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[dehai-news] Wikileaks.org: Sudan agreed to accommodate Egyptian commandos to destroy Nile dam - Wikileaks

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 16:56:48 +0200

 <http://www.ethiopianreview.net/index/?p=43524> Sudan agreed to accommodate
Egyptian commandos to destroy Nile dam - Wikileaks

August 31th, 2012

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global
Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered
"global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004
and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that
fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence
services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed
Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US
Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence
Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off
structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Re: Egypt source

Released on 2012-08-29 00:00 GMT




1970-01-01 01:00:00





All of the Egyptian diplomatic source references are to the ambassador to
the other one that you highlighted in red - high-level Egyptian source is
a different source of mine - he is high up in the security apparatus,
based in Cairo


From: "Bayless Parsley" <bayless.parsley_at_stratfor.com>
To: "Reva Bhalla" <reva.bhalla_at_stratfor.com>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 3:59:53 PM
Subject: Egypt source

just let me know which are the same Egyptian ambassador to Lebanon sources
plz, thx

PUBLICATION: background/analysis
SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Egyptian ambassador to Lebanon
Egypt will do its utmost to prevent the southern Sudan from declaring its
independence. He says the Egyptian government is concerned about the
outcome of next year's referendum, which will enable the southerners to
determine whether they want to stay in a united Sudan,or create their own
separate state. TheNile water issue is so vital for Egypt that it cannot
afford to deal with two separate governments in the Sudan.

Egypt played a decisive role in getting the Arab League to organize an
Arab conference for investment and development in southern Sudan. The aim
behind the conference is to engage Arab states in the affairs of Sudan and
create incentives for southerners to vote against separation. He says
investment opportunities in southern Sudan are virtually unlimited. It is
rich in minerals, water resources, and has an abundance of fertile
agricultural land.

The south is not ready to create its own state. It has no experience in
self-government and lacks the bureaucratic apparatus necessary for running
the affairs of the state and serving the public. He says the best bet for
both north and south is for the Congress Party and the Sudan Popular
Liberation Movement to work together and find a suitable mechanism for
power sharing.


PUBLICATION: analysis/background
SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 2 sources - Egyptian diplomatic source; well-connected
owner of Arab political magazine
SOURCE Reliability : C

** Note bolded part below in response to my questions-- they really
emphasize the diplomatic approach and then throw in the contingency plan of
setting up Egyptian commando units in Sudan
<Obviously these developments, along with the Tana Beles dam that was
inaugurated last week in Ethiopia at the source of the Nile, are extremely
concerning for Egypt. How does Egypt plan to respond?>

Egypt is responding diplomatically. There is no other way except to seek
the cooperation of the countries along the Nile Basin.

<The public statements thus far have been pretty mild, but we would like
to get a better idea of what's being discussed behind the scenes. We've
noticed that Egypt and Sudan have had a number of meetings this past week to
discuss the issue. What were the main points of discussion, was an plan of
action made, any difference in their positions, etc.?>

The Egyptians are keen on maintaining their cool. They want to avoid
repeating former Egyptian president Anwar Sadat's threat to dombard
Ethiopia. Sadat's unfortunate remarks have had soured the two countries'
relations since then. The Egyptians believe the Ethiopians are mainly
aiming at causing Egypt to respond wrongly by calling for postponing the
construction of dams and hydraulic power plants instead from returning to
the negotiating table to resume the search for an agreement.

<We also saw that responsibility for the Nile issue had been taken from
the Irrigation and Foreign ministries and handed over to the National
Security Authority headed by Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman. Obviously
that illustrates how concerned Egypt is over the issue. What exactly will
this shift in command achieve? What is the NSA doing differently in managing
the situation?>

