiment was done on all type of races, black person, white person, tall, short, blue eyes and blond hair, black heir and black eyes; Nazi doctors experimented on all type of human body structure. For example Dr Mengele's experiment on Midget babies is graphically detailed in Sara Nomberg-Prztyk's Auschwitz (page 89-93). I just hope that Ethiopian readers of this article would have the courage to go through that book and may be then they will understand the disgraceful and inexplicably ignorant temperament of their Foreign Minister.

In any event, under Hitler, Poland suffered 3,000,000 dead and if we were to add those Jews victims of Polish origin, the total surpasses 6,000,000 people. The Nazis destroyed every Polish business and center of higher learning. Every village the Nazis thought to be worthy of meaningful civilization was erased to ground. And as the Nazis were living Poland being defeated by the "Red army," they destroyed every bridge of every road they passed through as they retreated to West Germany. By the end of the war in 1945, Poland was leaderless, foodless, desolate, and firmly in the hand of Stalin and his Commissars.

Hitler's crime on the Slavs was not confined on Polish and Polish land. Russia, Ukraine, and Czechoslovakia were also marked to be treated with unfathomable and incomprehensible brutality similar to the fate of Poland.

Hitler's crime in Russia, Ukraine, and Czechoslovakia

According to Hitler, the Russians are subhuman in the full sense of the word and this idiotic and warped judgment also equally applies to any person who has Slavic origin. By this convoluted reasoning, Hitler brought himself to firmly think that the land they populated, God knows for millenniums, deserve to be Germanized. On this corner of Hitler's thought, his favorite comparison was British India and how few Aryan British race subdued million of Hindus.

"What India is for England," Hitler declared in one dinner session, "the territories of Russia will be for us. The Russian desert, we shall populate it and Europeanize it. We will take away its character of an Asiatic steppe and baptize it with European character."

And when all the brutal installation of Aryanism in the east is done, Hitler declared, "The German colonists ought to live as they must on handsome, spacious farms. The German services will be lodged in marvelous buildings, the governors in palaces. Around the city, to a depth of thirty to forty kilometers, we shall have a belt of handsome villages connected by the best roads. What exists beyond that will be another world in which we mean to let the Russians go to pieces without intervening. And above all, no remorse on any Russian subject! We are absolutely without obligations as far as these people are concerned. To struggle against the hovels, chase away the fleas, provide German teachers, to bring out newspapers to benefit this subhuman - very little of that for us! We will confine ourselves, perhaps, to setting up a radio transmitter, under our control. For the rest, let them know just enough to understand our highway signs, so that they won't get themselves run over by our vehicles. It is just merely necessary that we should rule them (Lord Bullock, Page 656)."

Ukraine and Ukrainians are also allotted the same treatment as Russians. Via the mouse of Erich Koch, Hitler's Gauleiter in the Ukraine, the residents of Kiev were told in unmistakable term, in March 1943, that the Germans "didn't come here to serve manna. We have come here to create the basis for total victory and the implementation of German civilization. We are a master race, which every one must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here (Lord Bullock, Page 692)."

As for the Czechoslovakians, Hitler's treatment was just as brutal. "The Czechs," said Hitler, "must be deprived of their power, eliminated, and shipped out of the country by all sort of methods. This applies particularly to the racially Mongoloid part and the major part of the intellectual class. The later can scarcely be converted ideologically and would become a burden by constantly making claims for leadership. All elements which counteract the planned Germanization of Czechoslovakia ought to be handled roughly and mercilessly eliminated (Lord Bullock, Page 694)."

Such was Hitler's brutality in East Europe. By the end of the War, 20 million died in Russia and Ukraine. During the 900 days Nazi siege of Leningrad, 2 million civilians died and majority of them were due to hunger. According to historian Harrison Salisbury (900 Days: The Siege of Leningrad), it is common experience in those days for parents to cannibalize their children and eat them to alleviate their hunger.

Stalingrad, too, was also totally destroyed and experienced 1 million Russian civilian deaths. By the end of the German army defeat in the battle of Stalingrad, the so-called superior warriors of Hitler suffered 400,000 dead soldiers. Add to this number the Axis forces (Italian, Rumanian, and Hungarians) that were on the side of the Germans, the grand total armed forces that were destroyed by the Russians were about 541,000 death, captured, or missing. Out of this grand-total, the Russians took 90,000 German soldiers into captivity. Out of these 90,000 German war prisoners, there were 2500 officers and 24 generals and among these last high officers, the commander Field Marshal Paulas, 2 colonel-generals, and the rest were lieutenant-generals and major-generals. Only 6,000 survived the captivity and returned to their family after twelve years of imprisonment in Stalin's Siberian hell. The rest died of hunger and disease (For details see V.E Tarrant, Stalingrad, page 203-232. For comparative data, see Antony Beevor, "Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege - 1942 to 1943, Appendix B).

The most amazing thing about the battle of Stalingrad was that Hitler was told emphatically that the German army was in no position to eradicate Russian soldiers from the many rubble blocks that Stalingrad was changed to. His Commanders, Field Marshals' Manstein, Paulas, Zeitzler, and many others repeatedly told Hitler that "the Battle of Stalingrad was unwinable. In the eyes of the commanders, the City was fast becoming a German graveyard and urged him for orderly retreat. Hitler was a well entrenched egotist and his egomania wouldn't allow the German army to move out even one inch from Stalin's city." In the end, the Russians encircled the German army, decimated them in unmistakable terms, broke the back of Hitler's pride on Aryan race, and made that battle as the turning point of the war (For details see Tarrant, page 131-140).

Ukraine also suffered no less. By the end of the war, Cities like Kiev and Khaharkov were totally destroyed. Million of civilians died from Nazi instigated hunger. Millions of able laborers were shipped to German factories to work as slave labor. The entire Jews population of Ukraine was sent to the death camp. All in all, Ukraine suffered more than 5 million civilian death and missing. Except Stalingrad, Leningrad, and the gate of Moscow, all the major battles between the German army and the Red army were in Ukraine or on the border of it as Kursk was.

This was particularly true after General Heinz Guderian (one of the best Hitler's Panzer commander) encircled Kiev and the Russian Fifth Army where the fight was so violent as every Russian soldier was left to fend for himself and division after division tried desperately to escape from the Guderians noose. The intensity of the fight was so heavy; the Wehrmacht (German Army) suffered 522,833 casualties and the Russians, two times that much. The official German count of Russian prisoners taken around Kiev was 665,212 (For detail see Bryan Fugate, Operation Barbarossa, special attention should be paid to chapter 7). The effect of all this heavy and merciless fight was that every building in Kiev and its surrounding was either level to the ground or became unusable because of structural damage. Throughout the offensive and occupation of Hitler's Army in the Ukraine, the Gestapo wiped out almost all villages because many of the Stalin's people's resistance fight and sabotage behind the front of the German army was in Ukraine. By the end of the war there wasn't a single road, bridge, or village school building that remained unaffected by all the merciless fighting. What is even more sad for Ukraine was, all these tragedy coming as it did few years after Stalin's forcefully imposed death by hunger as a result of his hellish collectivization; Ukraine, the Nation, faced doubly incalculable human suffering by these two monsters: Hitler and Stalin. The Stalin imposed Hunger (For detail see Robert Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow) in and of itself claimed more that 7,500,000 victims. (For the number of famine victims see Webster's New World Encyclopedia, 9th edition). By the Second World war's end, what was left of Ukraine was mass of rubble with spiritually broken people, hungry, fully prostrated, and sadly still under Stalin.

Hitler's Destruction in Western Europe

The effect of Hitler's hell was not by any means confined to Eastern Europe. The degree of suffering was certainly different. But the peoples of Western Europe have also faced the tremendous destructiveness of Hitler's power. At the end of Hitler's war, there were 8,000,000 displaced people (war refugees) all over Europe. Hundredth of thousands of left leaning Europeans died resisting Hitler and challenging the Gestapo bullet for bullet, collecting information on Hitler's military and industrial movement, and hiding Jewish family and transporting them to safety. The average West European street man and woman felt the heaviest destructiveness of Hitler. The never ending bombing and counter bombing of cities, the hunger as result of war scarcity and seeing beloved ones as they head to the front, all left a big and damaging effect on the average West European.

The most far-reaching and heartbreaking destruction of the war fall-down on the average citizens of Coventry, London, Amsterdam, Dresden, Hamburg and many more who agonized day in day out due to the mindless bombing and counter bombing, all of it as result of the evil mind of Hitler. The city of Dresden alone faced 135,000 death and destruction by the Royal Airforce fire bombing while Hitler was hiding his ass safely in his bunker. On the night of Feb. 13-14, 1945, the RAF Bomber Command carried out one of the heaviest raids of the European air war, with 873 RAF bombers dropping incendiaries in every street of the city. On Feb. 14, the American Air Force also sent to the same city 311 B-17 bombers in which among both Air Forces, they dropped more than 5 tones of incendiaries and high explosive bombs that set the city of Dresden on a hell like fire that started a fire storm as the rising column of intense heat sucked up oxygen and burned it, creating hurricane like winds and temperature over 1000 F. (For Detail on the Dresden Bombing, see American novelist Kurt Vonnegut, "Slaughterhouse Five." David Irving, "The destruction of Dresden" is also another source. However readers are advised to read the last book with caution for Mr. Irving is a living & breathing Hitler sympathizer which among other things, he claimed that the Final Solution took place without Hitler's Knowledge. For Mr. Irving notoriety, see Deborah Lipstadt, "Denying the Holocaust," page 160-163, 179-181, 232-234, and many more pages.)

The most sad and disorienting thing is that, nowadays, it is very common and fashionable in the circle of European Rightwing Elements to put the blame on the destruction of Dresden on Air Chief, Marshal Sir Arthur Harris, Commander in Chief of the RAF Bomber Command. The truth was Sir Arthur Harris didn't own a single DNA that was programmed to hate Dresden, not prior to the war or during the war. It was the demonic pathology of Hitler that brought single handedly all the destruction to the German cities. Hitler was the first to send his diving stuka bombers and V-1&2 rockets to London and other European cities and the revenge was swift and ferocious as Sir Harris did to Dresden. For every attack there is always counter attack. Hitler sowed an evil wind and he harvested a whirlwind.

Hitler and Japan cause fo r Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Meles for Mekele

On one item related to air bombing, let me say it in advance and in an unmistakable term. It is foolish and indeed unwise to compare "Melles Zenawi, the Ethiopian Prime-Minster to the Nazi leader" for that will certainly give coupe-de-grace to his foreign Minster, Sium Mesfin. And yet if it was not for his reckless imitation in sending the Ethiopian Air Force to bomb innocent citizens of Asmara as Hitler did in the early days of the battle of Britain, the Eritrean Air force would have never retaliated and bomb Mekele. Thus the guilty is the person who started the fire not the one who retaliated to extinguish the fire. This was true for men of the RAF then, as it is true for the Eritrean Air Force today. As the late Senator Barry Goldwater immortally said, "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!" The job of a Nation's Airforce is to defend the liberty and wellbeing of its citizen at any cost from letting being mugged by neighborly warmongers. And the job of a good leader is to show no moderation for the sake of justice since it is perfectly understood that no virtue can come out by showing moderation to a neighborly mugging warmonger whose shameful criteria is to judge a human being by his religious phase (in this case Hitler) or by the color of the eye (in this case his African imitator, Meles Zenawi). The hard truth was, Neville Chamberlain showed endless moderation to Hitler in pursuit of justice and finally went to Munich on his knees, returned home and glibly declared "peace with honor, peace of our time." The end result was, in a matter of few months; Hitler swallowed Czechoslovakia and then marched to do the same thing to Poland.

Let it also be said for the record too that without Hitler, Japanese opportunism in declaring war against the United States would have never materialized. By the end of 1941, Hitler was almost on his way to swallow the whole of Europe. Emperor Hirohito and his warmonger, General Hideki Tojo saw an opportunity that could be paralleled with Hitler's murderous conquest without any fear of retribution from the Anglo-American Allies. Thus Japanese evil imitation of Hitler was forcefully practiced all over East Asia. The bayoneting of Children in Nanking, China which among other things they murdered innocent civilians more than 200,000 children, women and men; the biological experiment that was done on prisoners of war; rape and sex slavery of Asia women (so called comfort women) by Japanese soldiers through out East Asia; forcing conquered peoples to do slave labor in Japanese industries; all of these evil deeds were the character of war time Japan and many of these evil characters were an import from Hitler's Germany. (For detail of Hitlerized Japanese atrocities see Iris Chang's "The Rape of Nanking" is must read.)

Let it additionally be said that, Hitler was also directly responsible for the hundredth of thousands of innocent civilians that perished in the fire bombing of Tokyo (100,000 civilian death) and the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima (137,000 death) and Nagasaki (74,000 death) for without the encouragement of Hitler, the Japanese would have never dared to bomb Pearle Harbor regardless of any American diplomatic misbehavior. No Hitler! No Hiroshima and Nagasaki! (For the numbers of the Atomic and firebombing of Japanese civilians, refer to Webster's New World Encyclopedia, 9th edition. The numbers reported here are what I felt to be accurate. Japanese reports understandably tend to be sometimes higher than what is reported here. For example in his book, "The Pacific War," Saburo Ienaga reported 200,000 death for Hiroshima and 122,000 for Nagasaki, see page 202. By contrast Anglo-American foremost military historian, John Keegan, in his book "The Second World War" reported 78,000 death for Hiroshima and 25,000 death for Nagasaki. See page 584)

The effect of the atomic bombing and the devastation it created was complete and thorough. Anything that existed within two miles from the hypocenter was melted to ground and what was left was just ashes. All living things that breaths be it human beings, animals, plants, and even fish deep inside the water of the Hiroshima harbor were boiled to death. In Dresden although the firestorm was so unbearable, it is possible to escape death as some lucky Dresdens did as well as war prisoners like American novelist, Kurt Vonnegut. In Hiroshima, no such luck. Every body Japanese as well as American Prisoners of War were burned simultaneously. In Hiroshima no one escaped death since death came pronto from many angles. The blinding flush light that was created as the atom bomb was detonating; the collapsing buildings; the fire storm with its thick smoke that covered the entire city where breathing became next to impossible; the heat wave with an intensity and force of 5400 F that hit the human body where the skin is only capable to handle up to 120 F; the boiling water of every pool and river that cross the city; in Hiroshima, Pompeii and Dante's "Inferno" were multiplied to the nth times.

In Hiroshima "all major facilities - prefecture offices, city hall, fire departments, police stations, national railroad stations, post offices, telegram and telephone offices, broadcasting stations, and school buildings full of students were totally demolished. Street cars, roads, electricity, gas, water, sewage facilities were ruined beyond use. Eighteen emergency hospitals and thirty-two first-aid clinics were destroyed. The city was left with no medical personnel for majority of them, 90%, were killed or disabled like everybody else." Out of the 76,000 building in Hiroshima, 70,000 were destroyed and out of these 48,000 were melted to ground level. Unlike the European cities that took day and night bombing to destroy them using standard bombs, Hiroshima with its streets full of life; its trimmed street grasses and its many gardens full of blooming flowers; its ancient civilization that predated the Tokugawa Shogunate; and its heroic and speedy modernization ever since the Meiji era was commenced; every advancement the city achieved was turned to desert by a single bomb dropped from a single plane, the Enola Gay, and in just few minutes.

The effect of the bomb on the people of Hiroshima was even dreadful and horrifying. Literally thousands died instantly from the heat-wave inferno. Those who survived the initial blast ended with burned body and peeled skin dangling everywhere. In those hours, it was common sight to see people stagger exactly like zombie of sleepwalkers or to see burned bodies completely blackened inside a streetcar. Thousands of human beings jumped to the river to alleviate the heat that was burning their body only to find out that the river's water was in and of itself at the boiling point level. Here is how it was described by a fifth-grade boy: "I had the feeling that all the human beings on the face of the earth had been killed off, and only the five of us (i.e. his family) were left behind in the uncanny world of the dead….. I saw several people plunging their heads into a half broken water tank and drinking the water.... When I was close enough to see inside the tank I said ' Oh!' out loud and instinctively drew back. What I had seen in the tank were the faces of monsters reflected from the water dyed red with blood, They clung to the side of the tank and plunged their heads in to drink and there in that position they had died. From their burned and tattered middy blouses I could tell that they were high school girls, but there was not a heir left on their heads (the effect of radiation); the broken skin of their faces was stained bright red with blood. I could hardly believe these were human faces."

Again unlike European cities, the effect on the atomic bomb survivors was deeply daunting to handle. People began to see "strange form of illness that consisted of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with large amount of blood in their stool, fever and weakness, loss of appetite, insurmountable agony were major companions of every victim of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb radiation." Moreover, atomic bomb victims were also covered "with purple spots on the various parts of the body from bleeding into the skin to inflammation, ulceration and bleeding of mouth, throat and gums, and worst of all extremely low counts of white blood cells that were supposed to fight disease and heel the burned body; all these illnesses were the gruesome product of the Atomic Bomb radiation." The sad fact was, back then, no medical personnel knew or even understood how to treat the victims of radiation and even if one knew how to treat the victims, the helplessness and lack of means was so great many victims who survived the initial blast died crying for help and not getting it. What became, as a given fact was that in the European bombed cities, death stopped when the bombing stopped. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the aftermath effect of the bomb was so excruciating, so devastating and so cruel, it went on claiming victim for years with no end on sight. Over the Last 40 years, more than 250,000 people died from radiation related illness. (Many of the points I used in the last three paragraphs came from Richard Rhodes's book: "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" and chapter 19 of this book is a must read. Similarly, John Hersey: "Hiroshima," also gives a chilling view of the bomb effect.)

To be sure, Tojo and his Japanese militarist companions would have never gone to war without the basic support of the nobility and the Military Industrial complex (the Zaibatsu) such as Mitsubishi, Nissan, Mitsui, Sumitomo, Toshiba, NEC, and many more who were looking forward to make mountains of cold cash from the war effort. They in fact are responsible for all the civilian death in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The question was, beyond the Zaibatsu, what kind of world environment influenced the Japanese militarist to do all the murders they committed in Asia.

Let's assume for the moment that Europe was at peace at that time and there was "no" Hitler in scene. Let's also assume that American policy makers were not in their best of behavior in Asia. Finally let's assume that Chinese leaders were threatening Japanese interest in the pacific region. By this scenario, we could legitimately say that militarist Japan alone influenced the Japanese people to go to war to defend their national interest and sovereignty in the region. And yet as I said it elsewhere, militarist Japan alone by itself with no ascending Nazi power in Europe would have never dared to open the Pacific War.

First and foremost, with the advent of the racist European colonialism which the Japanese copied to the hilt (Example: the change of the Samurai organizational structure was remodeled like the Prussian Army), traditional Japanese culture that looks on outsiders as anything but barbarian became even more aggressive to the extent of forcing Koreans in their very own country to change every Korean common name to Japanese.…And as Hitler and his Nazis demonstrated and exhibited supreme belligerency in the European power struggle and where they were truly unchallenged. It showed irrefutably to militarist Japan as one more example which way the wind was blowing and in favor of Hitler and his Nazis. For the Japanese militarists, Hitler became the uncontested spiritual leader and guidance to be emulated. They carefully watched him as he manipulated the German power structure including the aging president, Paul Von Hindenberg, who allowed Hitler to climb to the sit of government smoothly. They also watched very carefully Hitler's disrespect to international law and order, which among other things made mockery of the League of Nation in an obvious and unmistakable manner. His feverish rearming beyond the vital necessity to defend German interest within the international law. His reenactment of the racist Nuremberg law that took away German citizenship from Jews and other minorities. The implementation of evil medical sterilization and euthanasia on minorities and defenseless and voiceless Germans (so called invalids). When the Japanese militarist saw Hitler committing all these crimes without even a single hiss from other international Powers notably England, France, and the United States; they became totally hypnotized by Hitler's capability to get away with whatever he wishes. All these unabated lawlessness of Hitler gave an impetus to the Japanese Militarist to seek and join the "Anti-Comintern Pact" with Nazi Germany in November 1936 ostensibly to fight worldwide communism. Emboldened by this pact, the Japanese declared full scale war against China in 1937 and went on bludgeoning city after city, which the worst and heinous crime was done in the city Nanking.

For the Japanese militarist every naked act of Hitler was a hypnotizing posh. His occupation of the Rhineland without any consultation with neighboring states. His annexation of Austria and the Studenten land including the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia. Added to these naked aggressions was the knee-jerk Munich appeasement choreographed by England's Prime-Minster Chamberlain and his French counterpart, Eduard Daladier. And Hitler's answer to all this appeasement was to shove to England and France with even more aggression that climaxed with the dismemberment of Poland (between Hitler and Stalin), the defeat of France, and the ignominious retreat of British forces at Dunkirk. The end result of all this Hitlerist aggression was the bewitchment of militarist Japan in the hand of Nazism that became visible, complete, and unmistakable. Then and there, militarist Japan insisted upon making a "tripartite Military alliance" with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Prim-Minster Yonia cabinet rejected the alliance treaty and the Japanese Militarist forced that cabinet to resign. The second Konoe cabinet approved the treaty in September 1940, with militarist duress constantly hovering over the head of every cabinet member. All this militarist Japan dancing with Hitler led to Pearl Harbor and on to the blooming Pacific war. The sad end was the death of hundredth of thousands of innocent civilians in the atomic bomb destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (See Saburo Ienaga, "The Pacific War," page 77-91).

The Hitler Phenomenon

The Hitler phenomenon, as matter of fact had worldwide impact. There were hundreds of thousands of Hitler admirers in Peron's Latin America as it was also true in Franco's Spain. Hitler was the unsurpassed spiritual prophet of many European Fascists of the day throughout European capitals. The Quislings in Norway and the Pavelic's Ustashis in Croatia are prime examples of those who collaborated with the Gestapo in rounding up Jews in every European City and sending them to the gas chambers. And some like the Ustashi emulated Hitler's crime and murdered 300,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies (See Garrison Walters, "The Other Europe," page 290-293). Hitler had admirers in Africa too. Anwar Sadat was in his pocket and White South Africans with the exception of some British descendants were drumming the Hitler's bit. The Arab leaders and intellectuals of those times were also thoroughly infatuated with Hitler and a prime example was the then Mufti of Jerusalem, Haji Amin Al Hussini. Millions of racists in the United States and England were also in Hitler's corner. In the Anglo-American world, the Lindberghs in the United States and the British aristocracy were open supporters of Hitler and his evil and racist agenda. Rudolf Hess, the number two men in Germany's Nazidom, did not do his midnight flight to wartime England in vacuum. Hess went to England to meet the British aristocracy and the purpose was to influence them to the hilt and hopefully they in turn will force the hated Churchill government to make peace with Germany. And no wonder upon arriving in Scotland, the first thing Hess asked was to see the Duke of Hamilton. Of course, for Hess, things didn't turnout the way he expected them to be. But that was beside the point.

In any event, it was this worldwide support of Hitler with its racist European colonialist culture as its main hinge and component that enabled the Nazis to commit the horrendous crime of death and annihilation of 60 million innocent people. This kind of Hitler's vast influence not only in the European mainland but the rest of the world and his gigantic evil deeds particularly in eastern Europe, I am convinced, the Ethiopian Foreign Minster, Mr. Sium Mesfin, doesn't know a bit. That's why he ignorantly compared Hitler to Issayas Afeworki. What is absolutely insane about the Ethiopian Foreign Minister was that the very comparison makes Hitler to look like a benign leader and thereby ignores the enormity of Hitler's gas chamber annihilation.

