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[dehai-news] Paunetz, African capital of the modern, Asmara exhibition comes to Munich,Germany

From: Semere Asmelash <semere22_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 15:04:47 +0000

Text,a transilation from the German Langu.
27/06/2012African capital of the modernAsmara exhibition comes to MunichThe city of Asmara, Eritrea was in the twenties and thirties, developed by the former colonial power Italy systematically. The result is an urban ensemble with rationalistic style and futuristic elements, which today is regarded by many as "Africa's Secret Capital of Modern Art" (exhibition title). At the reception of modern architecture, however, the flawless creation story as a symbol of the city of fascist dictatorship in Africa is often ignored.An exhibition of Asmara, which was designed at the Bauhaus Dessau and based on photographs of the British photographer Edward Denison, is touring for several years by the world, she was already located in Berlin, Tel Aviv, London, Turin, Bologna, Graz, Egypt, Nieria and Togo shown. Now they come for the first time in Munich and on 4 July in the Pasinger factory opened.Opening round of talks with "Preserving and Developing Asmara: Challenges and Opportunities": 4 July 2012, 19 clockExhibition: 5 July to 19 August 2012, 16-20 ClockCultural theme night with talk "Bella Asmara - a city in the migration" of the ethnologist Magnus driver and sound performanceLocation: Pasinger factory, cultural and social center of Munich, August-Exter-Str. 1, 81245 MunichAbout:www.pasinger-fabrik.comBaunetzwoche # 2: Asmara
Received on Wed Jun 27 2012 - 14:16:39 EDT
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