Certainly. Umar Suleiman accompanied prime minister Ahmad Abu al-Ghayt
during his visit to Khartum last week. The Egyptians do not want to see the
southern Sudan becoming independent. They feel that the independence of the
south will increase Egypt's problems with regard to the waters of the Nile.
The Egyptians are also interested in ending darfur's crisis and stabilizing
the Sudan. They see the stability of Sudan extremely vital for Egypt's
national security. The Egyptians believe the solution of the Nile crisis
must be diplomatic and inculde the head water and riparian countries. They
believe joint developmental programs provide the ultimate answer to sharing
the waters of the Nile. The problem is that most of these countries are very
unstable and are not ready for serious and long term regional cooperation.
Umar Suleiman wanted to see if Umar al=Bashir was willing to allow Egyptian
troops, including commando units, to be quietly stationed in Sudan for the
unlikely possibility of surgical action such as blowing up dams under
construction. I might want to emphasize that these sources insist the
Egyptian government will do all it could to avoid
this type of action to resolve the crisis. They argue that Egypt needs
more water from the Nile and less and that the only way to get more water is
through regional cooperation that includes the provision of more
technical assistance to them by Egypt.

<c) The most critical aspect of this issue is the fact that the Nile's
headwaters are in the Ethiopian highlands, which gives Ethiopia
substantial leverage. Even though Ethiopia is building a relatively small
dam right now (460 MW), the danger for Egypt is in having Ethiopia break
precedent that would allow competitors for the Nile's resources control
the river flow upstream to Egypt. This is the third dam that Ethiopia has
inaugurated. Are there estimates available on how much water would be
diverted from Egypt and Sudan by these dams?>

These dams will have no impact on the water shares of Egypt and Sudan
since the waters that will be stored behind the dams for power generation
will eventually be returned to the river. A source says Ethiopia has
pledged, and submitted documents to that effect, that it would never store
water behind the dam for irrigation purposes. He also says that when
Ethiopia builds all 40 dams (this will need many years before completion
since it does not have the money or the financing), the shares both of
Egypt and Sudan would be reduced by about eight billion cubic meters of

<Did Egypt respond strongly to those as well? I would think that Egypt
would have to shut this down now in order to uphold these treaties.>

Egypt cannot deny Ethipoia's right to develop and build dams for power
generation and irrigation. This is the reason why they are playing a very
calculated diplomatic game. They do not want to make mistakes.

<My biggest question is, what can Egypt (and Sudan) actually do? What are
the options being discussed?>

Many Egyptians are seeing a calamity in the making. Its effects will be
felt in 20-50 years. Diplomacy is the best approach they can pursue.
Nevertheless, they are making contingency plans for the worst, including
surgical commando operations. It is most unlikely that they will resort to
them in the foreseeable future. The Egyptians are confident that
international donors will not invest in controversial water projects along
the Nile unless the concerned countries reach unanimity on the matter.
Egypt is proposing long term polans that include the development of
African countries along the Nile so that Egypt could purchase its food
and cattle from them.


PUBLICATION: analysis/background
SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Egyptian diplomatic source
SOURCE Reliability : C
Follow-up to insight on Egypt asking Sudan to station commandos in Sudan for
'worst case' scenario on the Nile issue:
Sudanese president Umar al-Bashir has agreed to allow the Egyptians to
build an a small airbase in Kusti to accommodate Egyptian commandoes who
might be sent to Ethipoia to destroy water facilities on the Blue Nile. He
insists that the military option is not one that the Egyptians favor. It
will be their option if everything else fails

