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[dehai-news] Gregory R. Copley's distorted wish of the Horn

From: Esayas Temesgen <esayas.esayas_at_att.net_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 22:03:59 -0700 (PDT)

August 31, 2012

By Esayas Temesgen

"Red Sea is not vital sea route anymore" says the bozo; good for you Copley, then get the hell out!

Gregory R. Copley in his recent narcissistic article... "The Emperors Ghost: How the Transformations in the Horn of Africa and Red Sea Reflect, and Help Change, the Global Energy and Geopolitical Scene." Gregory R. Copley /July 27, 2012.

Copley is up there with right leaning elite box. He makes his living by advising Governments on intelligence, defense and foreign affairs. He is one of these lose individuals with no moral or conscious who single handedly given much greater latitude than they deserve because of "the free enterprise." Unfortunately His business is all based on distortion and fabrication with no regard to humanity. Mainly to keep dictators in power and allow deals to go through to loot the wealth of nations in a cheap; with no regard to the welfare and security of national

I will try to deconstruct Copley's factoid right, which is the product of his unique imagination.

For Eritreans the ghost of the despotic monarch is not nostalgia as MR. Copley put it, rather it is the opposite: memory of the nightmare of suffering, horror and the beginning of the dark moment, witnessed their sovereignty made vanished by Haillesselasse in front of their eyes. Which in turn draw an absolute contempt to his aggression and provoked the long and bloody armed struggle. Eritreans didn't die in vain, they have secured their sovereignty that was stolen by the-rootles king.

I- "The Red Sea and Africa's north-east move deeper into an era of great change, with global ramifications as energy acquisition patterns also transform, impacting the relative geopolitical centrality of the region." "The Emperors Ghost "Gregory Copley/July 26, 2012

What is revealing is that since Copley is not happy about the fiercely independent Eritrea occupying almost half of the 2250 kilometer long Red Sea, he is waging a feeble campaign to undermine the importance of the Red Sea and the region, a pure propaganda to psych-out Eritreans and a cover for his next shoe...where he argued in favor of Israel to control the Red Sea. Obviously this Geopolitical scramble has made Eritrea a hostage.

To smear Eritrea he goes as far as giving a deceptive analysis about the Middle East. And the Horn, ignoring the Middle East global financial influence, such as assets in US treasury and other investment in Europe and in most part of developed Markets of the World, Mainly by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States including Iraq. For that reason and the like the geopolitical significance of the region and USA's interest of the Horn; the Persian Gulf and the Middle East as a whole will not change for decades to come. I don't think the armada of US navy fleet in the gulf is there for bird watching...

Obviously many countries have emerged in the oil and gas market as suppliers, it is also true that the demand for the product is souring as emerging economy such as china and India and many others are lined up in the pipe line... This is the ramification he is rumbles about.... this will not put a dent on the Middle Eastern giants' such as Saudi Arabia and the gulf states.

After all US never imported more than 20% of its oil from the Middle East to begin with, whatever happens The middle east is bigger than oil politics, it has enough leverage on the financial market of the world. Copley's politics to trash the importance of the US market and influence in the Region with this kind of misleading analyses is nonsense.

The truth of the matter is... even though US has reduced its oil import to 42% from 60% in the last 20 years, due to increasing gas price and the increased use of new drilling technics known as hydraulic fracturing has boosted production in states such as North Dakota and the State of Texas. Saudi Arabia still remains as the number two oil exporter to the US market next only to Canada.

Beyond this, the reality is Middle East is by far the biggest market for US arm manufacturers of any kind. And that will not change for sure.

II "Significantly, one possibility could be - with the personality-driven autocracies of Meles and Isayas drifting astern - that Ethiopia and Eritrea resume their historical relationship, but in such a way that the various elements of the "old empire" are given their due attention. This could see a gradually coalescing confederation which would include Eritrea (historically, the Bar Negus: Kingdom of the North), and Ethiopia, with greater prominence given to the aspirations of its great regions, such as Oromo- land, and the Somali regions, Tigre, the Amhara Plateau, and so on.

Nostalgia for the golden days of Emperor Haile Selassie means that there are elements of the historical interlinking cultures of the Ge'ez language based peoples which still have a commonality." The Emperors Ghost" Gregory R.Coplely /July 26, 2012

He even brought to the surface all the devious shadowy propaganda that he and his cohorts have been wedging for long time, to ostracize President Isayas Afewerki of Eritrea and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia. Actually the purpose of the campaign is not about the two leaders. Rather it was a manifestation of imbedded fury of his and others about the past alliance of the EPLF and the TPLF.

He follows that by tossing a - none starter rubbish theory, that Eritrea to confederate with Ethiopia. Ethiopia in turn to be ruled by joint power of the Amhara and Tigrai Dynasty.

Here he not only shows his intention to eliminate Eritrea as a nation but also his disdain for the Ethiopians, mainly the major nationalities such as the Oromo and Ogadenies and the many other minorities considering them as a subservient to the Amhara and Tigrians.

his knee jerking around in the business of Eritrea and Ethiopia really is an insult to the brave Eritreans who's armed struggle that help shook-up Haillesselasse's power base at the seam, and to Ethiopian's as well - who finished the job by getting rid of his throne through popular uprising, particularly the youth and the worker.

Unfortunately Eritreans after seventeen years have to battle all the way thousands of kilometers-from their base "Nakfa," Eritrea. To the capital Addis Ababa, to get rid of the fascist leader, Colonel Mengestu Hailemariam, who stole the revolution from the People.

As depicted above Copley's core idea is a vivid provision of Eritreans grievance to the international community, mainly to the United Nations about other nations meddling in their inalienable sovereign wright to carry out their national affairs.