True, growing up in Vienna, Hitler was a vagrant, a homeless who have never managed to earn a meaningful wage of the day. He barley finished "High School" and every teacher he came across detested him. For many years, he lived from the handout and goodwill of others. There was days "he took to the street, begging there, sleeping in doorways and cheap coffee houses. No one befriended him. As the whether worsened, his shoes were torn to pieces on the ice pavements, his feet became blistered and frostbitten, and his hands were covered with chilblains. He had no overcoat or hat, rain and snow had worn his single blue suit threadbare and bleached it lilac. His heir was uncut and uncombed and he had grown a shaggy beard. Hunger gnawed at his belly like a family of rats. It was very common for him to line up with other pathetic wretches at the Asylum for the Shelters where he could only get free food and warm bath. To live, he crept from shelter to shelter, begging food from various religious orders that run them. He was expert at getting food tickets from those who moved out from the shelters." He was a draft-dodger who escaped to Munich from the Austrian Law. After serving in the Second World War with German army, his life again went back to its old marginal self. There and then, he joined the Nazi Party because it was a heaven for racists like him but more so because he was able to help himself with ample free food provided by racist German Industrialists. (For a short and sharp early Bio-of-Hitler, see Robert Leckie, "Delivered From Evil," page 27-52. For psychoanalysis of Hitler, Sebastian Haffner's "The Meaning of Hitler," and George Victor's "Hitler: the pathology of Evil" are extremely informative.)

The question is how was a very civilized country like Germany whose hatred of Jews before the first World War was no more if not less than say Czarist Russia allowed to be hoodwinked by this under-achiever, lazy, an opportunist, and racist to the core person? How was an intelligent and well-intentioned Germans like Albert Spear gravitated to and captivated by this megalomaniac?

There are varieties of opinions about the Hitler's phenomenon. None of them can meet the thesis satisfactorily. Germany's defeat in 1st World War and the German punishment at Versailles by the victors was one. The Weimar political instability and the economic depression that followed the Great War defeat was another. The desire to fight communism was still another. There are also those who put Hitler madness to the untimely death of his beloved mother and the hard upbringing he faced in Vienna. All these factors may certainly have contributed to the tragedy that Hitler brought to the World. And yet non-of them was a major one. Because for any one of the factors to be a major one, Hitler has to be one who was interested in the welfare of the Germany people which by any means he never was. He was an opportunistic-racist, deadly, coldly-calculating to the core and opportunists usually care about their very own self and agenda first and foremost and non-about others. Unlike Churchill who visited bombed British cities and traveled and met frontline soldiers, Hitler never visited a single German city even-though the destruction was so horrendous. He never traveled to the front but never hesitated to send German Soldiers to a meaningless battles and destruction as Stalingrad was to attest. One time his personal train was passing another train that was carrying wounded German soldiers from the Easter front. He had so much contempt for those wounded soldiers, he did want to see them and thus he ordered his nearest assistant to shut the window. In December 1942, his soldiers in Stalingrad front were so desperate for war supply and instead of doing that as a leader, he gave priority for the trains to be busy transporting Jews from all over Europe to the death camps. All his interest on German people was for them to be of pure race and ruthless colonizers who know no mercy. A German who is at peace with other races and neighbors is a sign of weakness and hence of no interest to him.

Hitler was an evil man whose sole mission was the racial purification of Germany. He judged others races and comminutes based from what he learned from the nineteen centuries European belief of other races which was simplistic and ruthlessly dubious. To Hitler racist development, many individuals of several nations have contributed mightily. On the German side, beside Dietrich Eckart and Johann Gottlieb Fichte, the most destructive opinion came from the novels of Karl May who wrote trashy fictions about the American West in highly romantic and racist terms. This writer was extremely popular with all school age children in the world of Bismarkian Germany. As Ellen Switzer analyzed the issue in her book, (How Democracy Failed, page 56) Karl May's books were veritable instruction manuals on how few Aryan men - in this case: American cowboys - were single-handedly able to subdue a whole band of Indian tribes. Characters names that show the vigor of the white race were dolled out affectionately to the cowboys like "Old Shatterhand." The heroic and desperate struggle of the few good men against the barbaric tribes of "Oglala" Red Indians was recounted with mesmerizing aplomb. "A sort of Lone Ranger with vicious overtones, Old Shatterhand rode about with his loyal Indian companion, the noble Winneton, by his side, slaughtering whole bands of nasty, cunning, and immoral redskins. When May got tired of the old West, he transferred Shatterhand to the Middle East, where he proceeded to slaughter bands of local natives, dark-skinned members of equally brutish, conniving, and beastly immoral Arab tribes. The novels were full of action, violence, and hatred of all the races Karl May came across in his fantasy of the Euro-Imperial world."

Karl May never left Germany and he hardly knows the geography of his subjects much less their culture, which makes his whole writing purely second hand guess at best. And yet this didn't matter to many racist Germans, Hitler chief among them. They devoured every morsel of Karl May's writing as quintessential truth year after year. "I owe Karl May my first idea of geography and in fact, he opened may eyes to the world," Hitler was quoted later as saying. Karl May writing about inaccurate geography and culture and the constant exposure to a world of violence, hatred, bloodshed and racism fitted so well into the fantasy world of Hitler. And no wonder Hitler always referred the Ukraine as that "Red Skin Country" in par with the natives of the Americas.

Hitler's racism was also stiffened by those who claimed scientific discovery and truth about race: Darwin, Galton, Chamberlain, (all from England), Gobineau (France), Ernst Haeckel (Germany's herald of Darwinism), and Madison Grant (the United States). As Frederic Farrer pointed out in "Aptitude of the Race," the savage race (those who live in Africa, the Americas and Australia) had always livid in the same ignorance and wretchedness, namely: "They are," he said, "without a past and without future, doomed, as races infinitely nobler have been before them, to a rapid, an entire, and perhaps for the highest destinies of mankind, an inevitable extinction. …Nor out of all their teeming myriads have they produced one single man whose name is of the slightest importance to the history of our race. Were all to be merged tomorrow in some great deluge, they would leave no other traces of their existence than their actual physical remains. …. And I call them irreclaimable savages…. [Because] so far as being influenced by civilization, they disappear from the face of it as surely and perceptibly as snow retreats before the advancing line of sunbeams." (See Sven Lindqvist, "Exterminate All The Brutes," page 135. Mr. Lindqvist is the first European writer that I know of who honestly examined the aggressive and colonialist culture of Europe and its connection to the philosophy of Hitler and the Third Reich. I have no doubt in my mind that his contribution will be remembered for years to come. See also William Shirer, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," page 90-113. With Lindqvist, Leon Poliakov's, "The Aryan Myth" is also a must read.)

All the above bravados was reinforced by equally evil literatures such as "The White Man's Burden," (Kipling) and "The Heart of Darkness" (Conrad) and the French with their "Mission Civillisateur" just to name a few. And with Cortes, Pizzaro, and those who institutionalized "The Trial of Tears" on the wing. Hitler racist plate was full and no wonder the language of "Mein Kampf" was pretty much inline with Darwin, Kipling, and Conrad and other racists…. And no wonder too why Hitler has always admired colonialism of the inferior race as so well done and practiced by British Empire. Hitler and his Nazis took it quite literally what was forecasted in Darwin's "Decent of Man" where Darwin said, "at some future period not very distant as measured in centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage race throughout the world." To compete with the British, Hitler sought to mold young Germans from infancy into a race of true Germans. "It is my duty," Hitler said, "to make use of every means of training the German people to cruelty, and to prepare them for war…. A violently active, dominating, intrepid, brutal youth - that is what I am after. Youth must be all this. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness or tenderness in it." (See Milton Meltzer, "Never To Forget: The Jews of the Holocaust," page 22.)

To achieve his plan for the German purification, Hitler had a staff "working in super secrecy on a method to sterilize millions of Germans without their Knowledge, a racial purification toward eliminating Jews blood and even other Germans who were not tall and have no blue eyes and blond heir." Hitler's obsession to achieve pure German blood was so great that he instituted a stud farm (breeding center then known as the Lebensborn or Fountain of life) to strengthen the "Gene" make up of the general German public. In many parts of Germany, The Nazis mated eligible women with selected SS men to produce purified Aryan children and the fantastic plan was to produce 150 million super German race that compete head to head with other Imperial and Colonial Powers. Every force and cajoling was used to recruit eligible Aryan women. Girls as young as fifteen were drugged to join these SS controlled sexual orgies. The SS tried to keep this farming for perfect babies in secrecy and eventually words got out. Since many women rejected it as a 'brothel for the SS', the farming didn't succeeded that well. Hitler also established a program of kidnapping children from the conquered territories who supposedly look Aryan. "The children were brought to Germany to be given new names and reared as Germans. Some children were then rejected as non-Nordic and since returning them to their families was too inconvenient for Nazis, they were sent to the concentration camps and were gassed like those who were deemed as inferiors. Those placed with German families or in schools who were old enough to remember their original families were brainwashed to believe they were the offspring of German parents who died in the war. Girls too old for 'Germanization' were to be kept for breeding and then killed. The goal was thirty million children to be imported and kidnapped. The Nazis kidnapped children from all over Europe. They kidnapped 200,000 children from Poland alone." (See George Victor, "Hitler: The Pathology of Evil," page 166.)

All these programs of "stud farm and the kidnapping of innocent children" were direct results of Hitler's obsession and desire to see Germany as the preeminent Colonial Power in Europe which, I must add, was firmly ingrained in his mind. In fact, one of the primer prophecies that adore the pages of "Mein Kampf" was the achievement at any cost the desired Lebensraum for the German peoples in Eastern Europe that effectively competes with the British Empire. And in all these evil deeds, Hitler feared that the Jew will be in his way and will certainly interfere in his civilizing mission in the East; hence the need to eliminate the Jew from the face of the earth.

I am sure others will certainly disagree with me, but if I have to judge Hitler and his evil deeds, he was certainly following, as Sven Lindqvist memorably explained. "The European world expansion, accompanied as it was by a shameless defense of extermination of the inferior race, in every corner of the world, which created habits of thought and political precedents that made way for new outrages, finally culminating in the most horrefic of them all: the Holocaust." (See Lindqvist, page x). Hitler knew by heart from his masters like Eikart, Fitchet, Chamberlain and Gobineau, all the horror that went on due to the aggressive and violent extermination of the peoples of the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, (in short the peoples of 4 As') and even Europeans like the Irish whose wound is still smoldering in Northern Ireland. This example of 400 years of unremitting humiliation and subjugation of the 4 As' was to Hitler an "off the shelf component" ready and fit to be used at any time. That’s why Hitler shouted in "Mein Kampf" (page 290-297) that "the Aryan is the Prometheus of Mankind, from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has at all times flashed forth, always kindling a new fire which, in the form of knowledge, Illuminated the dark night… As a conqueror, he subjugated inferior races and turned their physical powers into organized channels under his own leadership. By imposing on them a useful, though hard, manner of employing their powers he not only spared the lives of those whom he had conquered but probably made their lives easier than these had been in the former state of so called 'freedom'… While he ruthlessly maintained his position as their master, he not only remained a master but he also maintained and advanced civilization…. Should he be forced to disappear, a profound darkness will descend on the earth; within a few thousand years, human culture will vanish and the world will be come a desert."(See also Poliakove, page 2).

The above stanza of Hitler's self-promoting racist panegyric, indeed, is a perfect language of equally racist Euro_Colonizers. So when Hitler started to shout endlessly about Jews and other inferiors races at every street corner of Munich, he didn't create a new science. He was merely repeating what was said by nobles and priests and by pseudo-scientists of race and marauding explorers all alike that they preached to the average Joe in the European cities for hundreds of years. Better said, Goldhagen was on the right track about the "Willing Executioner" although his narrow definition and allocating the Hitler's sin only to the German culture is somewhat misleading. It was as if Darwin and Gobineau were nice folks who were merely trying to understand the truth; that Cortes and Pizzaro were just visiting them Indians and making friends all over the Americas, and Brother Cecil Rhodes was a good Samaritan who happily helped Africans. I wish that was to be the truth but sadly the opposite was the case. Excluding this error, Goldhagen had the right and courageous approach to the fact that the exploitative and racist culture of Europe played a major role in Hitler's racist development. This was why it was easy for Hitler to gain followers by the millions of them since the race issue regarding the inferiors is painless and cost-free hence it is easily understood by the average man in the street as well as the Industrialists (such as IG Farben) who benefited mightily from Hitler's Nazism.

The Nation Germany has been envying the acumen of the British in making themselves master of the Four Corners of the world. At the time the German principalities were united, Bismarck himself agonized the fact that the 70 Million or so North Americans speak English and thus for Bismarck and other notable Germans, making it big in the Colonial World was one of the principal aim of the young German Nation. To achieve all these, the experience of historical figures was called fore and no less a big talking head, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's teaching was used to admonished Germans of the 19th century, so that as a duty to the Fatherland, they would do their best to recognize and accept World-historical men (such as Alexander, Caesar, and Napoleon) - the heroes of an epoch - as "its clear-sighted ones: their deeds, their words are the best of their times." Off-course in his day, Hegel was reminded about the immorality of the activity of Alexander & CO. Hegel shouted and hooted and derisively replied: "World history occupies a higher ground than that on which morality has properly its position, which is personal character and the conscience of individuals… Moral claims, which are irrelevant, must not be brought into collision with world-historical deeds and their accomplishments. The litany of private virtue - modest, humanity, philanthropy, and forbearance - must not be raised against them. So mighty a form must trample down many an innocent flower - crush to pieces many an object in its path." (See Lord Bullock, "Hitler and Stalin," page 347-348.).

This kind of immoral talk added to the importation of Darwinism to Germany and moral justification of the Hereros' massacre in Southwest Africa by German colonizers, more than 100,000 of them. Similarly, during the "Maji-Maji" rebellion in then German colony, Tanganyika (Today's Tanzania), Governor Von Gotzen purposely created a famine in order to forcefully subdue the rebelling tribes… The end result was, half of the Vidunda, more than half of the Matumbi, and three-quarters of the Pangwa tribes, all-in-all, 300,000 innocent people who were trying to assert their humanity against the demonic colonizers, perished in that man made hunger. "When the famine ended," writes historian Thomas Pakenham, "the survivors (those who left the area of hunger and destruction) returned to a country which was almost unrecognizable. Miambo forests had begun to take over the maize fields and cotton plots, and soon these forests gave sanctuary to rhinos, buffaloes, and elephants. In due course the hills of Ungindo, once teeming with people, became the largest game park in the world." Indeed, the action taken by the German Colonizers against the Hereros was to become a textbook example for future murderous Einsatgruppens and that of the Tanganyika tribes to the equally hellish Slave Labor camps of Hitler. The excuse that was given for this type of massacre by the head of German immigration in Southwest Africa was typical of the Colonialists mentality of the day. Here is his justification: "No false philanthropy or racial theory can convince sensible people that the preservation of a tribe of South Africa kaffirs… is more important to the future of mankind than the spread of the great European nations and the white race in general. Not until the native learns to produce anything of value in the service of the higher race, i.e. in the service of its and his own progress, does he gain any moral right to exist."(For the Hereros, see Lindqvist, page 150. For Maji-Maji rebellion, see Thomas Pakenham, "The Scramble for Africa," Page 622)

Of course, brutality and cruelty is not by any means confined to the German Colonizers in Southwest Africa. The Belgians have done far more cruelty in the Belgian Congo where it was estimated that more than 10 million natives perished in that ever-sorry land. The crime of Leopold, self-appointed King-Sovereign of the Congo Free State and his marauding mercenaries can not be told in this short article. But suffice it to say that Leapold depopulated entire villages of many regions of the Congo, men and women with children in their back, without any regard to food and healthy conditions, were put on the service of collecting rubber from the forest. Any human being that moves, whether he or she is adult or minor (the King doesn't care one way or the other) was forced to work without having a single morsel of food from the King's militia and was told to collect 20 huge backsets of rubber within ten days. This human right violation went on for more than fifty years.

"We are always on the forest to find a rubber vines," said a native villager, "and we are always forced to go without food, and our women had to give up cultivating the fields and gardens. Then we starved. Wild beasts - the leopards - killed some of us while we were working away in the forest and others got lost or died from exposure or starvation and we begged the white men to leave us alone, saying we got no more rubber, but the white men and their soldiers said: Go. You are only beasts yourselves. You are only Nyama (meat). We tried, always going further into the forest, and we failed and our rubber was short, the soldiers came to our towns and killed us. Many were shot, some had their ears cut off; others were tied up with ropes around their necks and bodies and taken away. The white men at the post some times didn't know of the bad thing the soldiers did to us, but it was the white men who sent the soldiers to punish us for not bringing enough rubber."

A Baptist missionary described how soldiers cut off the hands of the people they had shot and took them to the Commissaire to show their bosses how they have saved precious cartridges. "This hands," said the missionary, "the hands of men, women, and children were placed in rows before the Commissary, who counted them to see that the soldiers had not wasted cartridges. It is blood-curdling to see them (the soldiers) returning with the hands of the slain, and to find the hands of the slain children amongst the bigger ones evidencing their bravery… The rubber from this district has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and the scene I have witnessed, while unable to help the oppressed, have been almost enough to make many wish I was dead… This rubber traffic is steeped in blood." (For well rounded and informative detail, see John Reader, "Africa: A Biography of a Continent," chapter 46 and Thomas Pakenham, "The Scramble for Africa," chapter 32. For psychological damage of the Congo, Mr. Lindqvist's book contain solid analysis particularly on Conrad and his racist book, the 'The Heart of Darkness.')

The suffering and degradation of the Natives in the Congo in the hand of King Leapold was so reckless and so unacceptable all over the World that eventually the King was forced to transfer his private colony to the Belgian government. Here is how Edmond Picard, a Belgian Senator, described the dehumanization of caravans of porters he saw on the route around the big rapids in 1896: "Unceasingly we meet these porters… black, miserable, with only a horribly filthy lion-cloth for clothing, frizzy and bare head supporting the load - box, bale, ivory tusk… barrel; most of them sickly, drooping under a burden increased by tiredness and insufficient food - a handful of rice and some stinking dried fish; pitfall walking caryatids, beasts of burden with thin monkey legs, with drawn future, eyes fixed and round from preoccupation with keeping their balance and from the daze of exhaustion. They come and go like this by the thousands…. Requisitioned by the state armed with its powerful militia, handed over by their Chiefs whose slaves they are and who makes off with their salaries, trotting with bent knees, belly forward, an arm raised to steady the… load, the other leaning on a long-walking-stick, dusty and sweaty, insects spreading out across the mountains and valleys, their many files and their task of Sisyphus, dying along the road or, the journey over, and then heading off to die from overwork in their villages." (For full account of King Leapold's crime, Adam Hochschild, "King Leapold's Ghost" is one of the best available books in the current market. For the proceeding information see page 119-120)

Going through Hochschilds painful book, I stopped several times to catch fresh air particularly in the lines where one meets King Leapold mercenaries as they refer the natives with such contempt and degradation. Here is a typical example: "A file of poor devils," claimed one of the state officials, "chained by the neck, carried my trunks and boxes toward the dock. There were about a hundred of them, trembling and fearful before the overseer, who strolled by whirling a whip. For each stocky and broad-backed fellow, how many were skeletons dried up like mummies, their skin worn out… No matter, they were all up to the job." The death toll was particularly high among porters forced to carry loads for a long distance. Of the 300 porters conscripted in 1891 by District Commissioner, Paul Lemarinel for a forced march of more than 600 miles to set up a new post, not one returned. (See Hochschild, page 120. Those Eritreans who are interested in present-day Congo, Hochschild's book will let you know what will happen to a society when it is so disorganized and leaderless.)

Prior to the arrival of the Leapold's men to the Congo, the population was estimated to be at least 20 million. To quench the King's thirst for rubber, entire regions were erased. The break up of community and family was total and deep. The effect of all this crime was depopulation never seen and never experienced in the whole continent of Africa such that an official census of the Congo taken in the 1911 revealed that only 8.5 million people were left out of the 20 million original. The horror! The horror of King leapold's imperial ambition left its mark of damage on the psychic-body of the people of Congo. And no wonder, in-spite of its Gold and other rich minerals, the Congo is one of the poorest and unruly region of today's Africa, free in name only, where disgraceful men like Mobutu and Kabilla and their cohorts made it a play ground of children soldiers while the country as whole was inordinately and constantly fucked year-in year-out by French speaking Euro-smoothes who are middlemen for Antwerp diamond dealers and unashamed Lebanese profiteers, mercantilist to the core of Taiwanese goods. Sad to say yesterday's horror of rubber is now practiced in the form of horror of lawlessness, a Sahara size stenching corruption, and adolescent banditry pure and simple.

Moving on to other lands and Continents and I must add an experience equally destructive as well in all its form; the crime of Queen Isabella and her numerous conquistadors was so abominable that it was unmatched in any European history prior to 1500. One of her country men, de Las Casas, who was encomendero for eight years before taking his religious vows and becoming a Catholic priest, was so outraged and mourned in his book "Historia Generale," about his country moral decay and bestiality as "never seen before, nor heard of, nor read of."

"The New World," wrote de Las Casas, "was a victim of the Conquistadors, who would more accurately be called depopulators or squanderers of the new land," and of the "private soldiers, who like veritable hangmen or headsmen or executioners or ministers of Satan, caused various and innumerable cruel death over the Indians… as uncountable as the stars." "The Spaniards," reports Las Casas, "made bets as to who would slit a man in two, or cut off his head at one blow, or they opened up his bowels. They tore the babes from their mother's breast by their feet, and dashed their heads against the rocks… They spitted the bodies of other babes, together with their mothers and all who were before them, on the swords. For more formal retribution they would hang chosen Tainos (native Indians) form the gallows frame just high enough for their feet to nearly touch the ground, and by the thirteens, in honour and reverence for our Redeemer and the twelve Apostles, they put wood underneath and, with fire, they burned the Indians alive."

Once, when Las Cases was accompanying a contingent of Spanish troops, they came upon a group of Tianos sitting around the plaza of their village. Wasting no time, "a Spaniard, in whom the devil is thought to have clothed himself, suddenly drew his sword. Then the whole hundred (Spaniards) drew theirs and began to rip open the bellies, to cut and kill those lambs - men, women, children and old folk - all of whom were seated, off guard and frightened, watching the mares and the Spaniards. And within two credos, not a man of all of them there remains alive. The Spaniards enter the large house nearby, for this was happening at its door, and in the same way, with cuts and stabs, begin to kill as many as they found there, so that a stream of blood was running, as if a great number of cows had perished… To see the wounds which covered the bodies of the dead and dying was a spectacle of the horror and dread." De las Casas repeatedly told us that "child kidnapping for slavery, rape and forcing innocent Indian women to become concubine, beating and maiming, pillaging a whole village for gold, and burning Tainos men alive without cause except they were not able to provide enough gold as they were asked, were primer characters of the Spaniards."

De Las Casas offered a sad summary by saying: "In this time, the greatest outrages and slaughterings of people were perpetrated, whole villages being depopulated… The Indians saw that without any offense on their part they were despoiled of their Kingdoms, their lands and liberties and of their lives, their wives, and homes. As they saw themselves each day perishing by the cruel and inhuman treatment of the Spaniards, crushed to the earth by the horses, cut into pieces by the swords, eaten and torn by the dogs, many buried alive and suffering all kinds of exquisite tortures, some of the Princes, particularly those in Vega Real… decided to abandon themselves to their unhappy fate with no further struggles, placing themselves in the hands of their enemies that they might do with them as they liked and damn pleased. There were still those people who fled to the mountains only to fall to their death due to the shock of Spanish cruelties."

