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[dehai-news] Shabait.com: "Reading makes one wiser"

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 12:05:24 +0100

"Reading makes one wiser"

Friday, 28 December 2012 09:02 | Written by Billion Temesghen |

Q:-We first extend our warm congratulations, we now we have a new doctor.

(Laugh). Thanks and thanks for having me here.

Q:-It's our pleasure; let's start off with a little chat about your

When I was a kid I didn't have anyone to play with, I literally had no
friends. So I spent all of my time reading and fooling around with my
alphabets. Main reason of why I knew how to read and write before I even
went to school. After that I remember how good I was at school, because I
was always surrounded by my books, I didn't have clue of the world outside
my books and studies. maybe it's because I learned to be social way long
after I grew up.

Q:-When you were a child, what did you want to become as an adult?

I always wanted to be a doctor and now I am! In fact through out all of my
high school years I always was attracted by science, I always scored high in
biology and chemistry.

Q:-So you said you are a good reader, you like to read what?

I read to be entertained but I also read to learn, so I read a lot of books
that have to do with my ambiance. I give reading a metaphoric explanation:
just like food is a source of energy to the body reading is the spring of an
endless liveliness to the human mind.

Q:-Usually, children tend to be good at school to impress and make proud
their parents. Were you of this kind or you actually were studying because
you understood the importance of education?

Honestly I think that is hard to find kids that actually know the greatness
of knowledge, I was studying so hard to amaze my parents, I liked to see
them being proud of me. But then of course when I grew up I worked even
harder when I understood that it was all for my sake.

Q:-Tell us about you as a student in the Orota Medical School.

Wow. it was a very hard journey; it requires interest and most importantly a
lot of dedication. Many times during the exams I would just get to sleep for
a couple of hours. There were a very few periods in which I was ready to
give up but lucky me I never did, thanks to my family's, professor's and
friends' support.

Q:-Where is your next step headed to? Now that school is over.

I remember one day our professor told me to not overjoy our achievements
because a doctor is always a student. What he meant was that even if you get
certified the field requires a continuous

Q:-Do you think that maybe one day doctors won't be needed no more because
technology is taking almost over everything?

No way! Technology is something that human beings created but still there is
something that it cannot take over. It's beautiful to have a lot of
technological equipment as a doctor but still being a doctor is a very
intimate jaunt.

Q:-One last question; what are your future plans or desires? What do you
want to do in the near future?

I definitely desire to deepen my knowledge. I will never for once seize my
excursion in knowing more and help people with the little I know.

-Very modest of you, we wish you well.

Last Updated (Friday, 28 December 2012 10:35)

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Received on Sun Dec 30 2012 - 09:26:38 EST

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