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[dehai-news] Presstv.ir: Video-Washington created al-Qaeda in Yemen to serve US interests: Analyst

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:32:43 +0200

Washington created al-Qaeda in Yemen to serve US interests: Analyst

Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:4AM GMT



A political analyst says al-Qaeda is a "utility" created by the United
States to serve Washington's interests in Yemen, Press TV reports.

"When we talk about Yemenis and the war against al-Qaeda in Yemen and their
hope to finish al-Qaeda, we have first to realize that al-Qaeda is an
American-made utility," said Ali al-Kamali, head of the Media Center
Liberation Square from the Yemeni capital Sana'a, in a Wednesday interview
with Press TV.

"They made it (al-Qaeda) in 90's and 80's to fight the Soviet Union. They
made it now to come inside Yemen. They made it now to be called as Ansar
al-Sharia in south, in Abyan, so they would be here in Yemen using drone

"America has drone attacks that killed Yemenis in Rad'a. They killed them in
Abyan. They killed them in Lahij and some places in Shabwa," Kamali added.

The United States has been carrying out drone strikes in the south and east
of Yemen over the past months.

Washington claims the attacks target militants, but witness reports and
details provided by local officials indicate that civilians are the main
victims of the airstrikes.

"The US will do anything to be in the Arabian Peninsula for a long time.
Since 1970's when Jamal Abdul Nasser cut out the oil from Europe and from
the United States, they started to grow their seeds in the Arab countries,
so they can be here for a long time," Kamali stated

Reports say the US spy agency CIA is seeking to expand its covert
assassination drone attacks in Yemen.


Related Interviews:

men/> 'Al-Qaeda, US-made utility in Yemen'
-control/> Yemen in grip of US imperi

Received on Thu Oct 25 2012 - 10:22:20 EDT
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