"I saw it in my very own eyes all the above cruelties," assured us de Las Casas repeatedly, and, "all these did my own eyes witness." His anguish can be seen in the following unforgiving prophecy about Spain. Said de Las Casas, "I believe that because of these impious, criminal and ignominious acts, perpetrated unjustly, tyrannously, and barbarously upon them, God will visit His wrath and His ire upon Spain for her share, great or small, in the blood-stain riches, obtained by theft and usurpation, accompanied by such slaughter and annihilation of those people -unless she does much penance." (All the information of de Las Casas came from Kirkpatrick Sale, one of the fearless and honest writers in the whole United States. His timely book, "The Conquest Of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and The Columbus Legacy," single handedly blunted and exposed all those phony celebration and happy marches that were planned to happen for Columbus's 500 years anniversary. I strongly suggest to my follow Eritreans to go through this book for I have no doubt in my mind that by the end of the last chapter, you will learn about moral and courage to say so when you are wrong and to judge thing from different angles even if that means to expose your very own sin.)

The irony of de Las Casas was that in his zeal to protect the Indians, he ended up recommending to the Spanish sovereign to import black slaves from Africa to substitute Indians slaves. So much for the humanity of a Catholic priest. Of course the Catholic Church should blamed too. Because slavery was condoned by the church and de Lass Casas was merely following the teaching of the church.

As for de Las Cases's advocacy on behalf of the Indians, it was a mighty and humane work that still being remembered to this day and I think will continue to be remembered for ages. Yet its impact to save Indian lives at that time was very minor. Forty years after the first visit of Christopher Columbus to the West Indies, more than 20 millions innocent Indians perished by variety of cruel means. European historiographers blame the devastation of the Indians to smallpox and other illnesses that were introduced to what epidemiologist call a "virgin-soil population." This in fact is a bald lie for the killing of the Indians was still continuing when Darwin was visiting the Pampas in the Argentinas in the middle of 1832. Darwin met General Rosas and his troops by the Colorado River and thought he had never seen a more loathsome army of bandits. And in another place, Bahai Blanca, he saw more forces, drunken and covered with blood, filth, and vomit, all of them springing out of murdering 110 Indians. What is most astonishing was that all the soldiers were convinced that theirs was a just war, because it was committed against barbarians. Darwin sarcastically commented that "who would believe that in this day and age such atrocities could be committed by a Christian civilized country." (See Lindqvist, page 115-116)

The above comment from Darwin, a man who introduced the world to his nasty and dangerous science of evolution and I should add, who is no friend of any race outside of the white color, shows the gravity of the terror the Indians were subjected for hundreds of years. Before the first visit of Columbus, it is estimated conservatively that the Americas, both north and South, were populated by more that 70 million Native Americans. After 500 years of pillage and murderer, the current number of pure indigenous Indians is estimated to be no more than 5 to 7 million.

Just as we recounted about the German, Belgian, and Spanish colonial atrocities, Similar colonial cruelties can also be recounted about the British, the French, the Dutch, the Italians, and the Portuguese. What is amazing is that, the 500 years of death and destruction was never an incentive in and of itself for Europeans to do some soul searching and ask penance for all the crime they committed against defenseless colored people. All that talk about Christian charity was meaningless when it is measured against colonial acquisition and enrichment. To many Europeans of the colonial age, the whole idea of the 3Cs, Christianity, commerce, and civilization was chimera and camouflage for acquiring more land and more metal (gold in particular), to sell more merchandise, and to massacre any native who stood on the way. The more European Imperial Nations plunder to enrich themselves, the more they became greedy and the more other nations who were out of the game of colonialism became envious. Thus it is no coincidence that 15 Nations (Austria_Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, France, The United States, and the host, Germany) showed up at the Berlin conference to further divide Africa and other parts of the world.

And bear in-mind too that when Queen Victoria held her diamond Jubilee, in June 1897, where representatives of all the peoples and territories subjugated by the British, almost a quarter of the earth and its inhabitants, gathered in London to pay tribute for the sixtieth anniversary of her ascension to the throne. No European cared to ask the British all the crime they committed throughout the world including Ireland that climaxed with the Irish potato famine. Instead what other Europeans saw in Victoria Jubilee was the glory of an Island-Nation whose cleverness in subjugating inferior races was unmatched and one to be emulated. The chorus of hosanna and emotion expressed by Europeans in praising Victoria was so deafening that the editors of a British journal, Cosmopolis, were forced to publish untranslated contribution in German, French, and other European Languages from many cultivated people all over Europe, to be distributed throughout Europe. Victoria was hoisted as the new messiah of the western world and in par if not ahead of Darius, Alexander the great, and Augustus. It is also no coincidence that the German word "Lebensraum" was born in that same year Victoria held her Jubilee festive. (See Lindqvist. page 11).

Thus to the ears of the third world, what Hitler said in his manual of hatred (The Mien Campf), has direct and an apt communality to what was proselytized by other colonizers. Hitler said the "state by no means believes in an equality of the races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher or lesser value and feels itself obligated, through this knowledge, to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe." This in fact is unambiguous way of calling a spade, a spade, instead of calling it with this stealthy phraseology of Christianity, commerce and civilization.

Moreover, when Hitler declared the fate of the Slavs to be no more than correctly reading the signs of the German Autobahn, to the ears of the millions 3rd World brethren, it rings with such force of familiarity. Witness the similarity with that of the Italians in Eritrea. The law of the Italian colonial education was to let the Eritrean student only "learn the four arithmetical operation within normal limities and should know only the names of those who made Italy great." (G.K. Trevaskis, "Eritrea: A Colony in Transition," page 33). The most important thing for the Italians was for the natives to be and always remain obedient, servile, and docile, no more-no less. And after colonizing Eritrea for more than sixty years, the Italians built not a single high school, let alone a college or a university. To insure that Eritreans remain docile, the Italians destroyed the one High School that was built with the help of the Swedish missionaries to the extent of kicking them out from Eritrea and sending them back to Sweden and some to neighborly Ethiopia. Consequently when the Italians lost the war against the Allied Forces in 2nd World War in Eritrea and British hegemony ushered in, the British military administration was not able to find a single Eritrean who finished High School in the entire country.

Similarly, in the Americas, students of indigenous Indian origin were not allowed to matriculate in many Latin American Universities and other institutions of higher learning, particularly, the University of Lima, until the beginning of the 20th century. And Black Americans were not allowed to inter majority of American universities, be it private or public, for George Wallace's ideology of "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation for ever" was the order of the day and the accepted proviso for many years.

All the same, there is nothing new in the racist garbage Hitler spited out in his book, "Mien Campf" and in his "Table Talk" with his clique. After all, such talk had already been commonly accepted in the culture of the European upper crust. To give just one example: There was no European politician who was admired and considered to this day as urbane, cultured, and civilized man than Benjamin Disraeli whom Queen Victoria affectionately called "dear old Dizzy." And yet, as any educated Englishman of the last century, his opinion about the Irish was plane racist and abominable. "The Irish," proclaimed Victoria's beloved Prime Minister, "hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, and our pure religion [Disraeli's father had abandoned Judaism for the Church of England]. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry [i.e., Catholicism]. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry [!] and blood." (See Thomas Cahill, "How the Irish Saved Civilization," page 6) Such venomous racism and knuckle-headed prejudice against other races was common in the Europe of the colonial age. It was by no means a sole territory of Hitler and his Nazis.

As for the Einsatzgruppen, they may seem new to the Europeans, but for the person of the 3rd World, they were familiar faces for hundreds of years in the form of goons that were emptied out from European prisons and were sent to Africa, the Americas and other part of the World with the express aim to search for Gold and to subjugate the savages by any means, including the practice of crashing the head of Indian babies with rock for no apparent reason except to show their prowess to the gentle and good natured Native Americans (or Red Indians as the White Man mistakenly called them). Similarly, the skeletons we met in Hitler's Labor camp have also millions of brethren in the rubber plantation of King Leapold where cutting off the hands of those Natives who stopped to search for rubber due to exhaustion was very common. The only new thing Hitler introduced in his evil empire was the industrialization of mass killing that includes the Zyclon-B (hydrogen cyanide) assembly line of death. All else of Hitler's actions and reactions were copycats of the Europe of the colonial age. Here, I am not trying to rehabilitate Hitler. All I am saying is, Hitler did not appear on the stage of World politics from vacuum. To the contrary, he was a final climax of the age-old gestation of European racism.

All the above facts of European colonial crime rings true to the reason why the Germans were not the only people who preferred in the 1930th not to know what was happening and refused to call evil things by their true names. As Lord Bullock pointed out, "the British and the French at Munich; the Italians, the Germany's partners in the Pact of Steel; the Poles, who stabbed the Czechs in the back over Teschen; the Russians, who signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact to partition Poland, all thought they could buy Hitler off, or use him to their own selfish advantage… Hitler, indeed, was a European, no less than a German phenomenon… The conditions and the state of mind, which he exploited and the malaise of which he was the symptom, were not confined to one country. To be sure, Hitler's idiom was German, but the thoughts and emotions to which he gave expressions have a more universal European currency," the currency of colonialism and racism (See J. K. Sowards, "The Makers of the Western Tradition," page 217). The Europeans of the colonial age were so conditioned to and accepted it as normal, the worst treatment of the inferior race in the colonial lands, so much so, that when Hitler was shipping millions of Jews to their death, not a single hiss was heard from those who used to be their neighbors. This, indeed, was the sad fact of the racist European colonial culture.

More than any thing, what astonishes the mind of a 3rd World citizen is the fact that many Western historians, "Lord Dacre" in particular, have almost convinced the world that Hitler's monstrosity is a creation of and goes around only on the circle of high standing Nazis. The average German transgressed and followed Hitler massively, Lord Dacre told us assertively. And yet turning around hundred-eighty degree, Lord Dacre had also advised us to concentrate on Hitler's body makeup. Because Hitler had hypnotic blue eyes and hands that move heavenly. Thus Lord Dacre invited us in his book "The Final Days of Hitler" (published right after the end of the war) to watch this mystic man as his evil genius entrapped well-meaning Germans like Albert Spear and all those innocent folks who came to every Nuremberg rally to shout endless "Seig Hail! Seig Hail!" What could these poor German folks do! It is not easy to free the mind and body once it is put into the spell of a Subcontinental style Guru. Lord Dacre again and again told us, that "even in death, they followed his order and cremated his body while hundreds of Russian rockets were falling in their midst." In other words, as far as Lord Dacre is concerned, one shouldn't blame those who followed him by the millions and even less so the aggressive colonial mentality of European culture. It is the blue eyes of Hitler solely that should be blamed for all the genocide that went on in the Third Reich.

To this day, Lord Dacre still believes the eyes of Hitler have a lot to do with the German misfortune of having Hitler as leader. In his recent interview with Ron Rosenbaum, Lord Dacre again emphatically said, "the fascination of those eyes, which bewitched so many seemingly sober men… Hitler had the eyes of a hypnotist that seduced the wits and affection of all who yielded to him their power… This personal magnetism remained with him to the end; and only by reference to it can we explain the extraordinary obedience which he still commanded in the last week of his life when all machinery of force and persuasion had disappeared… and only his personality remained." (See Ron Rosenbaum, "Explaining Hitler," page 67)

The above scenario is not only unconvincing but an acceptable to many of us in the Third World. The truth was the monstrosity of Hitler from the beginning had the DNA of the European colonialist mentality and culture and all those follow travelers like Albert Spear down to the average man in the street knew exactly and precisely what was in Hitler's pocket. The hard truth was the 400 years relentless push and drive to dominate other races produced Hitler's Lebensraum. The old idea of GOD, GOLD, and Government (The ubiquitous 3 Gs) by the superior race over the inferior was always in the mind of the majority of Europeans all the way from the Crusaders to the colonial age that includes Hitler. Millions of Germans and Europeans followed Hitler, because he talked the most inner meaning of their desire; i.e. the ever present culture that looks down contemptuously on other races and the get rich mentality at any cost regardless the inhumane means of acquiring it.

Another angle that is completely overlooked by European Historians is the fact that Hitler was also helped by Darwin's idea that begot euthanasia and sterilization. Widely used throughout Europe, even sane and civilized Sweden was not immune to Darwin's influencing, which as a result, innocent Swedish men and women of age were sterilized. Some just because they didn't possess the perfect Nordic facial expressions. Similarly, books and Literatures such as "Politiche Geographie" (Friedrich Ratzel), "German Thought in the World" (Paul Rohrbach: the man who justified the massacre of the Hereros), "Essay on the inequality of the Human Race" (Gobineau), "Foundation of the Nineteenth Century" (Chamberlain), "Permission for the Destruction of Worthless Life, its Extent and Form" (Professors Karl Binding & Alfred Hoche), "The passing of the Good Race" (Madison Grant), and then from the pen of the true Nazists, "Myth of the Twentieth Century" (Alfred Rosenberg), "Racial ethnology of the German people" (Hans F. Gunther); all the senseless ideas that occupy the pages of these books gave credibility to all the garbage Hitler put out in "Mein Kampf." If one adds the notorious hate tracts that comes out of the page of the "Protocol of the Elders of Zion," a creation of pogromist Czarist Russia, one is forced to conclude that racial hate is neither the sole creation of Hitler, the Austrian copular, nor is it an exclusive German patent. Hate, via Hitler, certainly found its amplification and magnification in Germany. And yet to a 3rd World observer, one finds hate with an equal intensity in Austria as well as many European countries.

Lord Dacre is certainly correct in defining Hitler as "Unique Despot." And yet, what the high standing British aristocrat forget to tell us was the fact that the "Unique Despot" and the millions that followed him were nurtured and armed by the ever-aggressive racist colonial culture of Europe. What differentiates Hitler from other colonial murders was his well-thought-out and firmly-expressed-will to use the service of science to industrialize the killing of those races that he deemed them as inferiors; be they, Jews, Blacks, Slavs, or Gypsies. Otherwise the meaning and philosophical motive of colonial murders and the evil ideas of Hitler are almost identical if not one and the same. They all came from the same womb, the womb of the racist Euro-Centerism.

There is also a tendency in the mentality of European and some American Historians to make Nazism as the offspring of Bolshevism. German historians like Ernst Nolte and Joachim Fest are very big on this issue. American historian, Richard Pipes of Harvard, also is not that far behind. Lord Bullock with his massive (more than 1000 pages) comparative study about Hitler and Stalin has implicated quietly and elliptically, if not shouting loudly like E. Nolte, that Nazism and Bolshevism had certain commonalties. (For critique of Historians of Hitler, see John Lukacs, "The Hitler of History," particularly chapter 6 that deals with Hitler hatred toward the Jews which I think is instructive about certain belief of European historiographers)

One can understand the dancing of the German Historians. After all, many of us suffer a degree or two from blind nationalism. What is surprising about Lord Bullock is that he, more than anybody else, enlightened us about the sinful content of Hitler's destructive Reich and the megalomaniac nature of Nazism. His contribution is much appreciated by many of us in the 3rd World. His criticism, too, of David Irving and other rightwing follow travelers is unmistakable and as sharp as a razor. Sadly, this whole idea of connecting Nazism and Bolshevism leaves a lot of uneasiness in the experience of a 3rd World citizen. Even more frightening is his cheerful admission to Ron Rosenbaum that he is now closer to Lord Dacre's pontification of Hitler, which is very revealing. "The more I learned about Hitler, the harder I find it to explain," declared Lord Bullock. This from a historian who is well known for his sobriety is very shocking. Is he telling us that all the things he passed to us boldly in "Hitler: A Study in Tyranny" is questionable or worse, false. And what next, is he going to say like Lord Dacre: "Oh! These savage Africans. They have no history at all!" I hope that isn't the case.

The above being said, I will leave Lord Bullock's newfound closeness to Lord Dacre to be judged by my critic on the latter Aristocrat. On the other hand, about seeing Nazism and Bolshevism with the same eye, here I would like to dissent in unmistakable terms. It is no secret and I am going to admit outright the fact that the Leninist state killed so many innocent citizens, 30 million of them. It is also true that the Leninist State was a police state and in many cases, it was in par with the 3rd Reich. As the Ukrainian writer, Vassily Grossman's forcefully advocated in his novel "Forever Flowing," Lenin's Great October revolution "realistically speaking, was really the 'unfreedom' of October. It was the greatest calamity that ever befallen to Czarist Russia. "Lenin," said Mr. Grossman, "was a ruthless fanatic and a mad revolutionary who destroyed the fledgling democracy of the 1917 February revolution. Lenin's intolerance, Lenin's implacable drive to achieve his purpose, his contempt for freedom, his cruelty toward those who held different opinions and his capacity to wipe off the face of the earth, without trembling, not only fortresses, but entire counties, districts and provinces that questioned his orthodox truth - all these were the characteristic of Volodya Ulyanov Lenin."

All the above accusations did happen and the bankruptcy of the Leninist State was fully exposed for what it was worth by the comical way it fell down in 1991. Be that as it may, there is one crucial factor that differentiates Nazism with Bolshevism. The obvious one among the many was that, the core value of Hitler's Reich was based on "Scientific Racism!" To the contrary, Bolshevism was much more inclusive and devoid of the kind of racism that Hitler practiced to the hilt. By inclusive, I meant it to be ones existence within the communist system's doctrine. And if not one hundred percent happiness, at least nominally, an African, a Jew, or a Gypsy has a chance to exist in the murderous Leninist State so long he or she identified and conformed to the wish of the Leninist system. In the structure of Hitler's Reich, however, there was no such luck. A so-called inferior race has "absolutely zero" chance of survival regardless of the person's position or achievement. The moment one is discovered to contain few quantum dots of DNA that do not fit to the norm of the Aryan race, the Nazi state ships you to one of the death camps in no time. This was a hard fact. Of course to a Euro-centrist, the differentiation will certainly be counted as another 3rd World's futile and meaningless walk in the Judian wilderness. The fact is, for those who suffered under Hitler inordinately, the differentiation is as clear as the morning sun, simply because the existence and fate of the so-called inferior race under Hitler was death not life.

Hitler was racist through and through and as lord Bullock summed it out, the passions which ruled Hitler's mind were ignoble: hatred, resentment, bitterness, the lust to dominate, and where he could not dominate, to destroy. All these degenerate characters were the foundations of Hitler's birthmark. The wishful arguments that Hitler was forced due to this, or was answering to that, or learned it from Bolshevism, are really farfetched and devoid of reality. Just as his blind racism was an incentive enough for him to construct the ovens of so many death camps, his unshakable contempt of other races brought him to the quagmire and thorough defeat at Stalingrad. He was an incomparable evil and if any thing, we should thank our common Lord, the merciful, for not letting him have his way and his wish.

What amazes me the most about Hitler was that, by the sheer fact of the birth of "Quantum Mechanics" in Germany, the Atom Bomb was his for the asking. And yet, his blind hatred against the Jews delivered literally hundreds of Jews scientists to his enemies which without these scientists, the United States would have never been able to develop the Atomic Bomb. At the very least not before the end of the war. Hitler thought he didn't need the help of any body much less the Jews and heartily believed on the prowess of Aryan scientists. What he didn't know was that science requires the free exchange of ideas regardless of race and with out pressure and pomposity. Those on whom he put his supreme Nazist trust to develop the Atom bomb didn't measured up to the occasion. It was not the raw brainpower (witness the Heisenbergs and O. Hahns) or the organizational skill of Albert Speer (Hitler's celebrated armament Minster) that was lacking. The problem was the Nazi bureaucracy and the terrorism Hitler created made the atmosphere of free exchange of ideas to be not conducive and unappealing to a scientific project of such magnitude.

In 1939, the very idea that the element Uranium could be split into two as it created a big bung of heat energy was not known by Scientists all over the world. By sheer luck and hard work, for other Scientists in other countries were also trying and working on it, O. Hahn, one of Germany's preeminent chemists did it. The problem was, he was not able to interpret it correctly since he lacked the required skill of mathematical physics that goes with it. So he was forced to send an express letter to his former assistant and helper, L. Meitner, a Jew and an accomplished mathematical physicist, who by then was a refugee in Sweden. Ms Meitner correctly interpreted it mathematically and informed O. Hahn about her result. She also informed N. Bohr in Denmark. Bohr passed the word to American Scientists including Einstein, another refugee from Germany, who was by then living in Princeton, United States. Einstein wrote a momentous letter to President Roosevelt informing him that German Scientists were on their way to build the Atom Bomb and that America needs to match it lest Hitler will succeed with his devilish aim. Then and there, the Manhattan Project was born and the rest, as it has been said, is history.

For Americans, it was a great march forward and a conclusion of a crowning scientific success. For the Germans, they faced failure after failure. Ever since the end of the 2nd World War, there has been a great debate why the German Scientists didn't succeed in building the Bomb. German Scientists, particularly Heisenburg, understandably claimed, "they didn't do it, because they didn't want Hitler to succeed." American Scientists, on the other hand, vehemently denied this claim. There is certain truth to the American Scientists claim although the Germans too have similar of their own albeit a weaker one. While Heisenberg's skill as mathematical physicists was unquestionable, there were three major missteps in his part and his compatriots.

For the 3rd World observer like me, it is highly unlikely that Heisenberg will pass his days as uninterested bystander while his kin & kith were slaughtered left and right in Stalingrad. It is also instructive to recall Heisenbeg's collusion, compromise, and sympathy to the Hitler regime. To wit: In June 1933, Heisenberg informed Max Born [another well known scientist], quite without embarrassment, that "in spite of some nasty things that have been happening here within the working of science [one assumes he means the dismissal of Jews professors], I know that among those in charge in the new political situation, there are men for whose sake it is worth sticking it out. Certainly in the course of time, the splendid things will separate from the hateful." This wishful thinking certainly gives credence to the American claim. But then again, people change and by the 1940th, upon getting chance to see the full dimension of Hitler's evil, it is possible for Heisenberg to have a second thought that was at odds with his wishful thinking of 1933. If for this very reason, Heisenberg really didn't want to build Hitler's A-bomb, good for him and good for German morality too. Either way, what can be clearly seen is God's intervention. The Germans didn't succeed not because of their weakness in science but because of the terrorist nature of Hitler's Reich for all the failures are not only attributable but also a manifestation and a testament to the racism of Hitler's Nazidom.

By contrast, America succeeded, because the job was made wide open to any body who is capable, regardless of race. To give just few examples: The theoretical division was the domain of Jews émigrés (H. Beth, V. Weisskopf, E. Teller and Von Neumann and so on) and some American Jews sabras (R. Oppenheimer, R. Feynman and others). The experimental division was a province of the good Italian hand (E. Fermi). And the fuse and other pyrotechnics were pure Yankee. In the over all project, contributions were also made by citizens from England, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Poland, France, Australia, Ukraine, and German scientists, too, who escaped from Hitler's terrorist state. The very irony of the competition to build the Atomic Bomb was that, unlike those German Scientists like Heisenberg who were bedeviled by the miscalculation of the critical mass. It was Rudolph Peierls, a Berliner and by 1940 a refugee in England, who correctly calculated the critical mass that became a mathematical building block in the endeavor to successfully build the American Atomic bomb. It is for this very Peierls reason that I invoked God's name above. (For reference on how the Atomic Technology travels from one country to another, see at the very end of this article)

Coming to my main mission. What I have tried to enumerate about the crime of Hitler was a drop in the bucket and for readers of this article, I strongly urge you to see specialist books for only then can you understand the depth and cruelty of Hitler's crime.

The vengeful crimes of Hitler are innumerably. The Euthanasia of innocent German children and other disabled people. The racist Nuremberg laws that denied German citizenship to million of Jews. The application of science in murdering innocent people at Auschwitz and other death camps. The sterilization of African kids just because they don't fit to the norm of Aryanism. The relentless drive to acquire land in the East (the so-called Lebensraum). The contempt Hitler expressed against Blacks, Jews and Slaves in his manual of hatred (The Mien Campf) and in his table talk with his clique. The painful medical experiments that Dr. Mengelle and other Nazi doctors did throughout Hitler's Reich and particularly on Gypsy kids at Auschwitz. The scant attention Hitler paid to the pain and suffering of civilians as the British and the Americans bombed one German City after another. All these symptoms are unmistakable display of Hitler's viciousness.

