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[dehai-news] To Dehayers In Edmonton Alberta ( Recovering the Work of Asmerom Adhanom, the famous Eritrean Artist)

From: <hbokure_at_aol.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 22:53:07 -0400 (EDT)

Dear friends,

A certain Canadian man who is an art collector told me that the portrait of Beni Amir by Asmerom Adhanom who was and still is the famous artist of his own time is in his possession. It is one of the lost portraits of the Eritrean artist who died in the States tragically in the late seventies. This portrait resembling the artist has some subtle messages related to his private life. However, only a person with artistic eyes can identify and interpret the texture of the entire portrait. According to the possessor, it is an original work of the artist including his signature and embossed name of the "framer" by the name C.M. Fabriano, presumably the Italian dealer living in Asmara circa 1967.

This major art work which is now in the hand of foreign art collector needs to be claimed as our national treasury. It is already on sale waiting for favorable bargaining. Therefore, I am looking for any interested Eritrean who either lives in Edmonton, or in its vicinity to contact the collector regarding the possibility of reclaiming the portrait at a reasonable price. If everything goes Ok, it can be shipped to Eritrea where the national gallery is available for its final resting place.

Your full cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated.

Please contact me at HBokure_at_aol.com

Haile Bokure
Received on Sat Jul 14 2012 - 23:42:38 EDT
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