The scheme is to create chaos and to keep the fire burning to impede growth, so that they can control the geopolitics of the region. ... this kind of individuals and groups, in spite of their knowledge that they can't reverse the course of history - have been giving the wrong ideas to Ethiopians even after the fact that Eritreans through a thirty year vicious war are free and in full control of their affairs and vigilantly defending their county for over twenty years.

III "To some degree, the declining Western influence over the Persian Gulf, and the attendant fragility of the Arabian Peninsula - may be less important than it was a decade ago. The US now derives some 25 per-cent of its imported oil and gas from the Gulf of Guinea, predominantly Nigeria. But the PRC, which is far more dependent on imported energy than the US - the PRC imports half of its raw energy materials - has been steadily building its relations with the African Continent for several decades, to the point where it has now secured a dominant position in terms of trade with many states. By 2009, the PRC was importing a third of its oil from Africa. But its imports were rising, and PRC investment into African oil infrastructure - such as taking control of all the oil refining in Nigeria - have been substantial and bold." "Who in the west lost Africa?" Gregory Copley/ February 22, 2012.

As for the western influence in the Middle East actually the opposite is true the US is aggressively asserting its influence over the region more than ever after the cold war, by emboldening its allies who were much docile before the cold war. we are witnessing countries with ties to the United States are taking over the hegemony of the middle east, spearheaded by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States mainly Qatar.

He comes back again and again like irritating mosquito with sleazy idea.to give such a bleak remark about a vibrant region where The USA has a great steak.

He didn't stop there; he is all over the region with a mission of grand deception to steer the fast moving development to his advantage by inducing bogus concept that doesn't exist.

...Ironically geopolitics importance of a region has become a curse than advantage. It breeds violence for generation. Although few go in and out of it occasionally- violence is rampant in most part such as the Middle East and Africa; The movie "blood diamond tell it all."

What Copley did not explain is the negative impact of the oil production on Nigeria. Despite holding the number four position of the top ten oil exporters to the USA.

Nigerians don't see much of the revenue from the oil because it is stashed in the banks of the big oil companies and the Mafia like Bloody dictators that ruled that country. As a result this huge oil revenue instead of developing the wealth and health of Nigerians it has done the opposite: change the country into a blood bath with a massive environmental degradation, which is going to impact on the land and water and consequently the Health and safety of Nigerians will suffer for generation to come.

Recently he is marketing to cash in from the "ghost" of a none-existing monarchy, He lamented on his article ... "who in the west lost Africa?" Gregory Copley/ February 22, 2012 about Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's statue that was erected in the new African Union hall building attributing to his contribution as a pioneer of the UNION.

..."While it is befitting to honor Dir. Kwame Nkrumah, a proponent of Pan-Africanism and Ghana's first President, with a statue in the forecourt of the new African Union edifice, other African giants, such as Emperor Haile-Selassie and Nelson Mandela, will have to wait to have their legacies honored, through additional statues and monument. "Who in the west lost Africa?" Gregory R. Copley/ February 22, 2012

What a slick idea, squeezing a deposed Monarch between two Africa's' Icons; Haillesselase a person with an ego bigger than his height;, who calls himself Kings of kings Lion of Judah and preferred to be treated like a chosen messiah - was no match to the Revolutionary Kwame Nkrumah or to the freedom fighter Nelson Mandela:

President Kwame was a revolutionary that started the pan African movement, the broad anti colonialism struggle during his college times in The USA and his stay in England in early 1940's, In conjunction he worked with prominent personalities like George Padmore from Caribbean and other activist in The US to end the Negro suffering in North America. He was elected president of Africans student organization. For US and Canada.

As an activist he eventually brought the struggle home to mobilize his fellow citizens. For that he was put in jail, none the less won his countries independences from the British., Kwame at last managed to be elected as the first president of free Ghana from the prison. He was a true symbol of Africa's cry for freedom - deservedly he is Africa's face.

Hailesselasse, on the other hand was AWOL nowhere to be seen in the country during the war with the Italians; he cut and run via Djibouti to England, left Ras Abebe to lead the army. "Copley is trying to sell this rubbish to the west not that he is ignorant of the objective reality but a sheer arrogance and disrespect of Africans in his part.

Copley understands well if Africans get to the level of running their own affair's he will be out of business, this might be his last-ditch effort to reincarnate a despotic Monarch by giving face to the faceless Monarchy so that he can be one step closer to recolonizing Africa.

By now Copley might have seen the writing on the wall. The person who has been abusing Eritreans goodwill -Prime minster Meles Zenawi of expansionist Ethiopia, after he vanished from the public and turned into a ghost head of state for about two months, has arrived on Monday the 20th of 2012 at Addis Ababa airport in a coffin. At the moment expansionist Ethiopia seems to be run by an alien power.

From what we are observing, after his death he is in the process of being canonized and elevated to a cult leader bigger than that of Haillesselasse. It looks the handlers found an opportunity in Meles Zenawis' death, that they couldn't find when he was alive. That for sure buries all the wishes of Copley's Haillesselasse reincarnation project.

As weird as it seems, for Eritrea dealing with a neighbor foe that end up to be led by a ghost of a prime minister, is just another drama in overdrive.

As for Red Sea... the Worlds North most Tropical Sea, remains as the most important sea-lane as it has been since pre biblical era. That connects Africa - with Europe; The Middle East and Asia. it will maintain its vitality to human survival not only as a means of transportation but as a bastion for a verity of marine life and other natural resources, For sure one thing has changed: the stewardship. ...No bandit can anchor a ship and claim to be a king any more.

Awet n' hafash!

Received on Sun Sep 02 2012 - 13:26:39 EDT
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