Isayas is no Hitler

Hitler mentality was devoid of all moral and altruistic feelings. So it is no surprise that because of him, the World was immersed into a war of such bloodletting that to end it, splitting the Atom became not only necessary but also mandatory. He was the main reason for the death of 60 million people Worldwide. Thus the Idea that Hitler can be compared with Issayas is absolutely insane. One wishes that the Ethiopian Foreign Mister, Mr. Sium Mesfin, knows the truth about Hitler for his comparison is not only manifestly wrong, it also shows the mental inclarity and scantiness of European history possessed by those who ruled today.

For the record Issayas like most African leaders has his ups and downs. I happened to be one of his critics and some of his policies have never appealed to me. And one of them was the very area that nowadays became a bone of contention with the Woyanie. By the middle of 1980th it was clear enough to see the Woyanie design. The Eritrean border area, which is now claimed by the Woyanie, particularly "Badme," was also back then, being shown on the maps of the Woyanie pamphlets. Many Eritreans tried in vein to remind the EPLF about the Woyanie connivery but all was to no avail. The only thing they were told was, the Woyanie, oh! They are good Samaritans and brother Meles…boy! Isn't he a wonderful person, sort of a copycat of Saint Francis of Assisi! "Our friendship is based on the common blood we shed together to remove Mengistu," shouted our Issayas in one of the feel well, go happy days with the Woyanie. Eritreans, particularly members of the ELF_RC, tried to remind the EPLF leadership that "Nations have no permanent friends but permanent interests." But all their concern received no hearing and every bit of their reminder went through the wastebasket of the EPLF. For the majority of the EPLF members, it was love, love, all the way until the 3rd quarter of 1997. Now we know the end results.

There are also some smaller ones. But majorities of the smaller issues are really rather logistical ones and have nothing or less to do with Issayas's lack of performance. The Amhara and the Woyanie since last year, complained that Eritrea have neither freedom of speech nor freedom of press. I personally examined this issue when I was in Asmara in Dec. 1993. To begin with, the people were so poor due to the 30 years war. For the majority of the people, the most pressing issue, far more than anything in their daily life, was the fact that they didn't have enough money or the means to afford a clean glass of water and a decent meal. Even if people have money, they can't get the water they needed. Because no aspect of society, neither the distribution of water nor lines of electricity were functioning. At that time, Issayas was trying very hard to make good on those issues and alleviate the daily burden of society. Even if the government prints a large volume of newspapers, it would have been a waste of time and waste of money for nobody could afford to spare a dime for a newspaper. Back then, reading a newspaper was a luxury item.

Moreover, the Government was also pressed so hard to find enough teachers and enough pencils and papers to send all the kids to school that were neglect for so many years by the cruel colonial government of Ethiopia. By the time the EPLF liberated Eritrea, there wasn't a single elementary school that was functioning. This was a deliberate policy of the Mengistu colonial government purposely done as a means to fragment Eritrean society. Since 1993, Issayas and his leadership have made a big improvement in the life of the people. This is not my view but that of the World Bank report. Now even counties that never have either elementary school or a clinic have built their own with the help of the Government. With these improvements in the daily life of the people, there are now six newspapers and magazines, a new Radio station with higher megawatt, and a brand new television station, all built from scratch. So I am happy to say that things are improving for the good.

In the area of freedom of speech, I never came across a single person who said he was denied to speak freely. To be sure some members of the EPLF are pain in the neck but I saw nothing that remotely can be considered as the abuse of power. While I was there, I argued with many EPLF members of the Government, from newspaper editors to the Chief Justice of the highest court of Eritrea. I, being no sympathizer of the EPLF leadership, produced some heckling of my own and received from them in kind. But that was all. When I argued with the Chief Justice in his very office about Maoism, He was visibly uncomfortable with my criticism of the Government. But, in all this, I never felt threatened even for one minute. As I was leaving his office his secretary was smiling marveling about my notoriety.

What amazes me the most about those who made it a habit to speak ill-will about Issayas in the most salacious political manner is that they think the Eritrean government is unresponsive to the people. They confuse him with the dictators amongst them. In fact the interaction of Government officials in Eritrea, I am happy to say, is far more open than majority of Governments in 3rd World. In my experience, as I was searching to find the office of the Chief Justice of Eritrea in that big building of the Ministry of Justice, I saw no policeman or guard. One old man who there on business of his own directed me to the exact corridor. After finding his office, I simply told his secretary that I would like to see her boss and within a minute, she let me in. The only limitation was that he was so busy that he can only see me for half an hour. The Chief Justice was very polite but very firm and very philosophical in his argument albeit not very convincing to my taste. We agreed to disagree and I left his office feeling satisfied not necessary by his answers but for expressing my democratic right with holding no bar. In all my argument with government officials, I saw no threat of ill-will nor any spy or policeman followed me to my hotel as is commonly practiced in dictatorial Governments of the 3rd World. It is for this very reason that Eritrean critics of the Government come and go and are in & out of Eritrea as they wish.

Issayas certainly have sometimes an acid and a loose tongue. But that is part of the Eritrean culture. We, Eritreans speak as if there is no tomorrow. We are very open minded, not secretive societies as the Amharas and Tigreans are, and I am happy to say that we are also very honest people. We don't hold grudge against any body who has done bad things to us even if they are Amharas who molested us for over 40 years or Tigrean Dergiest mercenaries who haply participated in the mass hanging of Asmara citizens by piano-wire and who poisoned water walls of innocent Farmers at the direction of the Mengistu security-men. And I might add it is for this very forgiving cultural reason that Issayas lapsed to expose the true color of the Woyanie in time. As for Issayas and the government leadership's honesty, incorruptibility, trust worthiness, hard work, punctuality, and other leadership qualities, these are not issues in Eritrea. I am not by any means trying to say "my country right or wrong" and certainly, Issayas is by no means a Scandinavia democrat for the very atmosphere of mother Africa precludes him to be. But all things considered, if we have to compare him to the corrupt and cruel leaders of the 3rd World, I must say Eritrea is blessed with the quality of the Government it currently has. And after 30 years war of liberation, it is no small fit of achievement in a continent that experienced every possible sorrow and misery.

And thus, in a nutshell, the idea that Issayas is a Hitler and that Eritrea is a carbon copy of the 3rd Reich is not only absolutely wrong but also more than anything, it tells the shenanigan morality of the Ethiopian leadership. In many ways, the Woyanie and the Amhara have tried to destroy Eritrea with all the available armaments in their possession and when that failed, they fell into a slander that is so foolish and laughable. Of course the Ethiopian Foreign Minster may not know it but in the 3rd Reich, unlike Eritrea, people were not permitted to express their judgment. Hitler said the Nazi Party spoke for the people, and he controlled what the Nazi party said. It was an open fact that the people's judgment was what Hitler wanted it to be. It was his call alone that mattered. Hitler's judgment was final and no body was allowed to question him for in the 3rd Reich, "the law and the will of the Fuehrer were one and the same." Hitler was the highest judge of the land with the right to have whomever he chose killed or protected. The 100,000 innocent German children and disabled members of society that were murdered on the order of Hitler through the means of "euthanasia" is a testament of Hitler firm control over the 3rd Reich. That’s why Hans Frank, who was the commissioner of Justice and president of the Academy of the German Law, urged judges to adopt a single, simple legal principle that fulfils the demonic wish of Hitler. Here is what he said:

As long as Judges were doing Hitler's bidding, their discretion was unlimited. Thoroughly compromised, no matter how impulsive, bizarre, destructive, or lawless Hitler's actions were, the Judges rationalized them as legitimate. Just to give one example: In 1943, the students of the White Rose society at University of Munich and their courageous leaders, Hans and Sophie Scholl, a brother and sister, distributed protest mimeographs that informed the German people for the first time about the disaster at Stalingrad and the fact that 330,000 German soldiers died to satisfy the cruel vanity of Hitler. It was a simple campus protest. That simple act of courage was copied like wildfire in many German Universities. In no time, the Gestapo accused Hans & Sophie Scholl for trying to overthrow the Fuehrer government and rendering the Wehrmacht incapable of fulfilling its duties, distributing subversive literature, helping foreign powers, and trying to paralyze the will of the German people as expressed by the Fuehrer. Off with their heads, Hans & Sophie Scholl ended up in the Gestapo's scaffold. As the executioner was about to release the blade of the guillotine, Hans Scholl called out: "long live freedom." And that was the end of the White Rose society. (See Louis Snyder, "Hitler's German Enemies," read chapter 5)

Ethiopians can accuse Issayas and Eritrea however they may want. That is their God given right. Be that as it may, no matter how high an accusation is stretched to satisfy ones gullible imagination, one needs to worry about truth and code of honor. As Henry Amiel said, "truth is the secret of eloquence and of virtue, the basis of the moral authority; it is the highest summit of art and of life." If the Ethiopian Foreign Minster ever to decide to arrive at a higher moral ground, he should then remember to start speaking the truth about Issayas and the Eritrean government. He should understand that comparing Hitler to Issayas would not convince any person with a fair Knowledge of European History. It is of no use to show his moral recklessness in the vain hope to convince European and American diplomats that they may accept the Woyanie's grand rivanchist design to occupy Assab.

In a speech during the 1952 presidential campaign, the Democratic Party candidate, Adlai Stevenson said the following interesting observation. He said, "I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends… that if they stop the lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them." And so in good sprit of Adlai Stevenson, I would have been tempted not to tell the truth of the Woyanie abuse of power. Sadly the Woyanie slander over Eritrea and Eritreans continued unabated like a torrential rain. The abuse power and human right violation particularly over Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean heritage throughout Ethiopia was so shocking that the UN commissioner for Human Right, Ms Marry Robinson, already put Ethiopia on notice. So one is left with no recourse other than to tell the truth about Hitler vis-à-vis Ethiopia in general and the Woyanie in particular.

Ethiopia was a friend of Hitler and Now look at Ethiopia's Actions

And yes, Mr. Foreign Minster, come to think of it, it is your country who was a trusted friend of Hitler in the time of Haile-Sellassie and avidly grabbed land that belong to others in a similar fashion like what Hitler did in Eastern Europe. Like father like son, the Woyanie is now following the sprit of Haile Sellassie and Hitler's friendship all the way to the extent of hiring mercenary German pilots. It is also the Woyanie that are now following the footstep of Hitler with such cruelty and inhumanity over those Eritreans who lived in Ethiopia for over 60 years. Here are the main similarity points:

  1. Acquiring lands that belong to some one else by force, a la Hitler's Lebensraum: Menelik said, "he is not going to standby ideally as Europeans divided Africa as they wish." So he went on molesting the Oromos, the Sidamas and other communities and made them slaves and part of his Empire by force of arms. Add to this Haile Sellassie's illegal annexation of Eritrea, Megistu's war of mayhem that has killed hundredth of thousands of civilian Eritreans, and the Woyanie desire to capture Badme, Zalabessa, and Assab by force of arms. The similarity is very apt. That is what Hitler's Lebensraum is all about and that is what Hitler did in Eastern Europe.
  2. Hitler's friendship to Haile-Sellassie: It is a open fact that Haile-Sellassie was a friend of Hitler and to solidify that friendship, the King made a well unknown Nazi, Major Hans Steffen, as the official honorary consul general of Ethiopia in Berlin. For his good friendship, Hitler rewarded Haile-Selassie "10,000 Mausers, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 30 armor-piercing cannon, other ammunitions of unknown quantity, and hand grenades, all paid by Hitler from his secret Foreign office fund." When it became obvious that the King needs to run way to save his neck from Mussolini's advancing army, Hitler made sure a Junker monoplane with a German pilot, Ludwig Weber, was ready and available for the Emperor's personal transport. Hitler was motivated to do all this in order to embarrass Mussolini for his unfriendly view on Hitler's annexationist design over Austria.
  3. As for Haile-Sellassie, well! "The Ethiopians are well known for sleeping with the devil whenever it suits their purpose." Just to give a few fascinating examples: Yowhanis of Tigrai betrayed Emperor Tewedros by leading the way to Tewedros's capital city, Mekdella, and making available thousands of his supporters to the need of Queen Victoria's expeditionary forces led by General Napier who came to rescue the jailed British ambassador, captain Cameron. For Yowhanis gratitude, Napier agreed to leave Yowhanis all the armaments he came with. Similarly, Menelik betrayed Tewedros and agreed to help the British in that same expedition. At the last minute, Menelik reneged on his agreement with the British because he got a better deal from the French who were trying to foil British encroachment in East Africa. Menelik also betrayed Yowhanis (who was by then Emperor of all Ethiopia) and secretly was in diplomatic love, love with the Sudanese Dervish while Yowhanis was bleeding to death by the Dervish forces in Metema. In the same Ethiopian fashion and tradition, witness Mengistu Hailemariam's midnight conversion from American capitalism to Russian communism and the friendship that roared with Berzhnev, the Chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In the opposite direction of Mengistu, we have Meles Zenawi's fascinating morning-after conversion from hard line Communist of Enver Hoxfa of Albania variety to the world of free market and "Free Marketer" baptized by the holy water of Paul Heinz of the CIA. And then the most curious of all: There was this love of Mussolini's Lire that attracted so many Ethiopian patriots to submit to fascism at a time when mother Ethiopia badly needed to have nationalistic discipline to fight a foreign enemy. Among others, one finds the cream of the crop of Ethiopian patriotism: Both Ras Seyom and Ras Gugssa (Tigray); Ras Hailu and Dejach Belai Zeleke (Gojjam); Dejach Ayalow Burru and Dejach Admasu Burru (Begemdir); Ras Imru and Ras Getachow Abatee (Zebhere Showa)… The list goes on and on. Haile Sellassie in his exile in London got the wind of this Mussolini Lire submission largess and off he went to seek submission and abdication! He secretly instructed his French friend, Gaston Jeze, who, at that time, was advising the Ethiopian delegation to the League of Nations, to negotiate with Mussolini representatives for appropriate lire compensation and title. When that failed to materialize due to British intervention, Haile Sellassie sought the help of the Vatican. That, too, was foiled by the British.

    The Amhara and Tigrians habitually boast so much about patriotism and love of country and yet when its comes to Mussolini's Lire…. Wow! I must say I am out of fresh air and hence I am leaving the judgment to the wise reader. (For the armament Hitler supplied to the Haile Sellassie, See John Spencer, "Ethiopia at Bay," page 36-37. Mr. Spencer, an American citizen, was a trusted friend and personal lawyer of the King of Kings for over 40 years. For the transport plane Hitler provided, see Anthony Mockler, "Haile-Sellasie's War," page 51. For Mekdela and the Napier issue, see B. Holcomb & S. Ibssa, "The Invention of Ethiopia," page 90-92. For Mussolini's Lire submission of Ethiopian patriots, see Alberto Sbacchi, "Ethiopia under Mussolini," page 129-156 and finally, for Haile Sellassie desire to abdicate for the sake of Lire, see John Spencer, page 83-84)

  4. Hitler's racism as compared to Ethiopian racism: Hitler was racist to core and I have said enough of it in the previous pages. But for the sake of comparison, I will only mention one example. Hitler on the Jews: "One day when I was walking through the inner city of Vienna, I suddenly came upon a being clad in long caftan, with black curls. Is this also a Jew? Was my first thought? Secretly and cautiously I watched the man. But the longer I stared at this strange face and scrutinized one feature after the other, the more my mind reshaped the first question into another: Is this also a German!" (k. Fischer, page 90)
  5. Ethiopia has also created its most vicious racists. This was demonstrated by the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Mr. Meles Zenawi's interview on the Ethiopian TV, on July 9, 1998, in front of the entire World audience. Mr. Meles declared, "Any foreigner, be it Eritrean, Japanese etc. lives in Ethiopia by the goodwill of the Ethiopian government. If the Ethiopian government says to him, 'Go away from my country because I don't like the color of your eyes,' he or she has to live Ethiopia." Notice the similarities of Hitler's stair on the strange face and Meles dislike of the color of the eye.

    And this is not all of it about Ethiopian racism. In Menelik times, the adjectives of hatred were: Enegnih Guroro yemi-kereker Kankachow (those whose language sours the throat). Barred yesheteto awrie-na chigar yabarerow Tigre andnow (An animal who smelled the scent of a bomb explosion and a Tigrean or Eritrean that is gnawed by hunger are one and the same. Both of them move very directionless).

    In Haile Sellassie's time, the adjectives of hatred were equally brutal: Be-Eritra merietu-ingi Hezbu Iyasfeligenim (In Eritrea what we need is the land not the people. This indeed is an act of justification for the Kagnow land rent from the Americans, 30 million dollars yearly and was sent strait to Haile Sellassie's private account in one of Geneva's banks). Amebetta bellategnoch (Locust eaters). Temchi (Maggots). Bimbi (small flies). Asra-Andi Kotiroch (Number elevens). Yetalian beit Teragiwoch (House boys and House-girls of the Italians). Ye-areb Dekaloch (Bastard of Arabs).

    In Megistu's time, the adjectives were very slick. Ye-Areb Kegni Haili degafiwoch (Mercenaries of Arab right wingers). Ye-Merabawian telalakiwoch (Messenger boys of Western capitalism). Behifint yemai melu aroboch (Arabs that can be counted by the fingers of one hand). The Amharas and Tigreans have also similar adjectives about the Oromos. To name just one example: Gala-na shefela tatibo aiteram (the Galas and an intestine can't be cleaned out. They permanently and continually smell). The word "Gala" is a pejorative name the Amhara and the Tigreans habitually use to call the Oromos.

    Add all the proceeding Ethiopian pejoratives to Meles Zenawi's other hatred over Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean ancestry who resided in Ethiopia for many years: Ye-ambagenenu Issayas ye shiebia meri telalakiwoch (Messangers of Issayas the dictator and leader of Arab powers mercenaries). Kuteba bezbazoch (Economic exploitors). Ye-cherchera mezmazoch (Mercantalist spongers). Meseret Yelelachow Legurbitina Yemaibeku (Rootless and untrustworthy neighbors)…. Ye-Etiopia Seit kiber abalagiwoch. (Rapist of Ethiopian women. On this issue the Woyanie produced on TV, a women who claimed raped repeatedly by Eritrean military men and she also claimed that her property was taken by force of arms. All of these crimes the women claimed, happened in Asseb. When the Eritrean government investigated about the matter, it was found to be a complete fabrication. The truth was (a) the women, as a matter of fact, left Assab a year and half before the claimed date of rape and (b) she sold her property on her free will, get her money and off she left with all of it to Addis Ababa. The Government of Eritrea produces all sales transaction the lady signed on her free own will.)

    And finally, catch this favorite saying of Siye Abraha, one of the primer henchman in the inner circle of the Woyanie, Benei-na be-Aboi Tigrai Iye (I am pure Tigrean on both sides of my Mother and my father. Siye deliberately said it to put on notice the Ethiopian people in general and the Tigrean people in particular, the fact that Meles Zenwi, who happened to have an Eritrean mother, is an alien and untrustworthy.)….

    The age old of Ethiopian hate list goes on and on. Now compare all these phrases of hatred with those adjectives of Hitler against the Jews as I enumerated them in the previous pages. Again just name a few: Harmful bacillus… Maggots… Poisoners… Pestilence… Spongers… Blood-suckers and vampires… Members of different race… Rapists of Aryan women… Regents of the stock exchange… Asiatic tribes so and so forth. All these Hitler's words adore the evil pages of his manual of hatred, the "Mein Kampf". And in the final analysis, when all the Ethiopian pejorative and hateful messages are tabulated and carefully compared to that of Hitler, what emerges is an unmistakable Ethiopian "Mein Kampf" as dishonesty and evil as that of Hitler.

  6. Hitler's Nuremberg Laws, Striping of Citizenship of the German Jews, Deportation of the innocents, Kristallnacht and the usurpation of Jews business as Compared to Meles and his Woyanie Clique Over Eritreans: No sooner Hitler came to power in January 30th, 1933, he sent out his trusted messengers of hatred. Men like Goring (the man who build the hated Gestapo and who, among other things, was also in charge of German racial purification), Goebles (messenger of propaganda of hate), Himmler (the notorious SS Chief), Heydrich (Himmler lieutenant), Eichmann (so called expert on Jews issue), and Julius Streicher (editor of the Nazi propaganda weekly, Der Sturmer), all were sent to the street to fan out hatred in every corner of the Reich. As Christopher Isherwood recounted it in his "Berlin Stories" that became the bases for the motion picture "Cabaret", "hate exploded everywhere and suddenly, without warning, out of nowhere, in street corners, in restaurants, cinemas, dance halls, swimming baths, at midnight, after breakfast, in the middle of the afternoon… " Hate was the order of the day. Hate was the talk of the town. Men went to bed filled with hate and walked up still filled with hate. The entire sky of the German State was painted with red-hot hate. Hate became a sacred religion of the 3rd Reich and Hitler was its unmistakable persona and the ultimate God of the Nazis hate movement. (See for example, Ellen Switzer, "How democracy Failed," page 44-52)

This led to the deprivation of legal protection and expulsion of Jews professionals, professors, judges, lawyers, medical doctors, artists, writers, and so on, from public jobs and then even from private practice. The deprivation of Jews professional of their status shocked even German Officials. President Hindenburg, who was the Commander-in-Chief of the German armed forces during 1st World War, complained to Hitler bitterly about the treatment of Jews war-veterans. Said he, "In the last days a whole series of cases have been reported to me in which war-wounded judges, lawyers, and civil servants in the judiciary, with unblemished records of service, have been forcibly furloughed and will later be dismissed simply because they are of Jews origin. For me personally, revering those who died in the war and grateful to those survived and to the wounded who suffered, such treatment of Jews veterans in the civil service is altogether intolerable. If they were worthy to fight and bleed for Germany, then they should also be considered worthy to continue serving the fatherland in the professions." (See Lucy Dawidowicz, "The War Against the Jews," page 55) The Nazis instructed all Germans to boycott everything that is Jews be it a clinic or a law practice or a small shop in the corner.

When this evil practice didn't create the much-expected Jews out-flowing escape from Germany, Hitler and his clique came out with the more heinous Nuremberg Laws that deprived German Jews their citizenship. Hitler's Citizenship credo that was adopted by his party in February 24, 1920 included this statement: "Only Nationals [Volksgenossen] can be Citizens of the State. Only persons of German blood can be Nationals - regardless of religious affiliation. No Jew can therefore be a German National. A person who is not a citizen will be able to live in Germany only as guest, and must be subject to legislation for Aliens." Compare the similarities of the proceeding Nazi statement about Aliens to Meles Zenawi's statement on Eritreans, "Any foreigner, be it Eritrean, Japanese etc. lives in Ethiopia by the goodwill of the Ethiopian government."

From the above Hitler's credo of Citizenship, the Nuremberg Law adopted in its second piece of legislation, the Law for the protection of German Blood and German Honor, where the preamble explained the motivation behind it. It said, "Moved by the understanding that the purity of the German blood is the essential condition for the continued existence of the German people and inspired by the inexorable determination to ensure [the existence of] the German nation for all time, the Reichstag has unanimously adopted the following law, which is promulgated herewith." (L.Yahil, Page 71-72) "The body of the law forbade marriages between Jews and Germans. It outlawed any clandestine sexual relation between Jews and Germans. Jews were also forbidden to employ German female domestics under the age of forty-five. It also explicitly stated that Jews can not be Citizens of the Reich, had no right to vote on political issues, and could not hold public offices. Here is how Hitler's law defined who a Jew is (the core of Clause 5 in the Nuremberg Law): (A) A Jew is a person descended from at least three grandparents, who were full Jews by race. (B) A Mischling who is a subject of state and descended from two full Jewish grandparents is also considered a Jew." (L.Yahil, Page 72-73) In practice however one grandparent was enough for deportation and death.

