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[dehai-news] How To Reverse of the Impact of Sanction

From: Adiam Berhane <adiam.berhanefetwi_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 23:35:15 -0400

How To Reverse the Impact of Sanction

Most of us know sanctions are “interest group” motivated to punish
rebellious leaders and their people.

As we have witnessed sanctions are passed solely to suite US and Israeli
interest and the remaining “free” European countries approve their
decision. Of course, temporarily sanctions might scare off investors but
there is always to get around it. As we know, we fight the sanction to be
removed legally, it is the right thing to do, but the more we ask them the
more they feel that they stand on their position because they feel it is
working by hurting us. My approach toward sanction is to move on for good
without it because the bully decision is biased and it will not change
unless they are hit by a big-bang theory again.

Here are six tips to reverse the impact of sanction. Sanction and bullying
behavior have similarity both are used to subdue and intimidate others.

1) Create inviting environment for Diaspora to return to their home
country to invest or live or travel. By doing so angers the enemies

2) Multiply TV programs that focus on Education, because education
refreshes the mind and gives an outlet for the future.

3) Build new or enhance existing bilateral relationship with enemy’s

4) Maintain the attitude to anger the enemy because that boosts the
moral of your people

5) Down play and ignore any negative and spinning news from the enemy
6) Stand up and face the bullies

Adiam Berhane Fitwi
Received on Fri Oct 12 2012 - 23:16:42 EDT
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