6/1/10 (this one seems to be a different source, since it has an A for
ATTRIBUTION: Egyptian security source
SOURCE DESCRIPTION: high-level Egyptian security/intel source, in regular
direct contact with Mubarak and Suleiman
Last week Mubarak met with four out of the 5 countries demanding more
rights over the Nile (unclear if he met in person or talked to them over
the phone). kenya, rwanda, tanzania, uganda reached an agreement with
Egypt and pledged cooperation that the water will only be used for
electricity generation (not diverted for irrigation), while Egypt pledged
more developmental projects. We'll keep talking and talking to them to
make sure all sides abide by the agreement. The only country that is not
cooperating is Ethiopia. We are continuing to talk to them, using the
diplomatic approach. Yes, we are discussing
military cooperation with Sudan. we have a strategic pact with the
Sudanese since in any crisis over the Nile, Sudan gets hit first then us.
We can't afford that. The military cooperation we are discussing is for
emergency planning, but I don't think it will come that yet. There will
not be a war. If it comes to a crisis, we will send a jet to bomb the dam
and come back in one day, simple as that. Or we can send our special
forces in to block/sabotage the dam. But we aren't going for the military
option now. This is just contingency planning. Look back to an operation
Egypt did in the mid-late 1970s, i think 1976, when Ethiopia was trying to
build a large dam. We blew up the equipment while it was traveling by sea to
Ethiopia. A useful case study. Mubarak is looking pretty well. I was with
him last week. He's still very active. Things are getting a little dicey
with the Shura election councils. There were some shootings and the Sinai
election got cancelled. We'll be keeping an eye on that.

SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Egyptian diplomat
SOURCE Reliability : B

He says the Egyptian government has given up on Sudanese president Umar
al-Bashir. He says the view in Cairo is that al-Bashir is erratic and
obsessed with power. He wants the Egyptians to save his neck. He says this
is not something that the Egyptians want to do. The source thinks southern
Sudan will win its independence next year. The Egyptian government wants to
develop good working relations with the new political entity in the south.
He says Egypt has already pledged two years ago to finance water projects in
southern Sudan. He says the Egyptians will complete the Jonglei canal
project, which will benefit both the south Sudan and Egypt. He says Egypt is
already looking forward to the post-2011 referendum in the south. Egypt will
not allow Israel to dominate the south. Cairo will do all it can to provide
all sorts of basic help to the south, especially involvement in water

PUBLICATION: analysis/background
SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Egyptian ambassador to Lebanon
SOURCE Reliability : C

The Egyptians would prefer to deal with a united Sudan. They are
beginning to realize , however, that the south will go its way. He says
south Sudan needs Egypt as much as Egypt needs assurances that its Nile
water supllies will not be affected as a result of the secession of the
south from the north. The south needs Egypt to help building the
infrastructure of a southern Sudanese state. The Egyptians have finally
decided to do so. In fact, he admits that the Egyptians have been slow to
respond to southern Sudanese signals of good intentions towards Egypt.
Silva Kiir Mayardit, the president of the autonomous government of
southern Sudan has assured the Egyptians that their water supplies will
not be affected. In fact, he ordered the discontinuation of digging the
controversial Jonglei Canal.

It is in the news that Egypt Air will operate weekly flights to southern
Sudan. Cairo has just announced that it will be offering the autonomous
government there with $300 million grant for economic development
purposes. Southern Sudan genuinely wants to develop warm and special
relations with Egypt. He says southerners look up to Egypt whom they see
as a role model. The Egyptian government has decided to fully immerse
itself in modernizing the south. He says the south will go its way because
president Umar al-Bashir appears to have agreed to the matter and that
there is no sense for Egypt trying to block the independence of the south
if the north has finally accepted it.

The source admits that Egypt has been slow to respond to requests of help
from the south, but he says the Egyptians will make it up. He says Egypt is
helping the south in numerous ways and he gave examples:

*training personnel from the south Sudan bank in the Egyptian central
*Training and rehabilitating school teachers
*Opening a branch for Alexandria University in Juba.
*Construction of four small power stations.
*Building infirmaries in southern Sudanese cities.
*Digging 30 deep water wells.
*Water purification projects.
*Developing the educational system in the south and the issuance of 30
grants for graduate studies.
*Improvement of the irrigation system in the south.
*Giving the southern Sudan satellite TV station free access to the Nile

Both Egypt and the south have agreed on developing strategic relations
between their two countries. He says the southerners have even asked the
Egyptians to train their army and transform it into a disaciplined outfit.
No action has yet been done on this matter. He says it is better to wait
on this request until after the south becomes independent. He says the
horizons for Egyptian-southern Sudanese cooperation are limitless since
the south needs everything.

Received on Fri Aug 31 2012 - 15:49:13 EDT
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