The Nazis expected the Jews to leave Germany for fear of these laws. There was substantial increase in Jews emigration but not to level of torrential. So the Nazis tried desperately to create an excuse that would give them to evict forcefully all Jews altogether from the Reich. They found it in the assassination of a German diplomat, Ernst Vom Rath, in Paris by a Polish Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, who was so saddened by his family deportation and mistreatment by the Nazis. Using this sad affair as an excuse, the Hitlerites reverted to brutal force subjugating every Jew to pain, suffering and humiliation that includes forcing elder Jews to clean German cities and towns by their toothbrush. On Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass), the Nazis destroyed every business owned by Jews. "Every Synagogue in the Reich was defiled and any holy book the Nazi's could find was burned and in Vienna, in particular, Jews were dragged into the Prater amusement park, made to eat grass, climb trees, twitter like birds, and then forced to run in circle until they collapsed. Many suffered heart attacks and several died. Most shameful of all was forcing Jews to read from the pages of Mein Kampf in a synagogue before the Nazi's set the building on fire." (See A. Read and D. Fisher, "Kristallnacht," page 29) Hundreds of thousand were put to horrendous torture. November 9 & 10, 1938, were the worst days of Hitler's gangs' vandalism over Jews throughout the Reich. Here is what the Berlin correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph, Hugh C. Green, reported in those days: "Mob law ruled in Berlin throughout the afternoon and evening and hordes of hooligans indulged in an orgy and destruction. I have seen several anti-Jewish outbreaks in Germany during the last five years, but never anything as nauseating as this. Racial hatred and hysteria seemed to have taken complete hold of otherwise decent people. I saw fashionably dressed clapping their hands and screaming with glee, while respectable, middle-class mothers held up their babies to see the 'fun'."

Th 'fun' involved more than the wrecking of few shops. During the 24 hours of Germany's first organized pogrom since the Middle Ages, "at least 7,500 stores, 29 warehouses, and 171 houses were destroyed; 191 synagogues were razed by fire and further 76 physically demolished; 11 Jewish community centers, cemetery chapels, and similar buildings were torched and 3 gutted; at least 30,00 Jewish men and women were arrested and thrown into concentration camps." (See A. Read and D. Fisher, page 68)

Similarly, under Goring supervision, the grabbing of Jewish business went unabated side by side with the humiliation and Nazi pogrom on Jews. The formula that Goring came out was for Jewish businessmen to turn their business over to the state, at a valuation fixed by the state trustee. In return, the Jews would receive government bonds paying 3 percent interest in which they are expected to live. Naturally, the price would be fixed as low as possible. The state then sells the business to an Aryan German, with preference being given to Nazi party members. (See A. Read & D. Fisher, page 138) But all the talk about interest payment was a smock screen to silence German critics in foreign countries. Goring never meant it to pay interest to the Jews. Such thing can not be expected to come from a man who heartily believes on German racial purification. (See A. Read & D. Fisher, page 138) When it comes to factories, Goring was even more ruthless. Larger plants were similarly dealt by issuing 3 percent bonds to the Jewish owners and the sale of the plants to the Aryans at lesser price. In the case of smaller factories, those that Goring felt he needed were handed over. All others were shut down and those that could not be converted to some thing that the Nazi party needed were demolished to ground. From the time Hitler came to power in 1933 to 1938, the Jewish were forcefully dispossessed from more than 60,000 variety of businesses. (See A. Read & D. Fisher, page 139) To add salt to the injury, the Government of Hitler, "in act of brazen insolence, blamed the Jews for having caused the Kristalnacht outrage and sized the money insurance companies that were paying out for the damage inflicted on Jewish property. In addition, the Jews were forced to pay a contribution of 1 billion marks. Jews were also prohibited from attending theaters, cinemas, concerts, and public exhibitions; Jews children were forbidden to attend public school" (K. Fischer, page 392-393).

And then came the deportation: To make sure that Jews leave Germany expeditiously and unconditionally, the Nazis also came out with new principles above and beyond the Nuremberg Laws. The first person to implement these principles was Eichman in Vienna. The two most important were: "(A) Emigration was no longer to be an act of choice organized by Jews but an operation conducted under the supervision of the Nazi security Police, the SS. (B) The economic power of Jewry would be destroyed and the property of the emigrants would be confiscated, leaving only the sum required to enter the proposed countries of immigration." (See Yahil, page 105)

To fulfil Hitler's wish of erasing everything Jewish from Germany, the SS came to Jewish houses in the morning, at midnight, in workweek day, in Shabbot; they came unexpectedly and hurriedly. In Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem in 1961, here is how the father of Herschel Grynszpan, himself a deportee from Nazi Germany, gave his firsthand account of the Nazi's heinous mistreatment they received: "At eight o'clock at night, a police man knocked at our door and told us to report to the police station with our passport. He said, "Don't bother to take anything else, you will be right back." When we reached the police station, we saw large number of people, some were sitting, some standing. People were weeping. The police inspector was shouting at the top of his voice, 'Sign, sign, sign! You are being deported!' I had to sign like everyone else. There was one man who refused to sign and he was made to stand in the corner for twenty-four hours. They gathered many people from different cities, all in all, 12,000 of us. Then the SS took us to the border and when we reached the border, we were searched to see if anybody had any money, and anybody who had more than ten marks, the balance was taken from him. This was the German Law. No more than ten marks could be taken out of Germany in those days. The Germans said, 'You didn't bring any more into Germany and you can't take any more out.' As we walked two kilometers on foot to the Polish border, the SS men were whipping us, those who couldn't walk were beaten until the road was wet with their blood. They tore away their little baggage from them; they treated us in a most cruel and barbarous fashion. They shouted at us "Run! Run!" I myself was hit and I fell in the ditch. My son took my hand and said, "Com on Papa, run. They will kill you if you don't run." (See A. Read and D. Fisher, page 46-47)

In just one night, the Nazis dumped 20,000 men, women and children to the border with Poland at gunpoint. Every Jew was told to cross the tension filled border on foot. At one point, the border polish town Zbaszyn was overflowing with deportees that so many Jews children were found that no body knew whom or where their father or mothers were. Other method of deportation was putting Jews on a small boat and letting them go with the flow of the huge Danube River. Few lucky ones were accepted by States that the Danube River passed because they had relatives in those States. The majority of the River deportees were drowned in that huge flow of water. It should not be forgotten that thousands were also died crossing the Alps to Switzerland or other border States. Eichmann, in 1938 alone, evicted 100,000 Jews from Austria and as a reward, Hitler appointed Eichmann as a point man on Jews emigration for the entire Reich and all other European countries occupied by the German Army.

The year 1938 was a watershed year for the existence of Jews in the European future. The Nazis have amply demonstrated by the crime they committed in that year alone and in particular, the vandalism and mayhem perpetrated in night of "Kristallnacht." Yes! Back then, it was easy to see how far the Nazis were prepared to go to annihilate the Jews amongst them. Sadly the so-called civilized Europe never cared to act to save the Jews and the end result of this moral failure was Auschwitz, Treblinka, and other death camps where the 6 million innocent human beings perished. If I seem very harsh in condemning the Euro-Colonial culture in the previous pages, it is because the moral imbecility the Europeans showed to save innocent Jews was total and unforgettable if not unforgivable.

The sad thing is only in rare case that past history becomes a lesson for posterity. If any thing, it has been said that those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it and no body nowadays has more visibly failed to learn from the moral failure of the Nazis (if they had any moral to begin with) as the Ethiopian Woyanie. Their "racist vilification against Eritrea and Eritreans; the deliberate dispossession of business and housing properties owned by Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin; the bedroom raid in the middle of the night; the cruel deportation that separated mothers from their toddler children; the opening of the concentration camps such as "Fiche, Shogele, and Blatine" where Eritrean prisoners are denied to go to the rest room beyond one or two a day in camps that are full of dierehia and many other prison camps that have yet to be accounted for by the United Nation Human Right report or other world organization but pretty much known to Eritreans. All these are Woyanie's imitation of Hitler and his Nazis."

Hitler gave variety of excuses in confiscating Jews properties and in a direct imitation of Hitler and his Nazis; "the Woyanies are deporting Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin because they considered them as security risks to the Ethiopian government. They are being deliberately eliminated from the life they knew for years because the Woyanie labeled them as spies, saboteurs, economic parasites, enemy aliens, and supporters of the Eritrean regime. They are being forcefully ejected because of the allegation that they raised funds for the invasion of Ethiopia by the Eritrean government. The truth is, there never was a shred of evidence to all the Woyanie allegations. The primer motive of the Woyanie was, as Hitler and Goring appropriated the lion-share of all the robbed Jews wealthy to Nazi party members, the Woyanie are rewarding the hard-earned business and property of Eritreans to Woyanie loyalists."

The Ethiopia of the Woyanie and their Amhara clique friends is full of hate against Eritreans and this has been demonstrated via radio, TV, and newspapers throughout the last two years. Nowadays "hate, as a reincarnation of Goebbls's Berlin, is funned at football stadium, in restaurants, in hotel motels, in Keble (neighborhood) gatherings, in class rooms as low as elementary school children, in delivery rooms, or even in a morgue where Woyanie thugs went in search of an Eritrean sick man but haply for the man, he died minutes before knowing the intention of the thugs." Yes! Hate has fully blossomed to the degree that even Ethiopians, although, sadly, very few of them and mainly of Oromo origin, are ashamed of it.

Imprisonment and Deportation: The Wayne and their Amhara cliques like the Nazis, had had this unbridled jealousy about Eritrea success (a) the fact that it was able to liberate from the clutch of the Amhara supremacists without a single help from anybody in the outside world and (b) the fact that it was able to stand on its two feet economically. Since both achievements manifestly demonstrate the fallacy of the Amhara connotation they fanfared for years that "Eritreans have little stomach for a fight nor can they stand by themselves without the help of Ethiopia." So with the Demolition of the age-old Amhara thesis, it became apparent for the Woyanie to strangle Eritrea with all the means available in their possession. Among these available instruments of governing are: declaring absolutely unnecessary war over Eritrea; bombing the street of Asmara and killing innocent civilians; warning foreigners to stay away from Eritrea thereby depriving Eritreans from benefiting the daily international commerce and diplomacy; moving cargo from every port of Eritrea to Djibouti; accusing Eritreans who had lived in Ethiopia for years as being enemy aliens; sending innocent young Eritreans to prison camps; and the left and right confiscation and theft of property and deporting Eritreans, massively, 35,000 of them. The eerie similarities with the Nazis are amazing. Like the Nazis, the Woyanie don't care whether a person is an Ethiopian citizen so long he or she has a drop of Eritrean blood. For imprisonment and deportation purpose, a grandfather or a grandmother is all that they required. The deportees came from all walks of life which among them are Catholic as well as Orthodox priests, airline pilots, teachers from elementary to university level, nurses and doctors, automechanics and building specialists, agronomists as well as forestry specialist, businessmen as well as pensioners, plane taxi drivers as well as class room cleaning ladies… the list goes on and on. Their age spread from as young as babies of few hours that were born on the road of deportation to 85 years old pensioner. All of them were accused about spying for Eritrea.

The cruelty of Woyanie that was perpetrated on this people and the criminality of the deportation that separated mothers from their children have never been seen in the modern World except in Hitler's Reich. Just to give few examples: "One women from Addis Ababa was forced to go to the police station while her 9 month old baby was sleeping door closed. The Woyanie never allowed the mother to go back to her home so that she can at least tell the neighbors to take care of the baby until his father comes home from work. By the time the mother arrived in Eritrea she was so overcome by the fear of her baby and from the pain of her un-suckled breast. She was taken to a hospital immediately upon her arrival. One lady, again from Addis Ababa, who was the only supporter and breadwinner of her mother who was on the verge of dying from breast cancer and her blind grandmother, begged the Woyanie to let her stay until her mother passes away. Nope! They didn't allow her to even say goodbye to her sick mother. One cleaning lady from Assebe Tefri, who only knew the name of her Eritrean Grandfather (she was three-quarter Ethiopian) pleaded with the Woyanie to let her go for she doesn't even know a single word of Tigrigna much less to be a spy for Eritrea. She also doesn't know from which part of Eritrea her Grandfather came hence not a clue about who her relatives are and whether they in fact still exist at all. All this didn't mean a thing to the Woyanie thus she was deported. One 10 years old Kid from Dessie who was half Amhara and half Eritrean was also deported like everybody else. By the time he was in the hand of the rehabilitation commission in Eritrea, he was barely speaking or eating. The Tragedy of this kid was, while in Dessie, his father died 6 years ago and his uncle who took the responsibility of rearing him died 9 months before the deportation date. Because of lack of overseer, the kid was for the most part was passing his days in the street. The Woyanie saw this and considered him as potential information gatherer for Eritrea and hence the reason why they deported him. The only thing the kid was able to remember was the fact that his mother was an Eritrean and she lives near Mendefera. The Eritrean rehabilitation commission put his name on radio, TV, and newspapers in the hope that his mother or his relatives may hear his plight. To this day I never heard whether his mother was found. One lady whose Grandfather was deported by Mussolini's Fascist Italy from Eritrea with the Swedish evangelical mission (remember the high school I talked about in the previous pages) and came to Ethiopian in the 1920th. Adherents of the evangelical missionaries, in both Eritrea and Ethiopia, are probably the most intermarried and thoroughly melted society. The lady didn't know a word of Tigrigna nor cared to have a morsel of knowledge about Eritrea in all the years she lived in Ethiopia, from berth to the time of her deportation. To her, Ethiopia, Ethiopianism, and her Protestant religion are the beginning and the end. To the Woyanie, however, her Grand father of the 1920th still constituted a problem. So they forced her to be an Eritrean and Lord knows whether she is happy with her new Woyanie in-forced identity. Nevertheless whether she liked it or not, she is now an Eritrean and living in Eritrea. One elementary school teacher from Harrer, who is married to an Ethiopian and who happened to be born there in Harrer, begged the Woyanie to be given a chance and explain what it means to her about Ethiopia and Ethiopianness. The Woyania wouldn't budge. She also begged them to give her enough time to at least bake and leave enough bread for her five kids or even inform her husband about her quandary. That too was denied. They simple took her to the police station and then on to deportation."

Among the Deportees' pregnant women paid a heavy price particularly those who were near delivery time. Here are few examples: "One women, out of Mekele, was yanked out from the delivery room minutes after she finished labor and was put into a pickup truck with other deportees and immediately took them to the border of Eritrea. The lady was very bewildered by all the inhumanity of the Woyanie. She is psychologically affected by the trauma of leaving the baby behind and the infection she is now suffering from the rough road of deportation while her body was not settled from the pain of labor. What became of the baby, only the Woyanie knows. Another woman who was deported via Imnehager started labor minutes after the Woyanie forced the deportees to cross the border on foot in the middle of the night. While in the middle of nowhere, an area that is heavily militarized, full of forest, and wild animals like Hyena, the woman was so overcome with labor pain that the deportees were forced to stay in one place until the baby is delivered. The baby came and cried sharply and noisily as babies do as they face the world for the first time. Within minutes of the baby cry, a wave of pack of Hyenas came running. Lucky for the baby, one of the deportees who was relieving himself saw the Hyenas in split of time and warned the deportees. It was also fortuitous that there was plenty of rock and enough moonlight to be able for the deportees to defend themselves. It was very contentions night between the Hyenas running to snatch any one among the deportees and the men and women defending the mother, the baby and, themselves. They survived intact to tell the story. A third one, on the way to deportation from Addis Ababa, another lady begged the Woyanie to let her finish her labor in the next city, Debre Brehan. The Woyanie refused and warned the lady never to ask again. The baby was born right in the bus that was carrying the deportees on the road to Dessie. From this inhumanity, one can guess the psychological impact on the mother and the baby that forever will live with them.

Like the Nazis who pushed Jews deportees by their bayonets and ordered them to walk many kilometers crossing the polish border, the Woyanie thugs have also committed many last ounces of humiliations on the Eritrean deportees. Few examples are here in order. "One common criminality of the Woyanie thugs is to separate families from their children the moment the deportees arrived near the border with Eritrea and it is always done in the middle of the night. One Eritrean man whose doughtier was forcefully separated and taken away from him at gunpoint became so bewildered, so shocked, and then went into depression, to comma, and never recovered. He died the next day. No body knows what the Woyanie thugs did with the dead man's daughter. All this happened near the border on the road that heads to Assab. Near the border of Zalambessa, the Woyanie thugs also forced deportees to cross the border at 3 AM at night. The moment the deportees are about 500 meters away, the Woyanie security-men started shooting toward the vicinity of the deportees. The trick of the Woyanie thugs was to make the Eritrean border guards that was right across them think that they are invaded by all the shadows in front of them and hopefully the Eritrean guards in-turn will shoot toward the direction of the deportees. And then the Woyanie bosses will be able to say to the World mass media "OH! Their very own brethren in fact killed the deportees." The good thing was the Eritrean border guards heard children of the deportees crying, all in the niche of a time, and thus didn't initiate any firing back at the deliberate instigation of the Woyanie. On another episode on the Border near Mereb, the thugs tried to separate parents from their children. One of the Woyanie security men was so torn by the whole idea of child separation and thus he quietly warned one of the deportees what the thinking of the thugs was and what awaits them in the border. When the moment of truth arrived, the deportees summoned their courage and told the Woyanie security thugs in unison that ' you either have to kill all of us or let us go in peace' and after the thugs confiscated every red penny from every single deportee's pocket, they let them go. One other humiliation, in fact a favored one, is to force deportees to cross the border near Burie on the road to Assab, in the Middle of the Day where the temperature always runs 110 degrees Farenhight. One man who came to Ethiopia at the age of 21 and thought high school mathematics for 35 years was not able to handle the temperature which to begin with, he had had high blood pressure. He died before he was able to get a medical help. This type of border crossing was particularly tough on aged people, children, and pregnant women. There are also those men and women who were taken to the border with Kenya and was told to cross the border on foot that is well known for poisonous snakes and wild animals. The border to Djibouti is also one of the favored avenue of dumping ground. An area that is so dry and so hot as the Sahara desert, one is dehydrated with an hour or so and yet the Security men of the Woyanie forced many Eritreans to walk many Kilometers to this boarder on bare foot. This is a tantamount to death sentence and, in deed, very few of the deportees survived this particular border crossing agony. "

Confiscation of Property and Business: Here too, the Woyanie behavior is no less than Hitler's Nazis and what they did so far is an imitation of par-excellence, sadly, poisonous though it is. As it is, there always was a myth in the mind consciousness of many Ethiopians which among other things are: Eritreans are economic parasites, spongers of Ethiopian blood, Eritrea and Eritreans can not stand alone by themselves without the help of Ethiopia. The accusations goes on and on. Like the European accusation on Jews since the middle-ages, all this talk of Eritrean economic parasitic omnipotence was very common and often repeated in coffee table talks even at the level of high school kids. The last two years, however, the Woyanie government amplified the myth and openly talked about it in every available mass media. This is particularly true of radio Tigrai, more than any Ethiopian media outlet, helped to foster, create, and crystallize the present border war between Eritrea and Ethiopia. Among other things, the Woyanie, via radio Tigrai, accused Eritreans and Ethiopian of Eritrean origin for their unfair advantage in their relationship with Ethiopians; for harboring a sinister economic design that bleed Ethiopia for years; for their no participation on the local economy other than to sponge and send their money to foreign country; for their unfair number presentations in universities and other high level professions; and the list goes on and on.

Never mind that Eritreans served Ethiopia militarily as well as technically in all walks of life. Never mind those Eritreans have been an effective catalyst to the success of the Ethiopian economy and that they were the most trustworthy, law abiding, and tax paying society. Never mind too that more than any other communities, Eritreans were the backbone of the Woyanie and as such contributed money for educational development in Tigrai. All these sound attributions were no brainier and of no consideration for the modus-vivandi of the Woyanie Police State. Like the Nazis, they want the hard-earned wealth of Eritreans, now and fast, to be distributed to their faithful followers and distribute they did! Within the last six months alone, they confiscated more than four billion worthy of property and businesses owned by Eritreans that stretch from the largest construction company in Ethiopia to a small kiosk (very small shop usually located in a corner of a property). It includes hotel-mottles, coffee shops, tee houses, shirt factories, gas stations, tire factories, import-export business, auto-shops, medical clinks with pharmacy, individually owned taxicabs. The economic activity of Eritreans in Ethiopia was so extensive that 95% of garages, 90% of the transport business, 70-80% of the electrical trade, 50% of wood and metal workshop, and 50% of the spare part shop was owned by Eritreans. It is this Eritrean prosperity that the Woyanie are robbing left and right making it one of the brutal ethnic economic cleansing in the history of Africa. Above all, nowadays, it is very common to see houses that used to be owned by Eritreans prior to the starting of the deportation date, May 1998, unjustly occupied by the new masters; Woyanie acolytes, whom some of them were brought from far off Tembien, for just this purpose. (The proceeding economic statistics came from Mr. Abraha Yoannes, former Vice Chairman of the Petroleum Transport Association of Ethiopia, quoted via Dehai - 11/10/98 - in The Indian Ocean Letter)

The confiscation was done not in one city or two cities but through every city and town in Ethiopia. The most thorough and heart wrenching was the eviction of entire villages that are located near the borders with Eritrea but well within Ethiopia. Most farmers of these villages have been there for more than 60 years and in fact don't consider themselves as Eritreans but that of Ethiopia. And yet when the Woyanie evicted these farmers, they didn't allow them to take not even a simple knife. Every instrument that deals with farming and all kind of herd of animals, sheep, goats, cows, donkeys, were forcefully confiscated from their rightful owners.

Ever since the deportation started so suddenly and unannounced, not a single deportee was allowed to have access to his or her bank account. To insure the surprise of incarceration, the Woyanie thugs raided deportees from 8.00 PM at night to 6.00 AM in the morning, almost simultaneously in every Ethiopian City and town. For those who eluded them by jumping to neighbor's house, they waited for them at the gate of a hospital, school, church, and in the place where they work. Once in the police station, deportees were forced to sign a power of attorney for their property as represented by the government. But like the Nazis, the so-called power of attorney was a sham through and through.

The sad fact was that, out of the 35,000 deported Eritreans and Ethiopian of Eritrean origin who lived in Ethiopia, majority of them, well over 85%, are Ethiopian citizens and are valid passport holders. To the Woyanie, Ethiopian citizenship doesn't mean a thing, Like what Hitler did to Jews professional, the moment he came to power, every Eritrean professional, who happened to have Government job, was booted out unceremoniously. Ethiopian communities very critically need some of those who were evicted like medical doctors. But no! For the Woyanie, the interest of their beloved Tigrai not the interest of other communities outside the Tigrai proper comes first.

The Ethiopian constitution provides, in Article 40, paragraph 8, that the Ethiopian government may only expropriate private property "for public purpose subject to payment in advance of compensation to the value of the property." For the Woyanie, however, this law has neither the weight of enforcement nor is it worthy a dime. The Woyanie are above the Ethiopian law hence they could do whatever it pleases them. Be that as it may, on the long run, let it be said that this confiscation will forever haunt the Ethiopian psyche and I have no doubt in my mind that every Woyanie and Amhara clique is going to be asked to cough it out all the ill-gotten wealthy they robbed from Eritreans in a similar fashion like the Swiss bankers who were forced to coughed it out all the Nazi Gold they hide in collaboration with the Hitlerites. It took fifty years but heck! They Jews have done it and now the miserable Swiss bankers have nowhere to hide their ill-gotten wealthy other than to return to the rightful owners or their survivors. Both Austria and Germany have also paid back the wealthy they confiscated from Jews. So if the Woyanie thinks that they can get away with whatever they damn pleases. They are deadly wrong. Let them remember that what goes around comes around and at that hour, I would hate to be in the shoe of Siye Abreha, Sium Mesfin and all the greater Tigrai coteries.

