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[dehai-news] Conscious And Organized People, Who Attained The Key To Development

From: Samuel Igbu <igbu.samuel_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 09:41:21 -0500

Human capital is the greatest asset of any given nation. What makes
human aspect an unequaled asset is that humankind is merely the
fount of resources and ingenuity. Yet, Central position is accorded
not to the quantity, but rather to the quality of human resources. Since
the grandeur of societies counts upon solidarity and organization,
however, this quality asset is essentially determined by the way it is
In view of this benchmark, Eritrea is blessed to have a people whose
culture and values are still intact; who espouses strong solidarity,
reflects collectively and is devoted to a common cause; a conscious,
organized and ever-armed people who envisions prospects, as well
as who is noted for discipline and commitment. The era we are in is
characterized by hedonistic qualities and chaotic cultural bankruptcy
that corrode identity and values of origins into decay. The fact that
Eritrea takes due pride inhighly disciplined and organized people,
who exerts strenuous endeavors for the nation’s development under
such political stability and security cultured by the said grand social
values guarantees the country’s very bright future.
Needless to say, nationhood is the most significant grouping in the
endeavor to realize civilization through proper harnessing of natural
and human resources. The key to civilization is but collective reflection
and endeavors to a common cause. Accordingly, organization and
unity is but the pinnacle of consciousness of humankind.
Organization and adamant discipline are thus factors that
exponentially multiply the resources for civilization. Having achieved
collective reflection and strong unity, the Eritrean people is already
in the verge of attaining the secret for civilization and prosperity.
In retrospect, Eritrea’s previous journey has practically witnessed
the synergic effect that stems from consciousness, organization and
discipline. Indeed, the aforementioned experience has not only been a
kernel of our national exploits and glorious history, but also is, as per
the standard of civilization set by many nations, scoring impressive
accomplishments in the national development drive.
Received on Wed Nov 14 2012 - 10:29:34 EST
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