What is sad in all this hate filled atmosphere is the behavior of certain individual citizens. Although many Ethiopians, I am happy to say, admirably helped those Eritreans who were under stress and fear of deportation, in terms of looking after the kids who were left behind at the insistence of the Woyanie security-men and others in-terms of hiding few coins here and some precious property documents and family artifacts there. But there were also those who haply took advantage of the bad situation. Among the worst are: Snatching an elementary school orphan from his school and bringing him to the police station so that he would be deported with other Eritreans and this was done by his very teachers who adored him the previous days. The denial of baptism just because the kid happens to have an Eritrean parents and I must say that the behavior of the Ethiopian priests reminds us the cowardice of German churchmen who collaborated with Hitler and his Nazis while thousands of German Jews were being terrorized day in day out. A highly educated Tigrean who betrayed his Eritrean boss and where the boss happened to be his best friend for years. He wanted the job of his boss, so he made sure that the Woyanie deported him and indeed that was exactly what happened. And there was this young Ethiopian shark who was a mere boyfriend of an Eritrean girl (by origin otherwise Ethiopian) prior to the start of the border war. The girl happened to have a well-healed father and grandfather. Right after the border problem, he suggested to the girl that they take marriage vow very quickly and promised her that through his brother's connection in the government, he will make sure that non of her relatives are deported. The marriage ceremony went on. Within a month, he conspired with the local Woyanie security-men and secured the deportation of everybody except the girl he married. Within the next two weeks, he managed to make the houses of the girl's father and grandfather, the father's tea shop, and other properties as common properties of him and his wife, all under the guise of saying that "we are merely holding it temporarily." Ones every paper of every property was signed off, he waited for a month and wolla! The girl was accused as information gatherer of Shaeibia and off she went! They deported her in no time. Before 5 months, the man was an average young lad with a modest living. Now he has houses, a teashop, and money in the bank, and soon to be a wife who happened to be the sister of the town's chief security-man and a notorious Woyanie.

Briberies (100,000 birr here and another 50,000 birr there) given to local Wayanie bosses and their Amhara collaborators by Eritreans on the promises that they will not be deported are countless. Many of the promises were never kept and majorities of the givers were eventually deported. (Material I used about property confiscation and the plight of the deportees mostly can be found on the Eritrean Net. Many of the Human Right violation I enumerated appeared In: The Uprooted - compiled by professor Asmarom Legesse; Field trip report by UNICEF Eritrea and UNDP Eritrea; Mass Expulsion from Ethiopia - compiled by Natalie Klein, Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia; and some from personal letter from Home)

It is possible to go on comparing other similarities in particular the mentality of the "German Junkers who produced the most notorious Nazis like Goring" to the "Shoan and Tigrean aristocraies with their racial superiority complex that has produced so many miseries in many communities of the Horn of Africa" or the "German colonial settlers' crime in southwest Africa and in the old Tanganyika who massacred the Herero and the Wahehe tribes respectively" to the "Menelik's communities of settler Neftegnas who subjugated innocent Orromos and robbed their land of their fathers and their cattle wealthy at gunpoint." And yet, in a short order, I must say that what is already chronicled is sufficient enough to enable us to understand the full impact and dimension of Hitler, the Nazist system, and all the evil atrocities they forcefully committed over humanity, particularly on European Jewry, throughout the twelve years they dominated Germany and Europe which was very unique and incomparable in its intensity.

The Ethiopian Foreign Minster, Seyoum Mesifin's fanciful hallucination aside, the crime of Hitler and his 3rd Reich is in no way comparable to anything that ever existed in Eritrea. If there are similarities with what is going on in the Horn of Africa including Eritrea and Ethiopia, the similarities squarely fall in face of the Woyanie by their very inhumane act of property confiscation and wealthy robbery of Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin. The massive deportation of even Ethiopian citizens just because he or she happens to have a grandfather or a grandmother who came to Ethiopia long time ago. The incarceration of young Eritreans and shackling them up in concentration camps administered by well-known hooligans. The on going daily racist vilification of those Ethiopians of Eritrean origin who are still living in Ethiopia. All these cruelties simply mimic the ferocious act of Hitler and his Nazis. Thus it is only human to remind the Ethiopian Foreign Minster to do a favor unto himself by reading the History of the 3rd Reich before he opened his mouth and make himself a sure-laughingstock in the eyes of the learned world.

In trying to convince the rest of the World about their innocence in the border conflict with Eritrea, the Woyanie bosses hurled several accusations against Eritrea in variety of forms. One day the Woyanie bosses say "Eritreans look at us with contempt and insult us as Agames." The next day they say, "Eritreans are jealous about the economic accomplishment of Tigrai, particularly its pharmaceutical companies in Adigrat, and that Eritrea, for all practical purpose, can not compete effectively against Tigrai in an open and fair market. This inability to compete effectively forced Eritrean leaders to instigate border war in the hope of derailing the Tigrian economic development." Still in another day, "Eritreans are accused as aggressors in par with Fascist Italy and Mussolini to the extent of reminding the UN member States, as the Ethiopian Foreign Minster, Mr. Seyoum Mesfun did, of their responsibility to punish Eritrea and not to fail as the League of Nations did in the time of Haile Sellassie." The accusation goes on and on.

The comparison with Mussolini Italy is again laughable and I am not going to waist my time since the dissimilarity with Eritrea and its current leaders is very obvious for one reason. For another, it was we Eritreans who have suffered the most under Mussolini with all the cannon-foddering and racist segregationism that fascism entailed. Moreover, It was Ethiopia, from the very moment Mussolini came to power (1922) that enjoyed the goodwill of Fascist Italy. When Haile Sellassie visited Italy in 1924 (then as regent Ras Tefferi), Mussolini received him with such friendship and warm well-come that wherever a Roman street Ras Tefferi goes, Mussolini's Black Shirts (in reality thugs and goons in league with Hitler's Brown Shirts) "accorded him with such crescendo of shouts, viva Ethiopia! Viva Tefferi. More significantly, Mussolini tried to trick Ras Tefferi and offered him to cede the port of Assab to Ethiopia, in exchange for some economic concession to Italy, which microscopically examined makes Ethiopia subservient to Italy. But the draft agreement to this effect never came to be signed, as the Ethiopian delegation considered the price to high. The peak of rapprochement between Haile Sellassie and Mussolini was reached with singing of the treaty of 'Peace and Friendship' on August 2, 1928" that respect each other's boundaries (See for example, Bahru Zewdde, "A History of Ethiopia," page 151). In all this friendly exchange, the Ethiopians never ever mentioned for one minute the illegality of Italian colonialism over Eritrea, a land which they would later to claim as their own God given private island. All Ethiopian rulers, Menelik, Zewditu, Lij Iyassu, and Haile Sellassie, all of them, religiously respected the Italian colonial boundaries. And the Tigrian Lords, all of them, Ras Mengsha, Ras Sium, and Ras Gugsa took the order of their Showa overlords to heart and respected the Italian boundaries. Back then, Badme was firmly in the hand of the Italian colonizers and we haven't heard a murmur of protest from a single Ethiopian Lord. If any thing, the Tigrean Warlords like Ras Gugsa Araya were very happy to see the Italians in Eritrea, because they were benefiting economically as well as medical care for them and their families. That is why the claim of the Woyanie about Badme is pretty much like Greek comedy.

As for the insulting word "Agame," since when was this word became an insult? To begin with, Agame is a name of a region in Tigrai and those who came to Eritrea from that area are collectively called by that name just as people from Maryland are called Marylanders or people from Bavarian are called Bavarians or closer to the Tigrean home, people from Tembien are called Tembeniets. Why and at what point the word Agame became an insult is surprising news to me. If any thing, what I know is, if a person is called Agame, the sayer is invariably paying homage to the receiver. In my time in Asmara, the word Agame carries with it a badge of honor of handwork, industriousness, discipline in-spite of adversity, thrifty, business oriented, and much more. The lugubrious Woyanie may not know it but in my days in Asmara, I witnessed many fathers inquire about a would be son-in-law whether he has in him the wherewithal and insight of an Agame man and if he does, that man without question is a shoe-in to be a son-in-law. Hence no further digging is necessary. So the idea that the word Agame can be misconstrued, as an insult is not only misplaced but also it shows the Woyanie ignorance about cultural interaction between the Tigrean and Eritrean peoples. Of-course knowing the Mekele-Tembian mendacity and the power control of Siye Abreha over Radio Tigrai, one is not surprised that such word is misinterpreted and elevated to an insult. And by the way, just a little reminder, but not to make an issue about it, it was you my dear Tigrians, living amongst us in our very own backyard, which habitually and unnecessarily insulted us as "Ataio hasssas Hamassian meaning you foolish and undisciplined Hamassian."

As for the accusation of economic jealousy against Tigrai, this one is very hard to understand, in the light of the facts that, it was the Woyanie who deliberately sabotaged the economic take off of Eritrea. The border closures a year before the start of the conflict that made it hard for trade and commerce to flow freely between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The decision to move to Djibouti all import-export Ethiopian goods from being serviced by Eritrean ports thereby denying Eritrea earn port service fees. Forcing Eritrea to have its own currency at a time when the rest of the world is converging to one currency, more than elsewhere in Europe. And when Eritrea came out with its own currency that is pretty much accepted by international financiers including the World Bank, the Woyanie refusal to even consider it as legitimate currency much less to give it chance to circulate and thus prove its vitality and fair market value convertibility. All these and many sabotages attest the Woyanie insincerity in more than one ways. No my dear Woyanie, it is you who is trying to kill Eritrea economically as well as spiritually by your never ending threat of war.

To me as an Eritrean, and I am sure many Eritreans also feel it just like me, I don't harbor any ill-will against any Tigrean economic success. To the contrary, I rejoiced it and I fervently pry and hope for its continuous successes. My dilemma and shame is not for finding a society that blossoms with a 21st century high-tech pharmaceutical company on my very own neighborly country but sadly my shame is the lack of thereof. And I wish the Woyanie understands how hungry I am, always and always, to see a single Japanese model of black Africa that I can call as my own and be proud off, that I can swear in its name, and that alleviates me from the never ending shame of seeing my image and color represented on TV screen full of hungry children with bloated stomachs. Yes, my African image, particularly in the mind of right-wing Westerners, is always portrayed as that hapless subhuman with 70 IQ, which is a level of a moron. Yes, my dear Woyanie, I wish you know how heartbroken I am to be sneered, year in year out, by racist Eurocentric-Americans who are fond of this IQ business with their "Bell Curve" racist advocacy and mind boggling obsession in lecturing any one and every one who failed to measure up to their scale. It is not that I in my capacity failed to measure up to their level, the problem is, you, my dear Woyanie. You and other African leaders with all your childish, quarrelsome, and truly abject failure to even show a modicum of civility let alone to modernize economically created an African image which is held with such disdain that at-times I would like to commit suicide as away out of it. God knows, how many times I searched to find a salvation from a single African Hong Kong or some semblance of Taiwanese can do attitude. Yes, I dreamt the impossible and declared proudly in numerous occasions that this year will be better and be conducive for the incubation and growth of a techno-engendered economic success of an African country and year after year, I found myself dismayed by all the failures that daily emanates from mother Africa. And so my dear Woyanie, you got it the wrong way. My anger about you is not by any means about your successful economy, but your regression and falling back to the old African habits of racism and border war and then your temerity in borrowing a page or two from the modus-operandi of Hitler's racist Reich that you deliberately and mercilessly applied over so many innocent Eritreans. These indeed are shameful chapters in your history and via you, to the rest of us, Africans. It is not that we have an IQ of 70 as rightwing Americans and some Europeans particularly the British wish us to have. Sadly the very action of yours and others like you who plunge the continent into a never ending bloodbath and quagmire of poverty that gave it and still giving it credibility to those who wish us ill-will of 70 IQ.

When you defeated the dictator Mengistu and came to power, I celebrated your success and when you convinced the Ethiopian people to have peace with Eritrea, I celebrated even more. Yours and the Eritrean leadership concentration on economic development truly gave it a boost to the miniscule positive image of Africa. The economic numbers of many African economies started to climb. The Western World started to notice that a new African era is in the offing. For the first time in history, an American president (Bill Clinton) paid homage and made an extensive visit to Africa and even apologized about slavery, which was heavily criticized for doing so by American rightwing Establishments like George Will. Every newspaper and magazine carried the good news and the positive economic numbers. And those of us who live in the Diaspora felt very elated by the good news of sensible accomplishment, although I now honestly feel that that heart felt elation was very premature. Nevertheless the good news out of Africa for the first time was very dominant and as such even our stock in the image-making world went up for that short time duration. I remember a Eurocenteric-Colleague who came to me one morning with a Time magazine article in his hand that carried the positive economic numbers, and declared with a cynical smile "Well your folks are finally on the right direction. At last they seem to understand the game." I must say I didn't enjoy his sarcastic comment and yet I understood where he was coming from.

Now thanks to you, my dear supremacist Woyanie, we are back to square one, to killing and mayhem, to war and refugee producing, and to poverty and hopelessness. Everything is in ruin. The few outsiders who dared to invest in the future of mother Africa have already left in disgust as quickly as they came and instead, the Addis Ababa and Asmara hotels are full of bored war corespondents in search of fame and food aid donors with cold eye of enlarging their client base. All Western men of goodwill who never failed to give us the benefit of the doubt and who stood with us through thick and thin are on the defensive if not on the run. They ask, "How is it possible for two very close friends (Issayas and Meles) who saw so many years of Mengistu's ruthlessness ended up at each other's neck." Very confusing to them and, indeed, it is very confusing to us too. On the other side of the alley, the likes of George Will are having a field day and shouting at feverish pitch, "I told you so, Nothing works in Africa." The Colleague who congratulated me few moths ago also came back running to me, the very next day of bombing and counter bombing of cities, the New York Times in his hand, and roared, "Good Lord! How wrong I was! Your folks are back to their old habits." I run away from him, went to the restroom, and cried as if there is no tomorrow and as if it was the last "Day of Judgment."

The last six months, day in day out, I have been asking myself what went wrong. What could the Eritrean leadership have done to enrage the Woyanie to the extent of declaring absolutely unnecessary war, confiscating Eritrean wealthy, and deporting thousands upon thousands of innocent Eritreans as well as Ethiopian citizens in similar fashion like what Hitler did to the Jews. All these for a land where Menelik and his Showan and Tigrean nobles haply and ceremoniously gave it away to the Italians at the treaty of Wuchalli and thereafter successive rulers of Ethiopia accepted the Italian colonial legitimacy not only as de-facto but as de-jure. Haile Sellassie and Mengistu tried to hold Eritrea by force of arms and waged a merciless war for over 30 years, which they both miserably failed to subdue Eritrea by all accounts. And now the Woyanie have declared war to the extent of "teaching the Eritreans a lesson they will never forget" and the Woyanie's shoddy claim was that Eritrea invaded Ethiopia because of economic jealousies over strong Tigrean economic progress. Meanwhile the Eritreans never entertained that shoddy idea of jealousies and also are still siting in their very own land. Yes, I ask myself many times, why, for God's sake, are the Tigrean and Showan men and women so fixated about Eritrea while in other part of the World, many countries that have more cultural legitimacy with their former partners have separated and went their own way amicably without much fuss and are now, indeed, having a good and strong relations. Russia over the Ukraine is one example, the Czechs over Slovakia is another. Why couldn't the Ethiopians follow this courageous example of Russia and the Czechs? How could the Woyanie ludicrous and bogus accusation of economic jealousies measure up to truth and legality for such claim is not only falls but insane to even think of it. No matter how much I entertained these questions, I have yet to find a single satisfactory answer that quenches my desire to understand the Woyanie bellicose peculiarities particularly the accusation of economic jealousies.


The question is, what kind of economy are the Woyanie talking about. The Tigrean economy that has been neglected for hundreds of years while Tigrean nobles such as Ras Sium were having fun and merry-time with the Showan nobles. The depressed economy that made the average Tigrean to be looked upon with contempt and derision particularly by the Showan Ankoberites that incarcerated Ras Mengesha to his death. The Tigrean economy that is now barely off-the-ground. An economy that one needs the magnifying power of an MIT or Cambridge University "microscope" to locate it in the World economic map. An economy that is not even on the 10 percentile range of the daily up & downs of Wall-Street of a single person's fortune, Bill Gates. Such economy can not be called by any stretch of the imagination as economic wonder. And so one wonders whether TPLF party-hulks like Abay Tsehaye (numero-uno war drummer), ever will understand the fact that the gravity of the Tigrean economic forces is so weak that, let alone to leave its mark on the Richter scale of the World economy, it doesn't even register in the villages right across the border with Eritrea, say Senaffe. If it did, we immediately would have seen people from Eritrea and Gonder migrating to Adigrat, Mekele, and Adwa in search of better living and better fortune. For, historically, it is one of the essence and practice of human nature to seek a better life ever since man as Homo-erectus left his East African sanctuary and headed to Asia and Europe at about 1.9 million years ago. Thus the idea of presenting the Tigrean economy, as if it is an industrial-hub, a Ruhr or a Nagoya or a Silicon Valley, is not only misleading but also it shows the ethics and quality of the Woyanie leadership. Yes, to be fair, Tigrai is better off than what it used to be under the Showa overlords and all of us are very proud of the Woyanie accomplishment. In other words, they now have hundred times more than one "Wofcho" (flour grinding machine) as Mengistu use to claim disdainfully. And yet it is not an economy to brag about. I, as an Eritrean, would never feel jealous about it. If any thing, I need to see it multiplied and flower which I certainly believe help and polish my maligned African image and defend my humanity from the cynical eyes of the Western world. For this simple truth, I don't think there is a single Eritrean who would feel jealous about the Tigrean economy. After all we always believed that the success of Tigray as our pride and their economic progress as our money in the bank. Unfortunately and, yes, sadly, every thing was to come to halt after May 6, 1998 with all the shock that each of us felt to again go back to war as if the 30 years war of liberation isn't enough.

As human beings, Eritreans do have a feeling. I, for one, have always felt, not necessary a jealousy, but a certain attachment on some countries in positive way. And I always find it as matter of at-most importance to ask myself that what does one has do to do in order to learn from these countries. East Asian countries like Singapore and Taiwan are one example and the State of Israel is another. I watch their economic growth constantly and find it always on the up swing. The more I see at them, the more I see certain similarities. The relentless pursuit of knowledge is one. The do it yourself attitude is another. But above all, certain cultural belief where everyone has some familiarity with is a must to have. To the Israelis, Zionism has served them very well and for the Orientals, the mighty Confucius, regardless of the present economic problems, has produced the wonders of the Meiji revolution that became the engine of East Asia economic and cultural renaissance. And sure enough the numbers that being provided in the table below speak for themselves.


CTRY NME Popu (Mil) Area (SQ Mil) GDP (Bil) Per Cap Import (Bil) Export (Bil)

1- Japan 125.5 145,882 2.7 trillion 21,300 336.1 442.8

2- Korea 46.0 38,023 590.7 13,000 135.4 125.4

3- Taiwan 21.7 13,892 315.0 14,700 102.4 116.0

4- Malaysia 20.5 127,317 193.6 9,800 72.2 72.0

5- Singapore 3.5 244 72.2 21,200 151.2 144.8

6- Isreal 5.5 8,019 80.1 15,500 40.1 28.4

9- Eritrea 3.6 46,842 2.0 570 420.0 Mill 33.0 Mill

10- Ethiopia 58.7 435,184 24.2 400 970.0 Mill 296.0 Mill

11- Kenya 28.8 224,962 36.8 1,300 2.2 1.6

12- Uganda 20.6 91,135 16.8 900 1.2 555.0 Mill

13- Sudan 32.6 2,505,810 26.6 860 1.0 500.0 Mill

14- Djibouti 0.440 8,494 500.0 Mill 1,200 384.0 Mill 184.0 Mill

Taking the State of Israel as an example, we find a society with 80 billion GDP, which is far more productive and higher than many African countries. It is true that Israel receives substantial aid from the United States and equally important substantial gift from the Jews Diaspora. Be that as it may, the main drive for the high GDP and high Per Capita income comes from the Israeli successive governments' relentless policy to acquire value added education that produce equally value added products. The history and growth of Israel's higher learning institutions tell the story of their educational accomplishment and the number of miles they traveled to accommodate immigrants from every corner of the world. For such a small country of less than 6 million people, Israel has some of the finest Engineering schools and research institutions such as: Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (established in 1924) that is comparable to MIT or Caltech; Hebrew University (1925); the Weizmann Institute of Science (1934); Bar Ilan University (1955); Tel-Aviv University (1956); Haifa University (1963); Ben Gurion University (1967). There are other countless two year technical colleges and not to mention specialized training schools for Zahel (Israel's Pentagon) where classes from satellites to missile design and handling is offered (much of source for the Israeli educational excellence comes from Spectrum, May 1998).

Over all, Israel has more than 50,000 students in colleges and universities at any given time. Israel's higher learning institutions produce some of the finest world class mathematicians and computer scientists and incase you have been wondering how the Israelis managed to destroy the Syrian air defense missiles in Beka Valley, in the 1982 Lebanon War, all without ever being seen in the Syrian airspace. The reason is the Israelis have some of the best Engineers in the World who are in constant search for new Ideas. Technion alone has over 10,000 students strictly pursuing engineering degrees. This gives Israel the edge to effectively compete in the World market and a measure of that is the way Israeli companies dominate the world market for computer security encryption area. Israel enjoys yearly 10 billion-dollar sales in microelectronics alone. All the Fighter Aircraft modification (with Turkey… 700 million dollars contract; Romania… 500 million; Ethiopia… 125 million; so on and so forth) the Israelis do around the World is a derivative of their Engineering education excellence. The Israelis also publish about 4,000 volumes of books where each book contains different subject that stretches from DNA, Satellite tracking, computer design, grain-gene encoding… the list goes on and on. By comparison the most advanced Arab State, Egypt, produce about 700 volumes yearly which most of them are novels and history and politico-religious books.

Of course this Israeli economic achievements has engendered uncontrolled superiority complex in certain segment of Israeli society, particularly the rightwing elements of the Likud party. In his book, "By Way Of Deception," Victory Ostrovsky, an X-Mossad Officer, related widely held perceptions about Arabs and Africans. The prejudice against Arabs in the mentality of the Israeli rightwing populous is that the Arabs don't understand technical things and none can better demonstrate this widely held prejudice than the following joke which is about "a man who was selling an a Arab brains for $150.00 a pound and a Jews brains for $2.00 a pound. Asked why the Arab brain was so expensive compared to the Jews brain, the man said, 'Because it's hardly been used,'" (See page 89)

The Israeli perception about Africans is also equally brutal that frankly tells the childish spending habits of African leaders. According to Ostrovsky (page 131-132), Israeli folks at the Mossad organization use to tell a story of the "kerplunk" machine to illustrate some of the weird and useless things the Africans would spend their money on. As the story goes, "an Israeli asked an African leader if he had a kerplunk machine. He didn't, so the Israeli offered to build him one for $25 million. When a huge arm, nearly 1,000 feet long and 600 feet high, hovering over the water, was complete, its creator went back to the leader and said he'd need another $5 million to finish it. He then devised an elevator apparatus under the arm that held a huge stainless steel ball more than 60 feet in diameter. Upon completion of the project, all the leader's subjects and visiting dignitaries from other African countries gathered at the riverbank on 'launch' day to see the wonderful machine in action. When it was turned on, the elevator moved slowly along to the end of the arm, it opened, and the giant ball fell into the water and went 'kerplunk' meaning it gave a huge sound of thud that invigorate the African ear." Ostrovasky demanded that we accept the story as joke and yet he also firmly added, "The metaphor is not far from the truth."

We may mourn about Israeli racism. Yes! But when every African country demonstrated its incapacity to live decently and became a breeding ground of millions of refugees, year in year out, thanks to our never ending kleptocracy that made the whole continent dependent on the goodwill of foreigners to feed its children, the end result is…. People in other part of the world started to see us with self-righteousness, contempt, and condescending attitude and rightly so. One can't blame the Israelis no matter how much they are wrong so long our house, the African house, is out of order and a wholly mess. I once asked an Israeli acquaintance why his country sells arms to the Sinhalese and the Tamils, both antagonists of the Sri Lankan civil war to the extent of selling, PT boats for coastal patrol for the Sinhalese and anti-PT boat equipment for the Tamils. He scratched his head and gave me all kind of excuses and finally said, "If the Seri Lankans are foolish enough to come all the way to Tel Aviv suburbs to get trained by the Mossad, who are we to tell them not to show up for training." "I mean," said this acquaintance, "the world may blame the Mossad for training the Sinhalese and the Tamils in camps within few blocks of each other and then selling them down loads of armaments to each other. The crucial fact is every advanced country does it and why not Israel!" (for similar story, see Ostrovasky, pages 67 & 129-131)


The crucial moral question that needs to be addressed is, as Africans have done and continue to do it, the Sri Lankans failed to come to terms with their checkered colonial history and so desired to amplify the divide and rule system the British used to effectively rule their vast empire Sri Lanka among them. And sure enough, the only outcome of this helplessness and failure to come to terms with the past is the making of once Nation as a playground of every nasty arms dealer. This fact can only make the onus of the blame to rest on the Sir Lankan shoulder more than the Israelis. In a similar way, Melese Zenawi is counting to solve his problem with Eritrea with help of the 125 Mig aircrafts he is buying from Israel. I just hope for him to understand that the same Israeli arms dealer will not hesitate to sell ati-aircraft missiles to Eritrea as readily as they sold aircraft to him. In the world of Sir Basil Zaharof, there is no such thing as moral compunction and the loser is certainly going to be Ethiopia as Melese think Eritrea will be. Thus for Meles Zenawi, instead of trying to conquer a patchy rock of Eritrean land, one wishes that he instead spend the armaments money on useful economic development which is what the Ethiopian people desperately need.

For me personally, however, in terms of economics which is the main focus of this segment of this article, more than Israel, it is the East Asian countries that comes to my mind constantly since their societies better illustrate and, at the starting point of economic take-off, were much closer to Africa societies. The sad and bare fact is that, irrespective of the current economic doldrums, the East Asians are far more ahead of the majority of African countries. If we compare the East African countries with Taiwan alone, we see that Taiwan has a land and population that are smaller by 238 and 6.6 times respectively. And yet the Taiwanese GDP and Per Capita Income are bigger by 3 and 2.8 times respectively than all the East African countries combined. Even more telling is the "export earning" where the wealthy of knowledge of one's country evidently and unmistakably shows. Taiwan with absolutely no natural resources has earned a whopping 72.5 times bigger than the East African countries combined. As can be seen from the table, each Asian country out-performs the East African countries combined.

If we have to use the "purchasing power parity, the PPP" where the strength of one country's currency visibly shows, the people of East Africa pales even more and suffers tremendously. Take the Ethiopian currency, the Birr. It is good to buy coffee since coffee is produced abundantly in Ethiopia but not much for any thing else. The main reason is, Ethiopia as many African countries are, is one or two commodity products producer and has nothing to show in the area of manufactured products where the world market needs. Thus the birr is useless in the world market and few countries accept its validity as a legal tender.

On the other hand, speaking in the same parlance about the South Korean Won. The world can buy South Korean made cars, computers, TV, VCR, cloths, medicine, big oil tankers, world class construction products, and the list goes on and on. In other words, South Korea, unlike Ethiopia, produces a lot of goods that the world needs and the stronger South Korea manufacturing capability is, the stronger the Won is. Samsung, one of primer South Korean chaebols (giant industrial complex) alone has a yearly gross revenue more than 70 billion dollars which is more than 2 times the GDP of Ethiopia and Eritrea combined.

The most amazing thing is that at the end of the Korean War, one definitely can say that South Korea and Ethiopia were in the same league by every available economic measurement. Since then, South Korea has pulled far ahead of Ethiopia particularly in the possession of marketable knowledge. And no wonder that South Korean export, where the excellence of marketable knowledge shows, is 124 times bigger than that of Ethiopia. Of course this type of disparity never bothered successive Ethiopian rulers and much less to the current government of Ethiopia, the Woyanie, who, by all account, doesn't give a shit about the country at large so long they have enough hard currency for the beautification of their beloved Mekele.

All this lopsided economic performance between East Asian and East African countries can almost be located in one area; the East Asian' s relentless pursuit for marketable Knowledge. Through schools from northern China to southern Malaysia run common threads of veneration for knowledge, a primer legacy of Confucius. This relentless pursuit for knowledge is exhibited by the number of "Engineers" each East Asian countries graduates yearly.

* Japan = 77,000 B.S. or equivalent

* South Korea = 28,071 ,, ,,

* Taiwan = 7,994 ,, ,,

* Singapore = 1,347 ,, ,,

* Hong Kong = 3,096 ,, ,, (source, IEEE Spectrum, June 1991)

The above numbers are slightly old and since then, the number of engineering graduates is even higher. By comparison, each East African country graduates, generously estimated, less 250 Engineers per year.

Hong Kong with less than 5.8 million population has more than 45,000 thousand students in Colleges and Universities of higher learning, which is, more than the East African countries can legitimately claim. The population of the East African countries is more than 25 times than that of Hong Kong and yet Hong Kong graduates 2 times more Engineers than the East African countries combined. For this very reason, it is no secret that with a GDP of 125 billion dollars, Hong Kong, has a "Per Capita Income" of 21,326 dollars which is one of the highest in the world. Hong Kong can also legitimately boast to posses 4 million well maintained phones, more 250,000 fax-machines, 700 magazines, 56 newspapers, a 21st century high-tech adored airport with a construction cost of 20 billions dollars. The airport is frequented yearly by 35 millions passengers at a rate of one jumbo-jet flying in & out, every minuet (see News Week 1st week of July 1997). And herein lies why, as an Eritrean, I could never bring myself to the level of jealousness about the economic progress of the Woyanie. What is there to be jealous about in caparison to Hong Kong! I repeat it is hard for me and I am sure for many Eritreans too, to be jealous about the Woyanie economic progress when I see that "53 Ethiopian men" have to work their ass-off for the whole year in order to earn an equivalent of "one Hong Kong man!" For me as an Eritrean first and as an African second, this type of economic disparity is a deep sense of shame and I don't pass it lightly even for one minute.

There is a deeper meaning to all this. Going back in history, the East Asian perused the knowledge of "herein" that can be used now, at this moment, not like mother Africa's search for meaning and knowledge of "hereafter" as is the bible and Koran, or Shakespeare for that matter, is preached and practiced. A Japanese man, unlike an African, interprets God to the extent that He is useful to his existence here on earth. Thus a Japanese man is simultaneously a Shinto (old Japanese religion) when is born, a Christian when is married, and a roaring Buddhist as he is heading to his grave. For the Japanese, there can be no wasting of time practicing this hanky-punky of "afterlife religious business" that is commonly done in Africa particularly by those who think they are closer to God, like the Turabiis in the Sudan. A practice that is so abominable and so selfish which is dragging Africa to ever deeper poverty and hopelessness. The East Asian commitment to the life of "herein," more than anything and everything else, can be pinpointed by the fact that, early on their development, they gave priority to translating the likes of Sir Isaac Newton's "principia" above all else as the wise Meiji boys did. By comparison, mother Africa translated Shakespeare's "King Lear" as Mwulamu Nyrere and many others did when the desperate need was the translation of an elementary mathematical textbook that could be used in the life of "herein" of African children. The end result is, understanding Newton gravitates respect and "cold cash" into ones pocket. Understanding Shakespeare fills the stomach with a lot of hot air and brings neither reward nor respect even from the British. The former denotes commitment to excellence, curiosity in the life of "herein," discipline, a very focused sense of mission, and nationalistic appetite and consumption for thing produced at home and by once hand. The later typify a bogus sense of pride, hypocrisy rapped with multiple double standard, wishful sense of security in the life of the "hereafter" world, and an insatiable appetite for things produced in the 1st world.

In the middle of the 19th century, both Japan and Ethiopia were invaded by outside powers. In the case of Japan by Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States and in the case of Ethiopia by General Lord Napier of the United Kingdom. The Japanese to their great credit didn't waist time and in stead of wallowing over their misfortune and loss against Commodore Perry, they analyzed honestly and cheerfully their place in the world vis_a_vis the advanced European countries. Then and there, they changed for the good of Japan their whole body politic, the structure of their education, their investment, and manufacturing capability. Within a generation, they went on duplicating Commodore Perry's big black ships with their big guns, the railroad and Telegraph, and every armament Commodore Perry brought with him. To the Japanese, Commodore Perry was translated as an opportunity and not as a curse, and, indeed, Japan was modernized within one generation. By comparison, Ethiopia could have done a similar miracle by translating Lord Napier's invasion as an opportunity to genuinely see squarely on its face and understand that the Ethiopian face, to look good, strong, and effectively compete in the scheme of things of the wide world, it badly needs change and modernization. As things turned out, mother Ethiopia chose to wallow over the grievance and death of Emperor Towedros and with the armament Lord Napier left behind, Ethiopia chose to imitate the Europeans in their colonial division of African lands. For Emperor Menelik and his Showan nobles, the ethos that glorify pure "Neftegna-Settler" robbery, the reckless European style expansionist conquest, and the mimicking of the British Crown imperial grandeur (ala Quean Victoria) was more important than alleviating the pain and suffering of millions of their citizens who were immersed in an age old deep poverty and stone age life style. Such is the preference of modernization and development of two Nations. The sad thing is, before they came to power, the Woyanie boastfully mouse-full told the world how Megistu wasted 120 billion dollars fighting unwinnable war against Eritrea, money that should and would have industrialized Ethiopia. The truth is they themselves are just as irresponsible and brutal as the Mengistu regime was and in similar fashion they are repeating the same mistakes as the previous rulers of Ethiopia.

One aspect of the East Asian countries that isn't talked about in the World mass media is the propensity to discriminate against foreigners. While this indeed is true, it doesn't negate their economic achievement the fact that it was done without any form of exploitation of foreign lands. The biggest contribution the Japanese made to the Asian economic renaissance is the very psychological boost that benefited the Asian people the fact that an Asian man can scientifically measure up neck-and-neck with the Europeans and Americans and can equally and reasonable gain economic know how on his own terms, create cohesive polity in the best form of his tradition, and move with the rhythm and tempo of the World market particularly the effective use of time to produce worldwide needed products and bring them to market ASAP. As it has been said, where there is an opportunity to make money, there is an Asian man. And so, my friends, the East Asians! These are the people that copied the sad song "Diana, the rose of England" as Elton John was singing at Saint Paul's cathedral, duplicate it on millions of CDs, and then brought to market within an hour in downtown Hong Kong, within a day all over Asia, and within three days all over the world. You may legitimately call it unfair and immoral. Yes! That certainly could be true. But who says life has to be fair particularly when one remembers all that European technological stealing from China (the clock, silk, how to make porcelain including the exact heat level treatment needed, gunpowder, paper… so on and so forth) that went on from the time of Marco Polo to the British forceful feeding of opium on an willing Chinese throat (On the issue of East vs West technological stealing, John Merson's book, "The Genius That Was China" is very informative and beneficial). All things considered, the way the Asians turn the technological table to their advantage, and indeed when one sees the speed and timing to market and the diligently produced electronic and machinery products of the East Asian countries, all deserving praise be to them for their monumental achievement. One wishes then that the Woyanie should have waited a little bit and took their time to compare their economy with other nations which I am sure would have given them a better insight to the nature of their standing in the world. Blaming Eritrea for economic jealousness while resting in an empty backyard is by all means an argument of the foolish and reprehensible man.

If I sound too bashful and optimistic about the East Asia Nations in-spite of their current economic problems, it is because their problems are correctable and never intractable like the corrupt, tribalistic, and impotent Nation-States of Africa. Nigeria, Algeria, Gabon, Cameroon, and Angola, all have billions of oil income. And what do they have to show off that compare with a single achievement of an East Asian country. Aren't the people of Zaire with World class minerals at their disposal worst-of than say the poorest East Asian country, Laos! Ethiopia has the lowest "Per Capita Income" in the world. The largest percentage of population with AIDS (2.5 million by the latest Woyanie counting). One of the lowest adult literacy rate. And the highest numbers of children in the world that do not attend bare minimum schooling. With all these horrendous problems facing them daily, one would expect the Ethiopian elite to be affected by all these degrading standards of living of their mother country. The tragedy is far from talking about this timely issues, they instead are consumed about bringing Ethiopia to its millennium ago Axumite greatness and the constant talk nowadays is "to bring the war in the North (that is Eritrea) to its logical conclusion by any and every means available even genocide."

Speaking about genocide, the Nigerian Noble laureate, Wole Soyinka, communicated the following story (See the New York Times Book Review, page 11, October 4, 1998) about the Rwanda Tutsi massacre that was narrated to him while he was travelling in Rwanda. Here is how Soyinka communicated the story: "A Hutu, a leading citizen of a small Rwandan town that I visited, felt personally indicted after a visit from the Government official of the previous genocidal government, who accused the citizenry of being lax in the task of bush clearing - one of the euphemisms for the task of eliminating the Tutsi. A day after the government official departure, the notable, whose wife was Tutsi, called a meeting of the villagers for some soul-searching. He took his four sons with him. He began his address by revealing that, having taken to heart the rebuke of the visiting Government official, he had decided to set an example, and thus slaughtered his Tutsi wife before living home. But that was only the first step, the notable villager said. It was not enough to kill off all the Tutsi; they must eliminate every vestige of Tutsi blood that contaminated the purity of the Hutu breed. In earnest of which, he announced, I publicly set you all further example. And with one strike of his machete, he lopped off the head of his oldest son. One by one, his three other sons were led out of the hut in which he kept them, and slaughtered his very own offspring. And with that, yet another village that, until then, had with stood the hate rhetoric of the of the HUTU murderous politicians dived headfirst into the sump of bloodletting." (One of the best book about the Tutsi massacre is the recently released book of Philip Gourevitch, "We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We will Be killed With Our Families," which Wole Soyinka reviewed for the New York Times.)

Every time I reread this particular sad story, I can't fail to remember Meles Zenawi's crawl on the sadistic feet of the Tembien-Mekele-Ankoberite clique asking forgiveness for being lax on his Eritrean cousins which after that window dressing, Meles readily approved not only the inhuman and illegal incarceration of innocent young Eritreans but the left and right robbery of Eritrean wealthy and the deportation of thousands of men and women whose only crime was having a trace of Eritrean blood in their veins otherwise perfect law-abiding and proud citizen of Ethiopia for years. I shudder to think what will follow next on those Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin who still live in Ethiopia. Will it be another Rwandan massacre! Like the Rwandan "euphemisms - bush clearing," would the Woyanie and Amhara elite's "euphemisms - to bring the war in the north to its logical conclusion "is an omen of another mother Africa's never-ending massacre! This remains to be seen and yet all the causes (The race-hate mongering, the accusation of economic exploitation, the sadistic nature of firing Eritreans from professional jobs, hate here, and hate there, and hate every where) that made possible for the Rwandan massacre are also on the Ethiopian shelf ready for use by the Woyanie and Amhara cliques too. Lord helps us if this was to happen for the entire east African countries would be engulfed into full-blown regional war.

In the final analysis, the Ethiopian people, much less the people of Tigray don't want this border war. Ever since they lost power to the Tigrians, the Amhara elite, for years, has been pressuring the Woyaine to rekindle the war with Eritrea as a stealthy way of coming back to power. For a couple of years, the Woyanie, specifically the Meles Zenawi wing, stood its ground. In the end, the Amhara elite triumphed by locating a trusted friend within the Woyanie organ: Siye Abraha and his cohorts that do exactly what the Amhara elite has advocating for years (the deportation and the robbery of wealthy of Eritreans). It is this wing of Ethiopian polity that forced Meles Zenawi to crawl on their feet.

We now have a government in Ethiopia that is so drunk with absolute power and as Lord Acton said, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It is in the light of this that one can understand the Orwellian nature of this group that daily exhibits the basic principle of Orwell's Oceania ruling ideology: "the mutability of the past." The falsification of facts (accusing Eritrea of Economic jealousy), the airbrushing of map (the falls map that claim Badime), the rewriting of history (ignoring all the treaty their forefathers signed with the Italian colonizers of Eritrea), The double speak (telling the world that Ethiopia want peace while at the same time strangling and stubbing Eritrea with economic javelin): in short the memory hole.

Of course we Eritreans have also shown inordinate naivete in understanding the vast capacity and able tenacity of the Amhara elite to make mischief and to translate what was a mischief in one day into a border war the next day. No sooner the war ended, we went right back to our former-self, as always, love, love and let bygones be bygones. Our Isayas Afeworki at the head of our column, we were perfectly happy to see the world and the culture of the Amhara with the Machiavilli binoculars of the "Discourse" while the evidence and hard data was pointing to that of the "Prince." We Eritreans, all of us, roaringly, happily like school kids, and approvingly said, "They didn't do much when Mengistu was mowing them down left and right, the EPRP, Miosen… All of them. "They will never do harmful thing now," we said. "And we were pretty much happy with our stupid pronouncement - Abzi-betsihiwo yebilomin." And more to the point, they need us, we wrongly felt (our ports, our technicians…), we need them (their coffee.) It is a win, win situation. Besides, their girls are very pretty, we could go on marring, as usual, with each other, although in a number of ways the Amhara emphatically told us they do not want us…. But we went on blindly appreciating their every thing positively including, boy! that Telahun Gessesse…! Nice music to hear.) In other words we truly believed that once the hated Mengistu is removed, the Amhara would be jolly enough and would happily operate humanely at the center of Mechiavilli's "Discourse." Thus we gulped all these wrong ideas without hesitation before we ever bothered to inquire whether the Amhara even respect the colonial borders. Every warning (the stubborn advocacy of transferring the imports to Djibouti, the bald claim of Eritrea economic dependency on shoulder of Ethiopia… so on so forth) of what may come ahead was suppressed in favor of the dreamy world we expected to build to the extent of deceiving ourselves into believing that our Amhara brethren let alone our Tigrian cousins would march shoulder to shoulder with us into the make believe world of an East African copy of the "European Union" with several cultures but one economy and one currency, even the birr and why not! We really believed on this.

To our sad surprise and rude awaking, the Amhara were found as always to operate within the parameters of Machiavilli's "Prince." One wishes then that Eritrea leaders (Issayas, Haile Woldetisaie, Petros Solomon, Haile Menkorios, Sebhat Ephrem, Girmai Asmerom - our man with his new breed philosophy huh!…) would have learned from Machiavilli's warning whether it is better to be loved or to be feared. As Machiavilli expounded it, Men, being alone on this earth, could do - would do - what they willed to do. For Machiavilli, it was irresponsible for a "Prince" to act as if men were naturally good in the true humane sense - friendly, loving, merciful, unselfish, and forgiving. Machiavilli chief concern is about things as they are not as they ought to be. Here is how he said it 500 years ago on the nature of whether it is better to be loved or to feared: "….One ought to be both feared and loved if that is possible. But as it is difficult for the two to go together; it is better and much safer to be feared than to be loved, if one of the two has to be wanting. For it may be said of men in general that they are ungrateful, voluble, dissemblers, anxious to avoid danger, and covetous of gain. As long as you benefited them, they are entirely yours. They offer you their blood, their life, and children, as I have said it before, when the necessity is remote; but when it approaches, they immediately turn away and revolt. And the Prince who is relied solely on their words without making other preparation is ruined; for friendship which is gained by purchase and not through grandeur and nobility of the sprit, is bought but not securely owned and at pinch is not to be expended in your service. And men has less scruple in offending a Prince who makes himself loved than one who makes himself feared; for love is held by a chain of obligations which, men being selfish, is broken whenever it serves their purpose; but fear is maintained by a dread of punishment which never fails." (See David Donby, "Great Books," pages 199 - 200; see also Machiavilli, "The Prince," The World's classics edition, page 55-56 and Dover-Thrift-Editions, page 43-44)

It is a matter of conscience to think about the practical philosophy of Machiavilli as at best undemocratic and at worst a nasty and brutal thought. Yes this is true. But in the light of the Amhara World and Tembein/Mekelle collaborators, what a stunning application of reason to a nasty thought! And I am not advocating that Eritrean leaders should have declared war on the Amhara and their collaborators as early as 1997 when the border negotiation with the Woyanie became fruitless for that is neither humane nor attainable nor practically useful. Yet it would have been a smart and prudent policy for Eritrea leaders to make and to have an alternative backup plans and preparations should our honeymoon with Meles Zenawi goes awry as it did. Instead our approach was to put all our eggs in Meles Zenawi's basket without ever having a second thought of the possibility that that basket may one day collapse under the pressure of the Amhara-Ankoberites and their Mekele-Teimben collaborators - in short the Axis's power of Mother Ethiopia. For this simple short coming, it become easier for the Woyanie to rob Eritrean wealthy with such ease and without fear of reprisal and to execute the criminal deportation of more that 35, 000 Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin.

There is nothing more irritating for this Eritrean than the never-ending naïve behavior of Eritreans to always judge a book by its dust jacket instead of its true content. And sure enough, for years, we have been paying and still paying dearly for all our shortcomings. It has been said, "those who failed to learn from past history are condemned to repeat it." Ras Woldemicheal (murdered by the Tigrean Nobility), Lorenso Tazaz (Poisoned by Haile Sellassie), Moges Asgodom and Abraha Deboch (Murdered by so called Amhara patriots), General Tedla Ogubit (Murdered by Haile Sellassie), Mayer Harogot Abay, Generals Aman Andom and Isayas Ghebre Sellassie (Murdered by the Mengistue)… the list goes on and on.

It is to be remembered that Bahta Hagos tried to hand in hand with Ras Mengesha and Menelik in his resistance against the Italians and pleaded Ras Mengesha via several letters to share few rifles with him. The help never ever came (See Roy Pateman, "Eritrea…", page 51-52). Furthermore, if it weren't for Awalom Berhe as an able spy and double agent who advised General Debermuda and his brigade to travel to an isolated and confusing area (the valley of Mariam Shawitta) that was so far-off and a mountain apart from the center of the battle formation of General Albertoni, the outcome of the battle of Adwa would have been untenable for Menelik. It is also true that Ras Sebhat and Hagos Tefri defected from the Italian battle formation with 500 men moments before the start of the battle which gave Menelik crucial information where to attack. Without this timely and important information, the disastrous defeat and capture of General Albertoni brigade (the Italian main battle line of defense) was unthinkable. Debrmuda's blunder compounded Albertone's, turing General Barateri's (the overall commander of the Italian colonial army) battle plan into defeat, defeat into disaster, and disaster into catastrophe. All this marvelous service of Eritreans to Menelik was never to be appreciated and never to be counted as means to save the life of other Eritreans on the Italian side who ended up war prisoners. Menelik went on cutting off the right hand and the left feet of every Eritrean (Italian Askeris) war prisoner while at the same time he held and accorded Italian prisoners with well treatment and civilized behavior. Out of the 1000 Eritreans that were mutilated by Menelik, only 400 made it to Eritrea (Much of the source of this step came from Oral history told to the writer in the 1950th by Aboi Ghebremariam, who himself was a veteran of Adwa and who lost his limbs like every Eritrean at the devilish behest of Emperor Menelik. See also Anthony Mockler, page XXXI. For over all picture of the battle, see Pakenham, page 477 -484). Menelik flimsy excuse for mutilating the limbs of Eritreans was said to be that "the Eritreans betrayed their Nugus - that is Menelik - and their country" while in fact he was the one who betrayed his country by signing the "Treaty of Wuchallie" that brought the Italians to his gate.

One would think the connivery of the Ethiopian nobles were to end at the juncture of Adwa. To the opposite, the Ethiopians were never to stop their connivery against Eritreans and the Eritreans in return were never to stop their unimaginative collaboration with the Ethiopian aristocracy. One example of this sad fact comes from the unhappy life and tragic end of Lorenso Tazaz. No body in the Ethiopian entourage of Haile Sellassie at the League of Nation has performed with such distinction and supreme confidence than Lorenso Tazaz. He single handedly wrote the historic speech that Haile Sellassie gave at the League of Nation. He was the chief spokesman at the time of Mother Ethiopia's darkest hour from 1935 to 1941. Moreover, Churchill was almost ready to damp Haile Sellassie if it was not for Lorenso Tazaz crucial report on Ras Imrui's guerilla fighting activity against the Italians. According to John Spencer "so successful and encouraging were the mission and the report which Lorenso brought back in March 1940 that the Emperor, resorting to Biblical phraseology, declared Lorenso to have the seed of his lions, a cherished member of the Imperial Family." In spite of all these successes, the Amhara nobility didn't want him amongst them and after the British liberation of Ethiopia, in no time, they exiled him to Moscow with a cover of ambassadorship. The racism of the Showans against this Eritrean was so visible and so obvious that Haile Sellassie was forced to cover it up by appointing Ato Ephrem Teweldemedhin, another Eritrean, but a man with a wisdom of "min letazez Getaie (at your service Sir)," to be the head of the foreign ministry in Lorenso's place. Even Lorenso's marriage to the daughter of Ras Imuru wasn't a reason enough to save him form exile. After few years in Moscow the Amhara suspected him that he might be contacting Melotov, Stalin's honcho in the foreign office, since at that time, the Eritrean issue was heading to the UN. So Haile Sellassie called Lorenso Tazaz back to Addis Ababa with flimsy excuses and within few months he was poisoned to death. (My recollection of this story comes from oral history I heard from Ato Solomon. Ato Solomon was the point man of the Ethiopian foreign ministry, Asmara office, working for Ketma Yeferu, during the Federation era and later date. For similar story, see John Spencer, page 74-75, 84 and 114-115. Mr. Spence'sr writing on Loronso Tazaz is very cautious. For example the poisoning of Lorenso was presented as failing health (cancer) which was the official story of Haile Sellasie in an exact format like the murderer of General Tedla Ogbit was said to be suicide.)

Still Eritreans were never to learn from their past mistakes. "General Tedla Ogbit with all the torture that he administered over thousands of Eritreans to make Eritrea secure for Haile Sellassie and in-spite of his loyalty for Haile Sellassie when has was betrayed by Mengistu and Gramamie Newaye and many others, a service rendered with such uncompromising exactness in bringing Haile Sellasie safely to Asmara, which without that help from General Tedla, Haile Sellassie would have ended up a footnote in the history of exile as he was travelling to Brazil during the Newayes palace coup-detat." And yet the moment Haile Sellassie saw something he didn't like on General Tedla Ogubit, he sent his expert Palace murderers and a fast murderer that he did! General Tedla office first was completely surrounded by a brigade of Amhara soldiers, in broad day light, while hundreds of Eritreans were witnessing, and the General was shot at point black range, right in his office, and left bleeding to death like a chicken and to them indeed he was a chicken and a foolish one at that.

General Amman Andom loyalty to Ethiopia was crystal clear and unquestionable, that is by those of us from Eritrea and those Ethiopians who knew him better. His performance in the Korean War and and as battle commander in the Ogaden desert was impeccable and he was a prima-donna pride to many Ethiopians. Be that as it may, to the Amhara nobility and culture, General Amman as an Eritrean was always suspect. "The truth and the whole truth was, if any thing, General Amman, had the Amhara officialdom allowed him to stay in power long enough, he would certainly have ended up as a formidable enemy and mortal danger to the struggle for Eritrea independence. Minimally with his ability and flaunt speech in Tigrigna and Arabic, he would easily have convinced majority of the Eritrean illiterate class, which is 90% of the Eritrean population, to be on his side." But to the Amhara, this advantage was not important. To them, the burning issue of the day was, "indet-adriga Ethiopiachin be-Eritranoch tigezalech" (how could our Ethiopia be led by an Eritrean). And so when General Amman refused to bomb Asmara, the Amhara officialdom sent a whole tank brigade and leveled his house to ground with the General inside. By my counting, second to the Amhara contemptuous underestimation of Eritrean tenacity to fight, the murder of General Amman Andom was the biggest blunder they ever committed in their overall dealing with Eritrea.

Still Eritreans were not learning from past history. After all, one would think the blood that was shed during the 30 years war of independence was enough to make us cautious. Nope! We just went on with our love affair with Meles Zenawi without the slightest suspicion that he could be undermined by the Ankoberite -Tembien Axis. As a result of this Rip-van-Winklian seven years sleep, we find ourselves deeply mired by our very own Woyanie making. The most crucial aspect of what we as Eritreans historically are forgetting is that, "they, the Ankoberites and the Mekele-Tembien central Axis power, want people with muted voice and ramshackled identities (Amhara elite's definition not mine) like what they created and accustomed too in the Sidama and Oromo Land." That is true for Meles, Siye, Abay Tsehaye, Mesfun Sium and it-al, as it was true for Mengistu, Haile Sellassie, Menelik, and Emperor Yowhanis and his son, Ras Mengesha. They absolutely do not want any competitors. They want people at the bottom while they are swimming at the top of governing and having fun reaping the sweet of the bottom. They don't want to give a plain level field for every meathead Ethiopian who showed up at the gate of Menelik's palace much-less to show respect to people who waged 30 years bloody war and who declared their independence. For these simple facts, we should never have trusted all that talk about Woyanie democracy, a hodgepodge and a mix of all those frechersiches from Ben Shangule here, few Dorzes there, and Negasso Bedada as Sphinx.

My dear Eritreans let me share with you for the last time. When Ras Mokenen was negotiating with the Italians, he knew the final draft, specifically article 17, of the treaty of Wuchalie did have a problem that favored the Italians. For Menelik and Ras Mokenen, the crucial importance of that treaty was to persuade the Italians to give them armaments that would enable them to march forward on their hedonistic expansion toward the Oromo Lands. Thus Ras Moknen knowingly left article 17 as it was on the Italian version that said "Ethiopia in its dealing with foreigners must do it through the benevolence of the Italian Government" which makes Ethiopia to be a virtual protectorate of the Kingdom of King Umbertto of Italy. In the Amharic version Ras Moknen craftily changed the "must do it" phrase into "could do it if Ethiopia wishes." By this shrewd cleverness of diplomacy, Ras Mokenen gained and brought back four million lire loan at five percent interest rate that enabled Menelik to laugh at the Italians all the way to the Bank remembering that the Italians will certainly continue the southward march and Ethiopia will use the encroachment to annul the four million lire debt at an opportune time. This diplomatic helter-skelter was to climax into battle of will to the finish. After Menelik received handsomely all the armaments the Italians were able to ship; him and Ras Mokenen turned the Wuchalie table upside down and informed the Italians to amend the Italian version of the treaty, which Italy refused to do so, and which led to the battle of Adwa and gone was forever the four million lire debt.

Interesting enough, upon Ras Mokenen's return from Rome to Addis Ababa, a sharp-eyed clerk at the Menelik's palace found out the discrepancies of the Italian version with the Amharic version. He earnestly reminded Menelik that article 17 "may not weigh one-quarter of dollar now, but in years to come, it can be heavier than a thousand tones of Lead." Menelik didn't want the news of the treaty mix-up to be understood by his Nobles before he received the badly needed Italian armaments where, in any case, many of them lacks the literacy skill and diplomatic acumen of Ras Mokenen to ever understand the international intrigue and the judicious diplomatic gossamer-web that lay behind the treaty. So, in no time, Menelik called to his palace the resident representative of the Italian government, Count Pietro Antonelli and, for the good of both governments, advised him to howl and yell in-front of his Chieftains about his acceptance of the "Amharic Version." Count Antonelli dutifully heeded the advice of Menelik and blurted out phrases that still wet diplomatic mouths of today. "Your majesty, we are only your postman to European powers. How could we do evil to you Sir," insisted the skillful and suave Italian Count. The answer delighted the beefy illiterate Nobles of Gojam, Wollo, Tigre and Begemider that gathered at the Menelik's palace to hear the Count saying it. With such crafty set up, Menelik closed the doubt of a sellout and he immediately, incredulously one may say, shackled and imprisoned the hapless clerk for creating untimely diplomatic misunderstanding. When all the Italian armaments were in-hand, Menelik accused the Italians for adding unsavory phrase into the treaty behind his back. "This is what we call in our Eritrean parlance - Zibeeis-ya Kessab Zidelwo Yihinkis. Mesdelowo-khe, Geday Habuni Yibil (The hyena limps until he gets ready, and when he is ready, he roars with demand for his territorial and allocation)."

This story of Menelik and Ras Mokenen cleverness was related to me by my Amharic teacher in High School with such majestic chuckling smile that is so common in the Amhara World. In his book, "The Race to Fashoda," historian David L. Lewis (see page 109-112) recounted the story but only a certain part of it and certainly not the intricacies of Menelik and Ras Mokenen. He actually blames the Italians for the treaty mix-up. This in fact is the common defense of Ethiopian historians whenever they tell the story to foreigners. Internal telling for schoolboys, however, is another matter. The story comes with different dimension that is close to the Italian version but still in favor of Ethiopia and is used as means to imbibe into the blank heart of an innocent child to always believe in the superiority of the Amhara Officialdom as saviors of Ethiopia and Ethiopianness while other meatheads from the far off north or the south are merely additives and superlatives. That’s way the Amhara elite hasn't accepted the Woyanie as viable governing body of Ethiopia and will never do in the future.

There are many other instances that the Ankoberites demonstrated a similar craftiness. Menelik's offer of a firm alliance to the Egyptians while at the same time encouraging Ismail, the khedevite, to declare war on Yowhanis is one example. Another example is Menelik secret agreement to aid France in the race to Fashoda, then quietly signed a treaty with the British committing himself to neutrality, while clandestinely negotiating an alliance with the Khelifa of the Sudan against the hated Ferengies (see David L. Lewis, page 8 and 261). Haile Sellassie used the same tactic and double dealing in using the British to liberate his country and to first federate and then forcefully incorporate Eritrea. Mengistu's running to Moscow at the first sight of problem and Meles Zenawi and Abay Tsehaye negotiating skill against Sebhat Ephrem and Petros Solomon on the Issue of Badime were pretty much in line with their forefathers. Feeling weaker by all counts measured against the EPLF, Melese and Abay Tsehaye judiciously convinced the EPLF that "Badime was Eritrean by history and colonial documentation. We sincerely believe this." "But since our people will not understand it at this moment and my in fact revolt, it is better not to let it be known where the border demarcation stands until such opportune time comes. The better way to handle the matter is to wait until Eritrea is fully declared independent State, the Amhara rulers are butted out from power, and that Ethiopian is under the firm control of the Woyanie. Then Badime will official be declared inside the border of Eritrean territory." This is a typical waiting game the Ethiopians used for ages.

What all this age-old deceptions does show is that, it is for us "Eritreans" to be vigilant and watch them very carefully, with respect and cool temperament. We should avoid at all cost this haste and childish bravado of love, love we always freely give. Instead, we should approach them with ice-cold temperament the Japanese use to handle nicely smiling Westerners. In other words, our approach should be very polite but firmly anchored on reason and with self-interest in mind. In the long years of struggle for independence, we were lucky things finally fall down on those who believe on muscle power like Mengistu which we handled them with courage and tenacity. If things had fallen to the likes of Dawit Woldegergis, we would have faced a far more tougher enemy that Mengistu. And there are many Dawit Woldegergises, who exactly understand our psychological weaknesses and strengths, waiting in the wing. The Woyanie by their very evil hand are goners. And I have no doubt in my mind that another Amhara smoothie will show up. So the sooner we, Eritreans, learn their true identity and capability, the better our position will be in dealing not only with the Siye Abrahas of today but the Prince Ermiases of tomorrow that the United States Congress is grooming as a future alternative. One main thing we are forgetting is the fact that the Amhara (particularly the Showans) and to a certain degree, the Tigrians, have unbound curiosity for literature, smile in-spite of adversity, limitless patience, and an immense ability and command to make connection, which is unmatched in our area. Let us not forget, at the middle and the end of the nineteen-century, the Teckle Hamanots of Gojam, the Woldemickeals of Eritrea, the Aba Jiffars of Kaffa had an equal opportunity to make connection with foreign powers as Nugus Sahle Sellasie and his grand son, Menelik, did. As they could not marshal a curiosity that matches the Ankoberits power to persuade, they failed measurably and ended up, as they must, being vassals of Menelik and his Showa Nobles. One can certainly say that all the sweet sounding talk and grand standing of Prince Ermias is in the best tradition of Menelik and Haile Sellassie and one can visible see how out-of-no-where Prince Ermias became the talk of the town, all too often, forgetting many of the mess we see in Ethiopia today is the making of his selfish, narrow minded tribalist, and provincial Grandfather. Sadly what the world wants to see is not what goes on inside but what is offered to the outside and that means stability as Haile Sellasie offered. So then, the true understanding of the Amhara and their Tigrean collaborators is a must and paramount for an Eritrean. It is a reality that every Eritrean Leadership needs to take seriously whether we like it or not and whether it is today or in the Future. It is in our best interest not to judge a book by its cover. What's important is to go deeper and understand what makes them tick. Why they do the certain way they do particularly in their success of the International diplomatic channel. When we even could not match the Woyanie diplomatic weight and ability to mastermind the world-mass-media, this must be a genuine call to self-examination to truly see our failure why we were caught off-guard. Believing solely on our muscle is not the way to go for that muscle has its limits and the sooner we understand our paradigm the better shape we will be.

In parting, I would like to say few words to the Amhara elite. Yes you are smart and we know that for sure, Yes your are worldly when you smile although, all too often, we found that smile translated into deadly poison. And indeed you have an immense ability to make others bleed for your gain as has been demonstrated for ages. Menelik, while hiding his neck at the "Saint Gebriel" church and shrewdly putting his Showan soldiers on reserve as an insurance to keep him safe in case things goes awry, he let the bloody fight to be accomplished by the warriors of "Alula Aba Nega, Balcha Aba Nebsso, Ras Michiel of Wollo, and Nugus Techlehamnot of Gojam." All the same, Haile Sellassie used the British Imperial Army to liberate Ethiopia from the Italians. Mengistu used the Cuban and Yemeni troops, Russian, Isreali, and the Lord knows who, to fight against and get advice on how to crush Eritrea. In the best tradition of yesterday, Meles is using East European pilots to liberated Badime and Assab. The Amhara tradition of gaining what one wants by bleeding others continues. The question is, my Amhara brethren, continuing this tradition won't take you anywhere. All that garbage talk about Isayas imbagenenu yeshaibia meri is of no use to the impoverished life of the average Ethiopian. When the yearly average income (400 dollars) of an Ethiopian is less than an Eritrean (540 dollars) which by the way both countries economies, by world economic scale, are at the bottom of the heap, it makes no sense to talk about Ethiopian historical grandeur. Such chip talk won't bring a single flue shot to an Ethiopian child. The sooner you realize that "by tradition, culture, and economics, Ethiopian and Eritrea, are bound together but only on an equal terms, free, separate, and as clear cut as that of Canada and the United States." The thinking that Eritrea or part of Eritrea (Assab for example) again can be incorporated as part of greater Ethiopia is a pipe dream. We Eritreans may have difference amongst each-other but when it comes to national issue, we are more solid than an atom and God willing we will never allow this to happen. So if you really care about the economic suffering of the average Ethiopian, it is in your best interest to come to terms with free and independent Eritrea. (On the issue of remaining behind at ST Gebriel, See Anthony Mockler, page XXXX. On issue of the Showan troops being put on reserve, see Thomas Pakenham, page 481. All others on this section are so obvious and need not require additional info.)

As for the Wayanie, one wishes they realize once and for all that robbing Eritrean wealth and deporting thousand upon thousands Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin is not the answer to their predicament. It makes no sense at all to blame Eritrea for economic jealousies when they know the economy of all Afircan countries is a shamble and the Tigrean economy as I explained it above has yet to materialize in comparison to East Asians. The Woyanie always talk about Eritrea aggression but such meaningless talk didn't help Mengistu. Moreover, They think that other Ethiopians particularly the Amhara will follow them to their cursed crusade to capture Aassab. Pow! Good luck! The truth is the Amhara are waiting in the wing with wetted appetite to see the Woyanie bleed "war to the knife and knife to the hilt" and when the Woyanie are incapable to govern, the Amhara will step into the throne of their Ankoberite forefathers and in the best tradition of Menelik's deed to Ras Mengesha, I definitely see the Woynie being incarcerated and left to rot as Menelik did to Ras Mengesha. Yes this will be certainly their end. To expect otherwise a friendly treatment form "Melaw Amhara" (The All Amhara Party) not only is disingenuous and foolhardy but it is as if to sleep with the devil and believe that you can wakeup unmolested. In their convoluted mind the Siye Abrahas, Ghebru Asrats, and Abay Tsehayes think they can destroy Eritrea in-order to prove to the Amhara the Tigrian prowess to accomplish the impossible. The truth is, Eritrea will certainly bleed to some degree, but I have not doubt in my mind that it is going to survive and survive it big to the extent of becoming even more stronger and dominant power to contend. All that racist talk about the color of the eye by Meles Zenawi and the most ignorant comparison of Hitler with Isayas and the 3rd Reich with Eritrea by Sium Mesfin will not break the moral of a single Eritrean. All such dirt talk only proved how the Woyanie deeply hate free Eritrea and the Freedom of Eritreans. As an Eritrean, my only sadness is that the Woyanie has deliberately left and are still leaving a deep enmity between innocent citizens of Tigrai and Eritrea which certainly will take at the minimum three generations to erase. Leaders, be it, Woyanie or Amhara eventually will go. But the enmity of the people will remain and that is the most painful history the Woyanie are living behind as a tragic monument forever to be remembered.

Last but not least, about "Solome Tadesse." Solome Tadesse badmouthed about Eritrea on so many occasions and numberless to count them. All in the service, not certainly, of the downtrodden Ethiopians but decidedly on the service of the Woyanie warmongers. Solome! I sincerely wish you knew that your fate, in the end, will be that of "Tokyo Rose", a mouthpiece of the most vicious imperialist of all-time and aggressive government of "Hideki Tojo's" Japan. All that lousy talk and profanity "Tokyo Rose" bellowed out about the American Government and American troops in the pacific ultimately came to haunt her when the war between Japan and the United States ended. Solome, the temporary glare of power and the exaltation of seeing your eminent-grace in control of the world mass media will certainly mislead you into believing that you are in control of the destiny of Eritrea and Ethiopia. But dear lady, what you think as a beaming and shining Woyanie ideology is in fact far more ephemeral than a spring flower. To consider it as if it is a precious thing, here-to-stay, and durable like "Lord Elgen's marble" will take you nowhere but to the abyss of the Woyanie swamp. All your temporary happiness through lying will certainly come to pass. So if I were you my dear-lady, I seek salvation before it is too late and before the sun set on the Woyanie coteries. To continue abusing your innocent-self with false-to-the-hilt Orwellian deco-drama that Sium Mesfin constantly pass to you will only hurt you and hurt you very badly. In short, you will certainly be psychologically damaged. Working for aggressive Japanese dictators didn't help "Tokyo Rose" and certainly it won't help you too. Correct me if I am wrong but as Mark Twain said, "Your kind of loyalty should be to ones country, not to its institutions or its office holders. For the Country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing, it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; institutions are extraneous, they are its mere clothing, and clothing can wear out, become ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to protect the body from winter, decease, and death." Now think deeply about this: Do you think for one minute that Ethiopia will benefit by fighting another war against Eritrea for the next 30 years? Go back and reread Twain's advice and I am sure you will see the kind of Woyanie swamp you are in. If your intention is to represent young Ethiopians as a role-model in a big way then the hour to think about your conscience is already here. For as Winston Churchill reminded us long time ago: "A country without conscience is a country without a soul, and a country without a soul is country that can not survive" and in the end disintegrates into the dustbin of history. Is this what you want to accomplish! To be part-and-parcel of the disintegration of Ethiopia in the hand of the Woyanie robbers!

In closing my thoughts, I must say few words to Meles Zenawi. We Eritreans trusted you. You betrayed us. We helped you in your darkest hour and in a fierce heat of the battle (remember Shere!) that ultimately enabled you to snatch power from the Amhara. You answered us with robbing our wealth and deportation of so many innocents. Our Eritrean brethren who lived in Ethiopia for ages supported you with their money and vote. What they earned from you was a through and through racist insult - the color of the eye. Every Eritrean defended the just cause of the oppressed Tigrain people in every public arena. You and your demonic circle answered us to the extent of comparing us with "Hitler and the 3rd Reich" which in fact tells more than any thing the ignorance and lack of command of world history of your coteries. The most hateful of all the things that has been said was the reversal to "Orwellian lingua-franca" that yesterdays comrades in arms are now called "Shaibia", the benevolence of Eritrea to let Tigrians work wherever they want is now translated as economic jealousies, the falsifications of maps, the denigrating of Eritreans as economic exploiters, the list goes on and on. The most hurtful statement that came out from the mouth of the Wayanie was this: "The International community would support Ethiopia in going to war against Eritrea and this friends would be ready to help Ethiopia to rehabilitate its war damaged economy once this BLESSED WAR is over!" Blessed war! And since when was war became blessed and which friendly country is going to help the Woyanie so that they could do their atrocity in their vainglorious war against Eritrea. One can only answer these Woyanie gangsters with what Sir Winston Churchill (at the height of the battle of Britain) said about Hitler in a speech at county Hall, London, 14 July, 1941: "The people of London with one voice would say to Hitler, 'You have committed every crime under the sun… We will have no truce or parley with you or the grisly gang who work your wicked will. You do your worst - and we will do our best.'" That's exactly every Eritrean feels about you Meles! May God put his mercy upon you for you definitely need it! With this I rest may case.


Reference on Nuclear Technology travels:

Reading how the science of nuclear technology travels from one country to another is a fascinating engagement. All the Books mentioned below have a decided mission behind the glare of the pages. Some certainly are to inform. Others are to advocate how mortally in-danger is a given country and thus has a moral right to develop the Atom bomb, be it by the sweet of once brow or by plane old fashioned stealing or mixed of the two. Some are slightly technical like that of Paul Rose and may need a brush up of "1st year chemistry or Physics Intro" to fully benefit from the content. Others like that of Ms Silman are easily accessible to the average reader. Since the British and the Americans worked together in many scientific occasions of the development of the Atom Bomb particularly in the Manhattan Project, they are referred here as Anglo-American. Finally I claim neither expertise about nuclear technology nor - least of all - the means of making the Atomic Bomb. What I listed below is to substantiate the few nuggets about those Jews Scientists I mentioned in passing in this article.

  1. Anglo-American Point of View:

  1. The German Angle:

  1. The Russian Side:

  1. The Japanese Failure to develop the bomb in the 2nd World War:

  1. The Atomic story out of Israel:

  1. The Islamic World struggle to Build the Bomb:

  1. The Atomic Angle of India:

  1. The Chinese Atomic Travel:

  1. The French Nuclear Program: