Fwd: Eritrea’s Diplomatic Victories at 24

From: Amanu <abiedemariam_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 16:25:50 -0400

*Eritrea’s Diplomatic Victories at 24 *

*Amanuel Biedemariam*

For many underdeveloped countries particularly African, Diplomacy means: to
be flexible, to acquiesce, compromise, undermine-once-principle and values
to accommodate suitors at the expense of long term interests of the nations
they claim serve.

Eritrea’s firm and principled stances are therefore aberration to the norm
and thorn on the sides of those who benefit from the diplomatic
acquiescence or submissiveness of countries that sell their souls in order
to remain in power for financial or other gains. Many considered those
stances undiplomatic. However, as the saying goes, there is more than one
way to skin the cat. Eritrea’s diplomatic approaches prove that there is
alternative to the diplomacy that African nations practiced for decades.

According to major dictionaries, Diplomacy is: 1) The art and practice of
conducting negotiations between nations 2) Skill in handling affairs
without arousing hostility.

Eritrea’s principled approach to diplomacy is based upon, 1) Long term
interests of Eritrea 2) uncompromising stance on ensuring sovereignty 3)
ensuring Eritrean people’s needs first 4) unwavering vigilance on national

As for the skills on handling diplomacy, Eritrea’s approach is based on
experience, astute observation of international developments, patience,
flexibility, doggedness in pursuit of interests and,
meticulously-approached-understanding of global politics. It is based on
the belief that international laws and systems have a role to play and, by
adhering to international laws, systems and norms. It is based on positions
of strength. It is also based on the will, drive and unity of the Eritrean

The people of Eritrea participate as extension of the government’s
diplomatic core, voluntarily. Eritreans in the Diaspora are briefed by
their embassy officials’ regularly; they are aware and astute about Eritrea’s
diplomatic needs and engage proactively as needed.

Prior to the passing of the sanctions, individuals from the US State
Department worked hard to include Eritrea in a list of countries
associated with terrorism and targeted the 2% rehabilitation tax that
Eritreans in the Diaspora pay. To counter, Eritreans waged effective public
campaign and stopped it. The campaign by the State Department was an
effort to intimidate Eritreans and stop them from supporting their
government. This strategy is effective for most communities from other
countries. Eritreans however, were invigorated and used the opportunity to
come together rallied behind the government.

Furthermore, Eritrea’s diplomacy is never conducted at the expense of
another nation or for political expediency. It is based on pursuing
mutually beneficial interests for all involved. It is conducted by paying
hawkish attention to Eritrean national interests and not by sacrificing
principle or values

*US in the Middle*

After World War II, when most African nations received independence, to
ensure its national strategic interests, the US denied Eritrea the
opportunity to become independent. In 1991, as Eritrea won independence,
the former Soviet Union fell which paved ways for the US to assume
superiority over international affairs. Not-long-thereafter, in 1998,
Eritrea was forced to face yet another challenge to her existence. A war
that lasted for over two years was waged under the guise of border war that
took the lives of tens of thousands Eritreans needlessly.

Furthermore, a sophisticated asymmetric-warfare was initiated to subjugate
Eritrea. The agenda is to isolate, render Eritrea a failed state and undo
hard won independence. To that end economic and diplomatic isolation was
the method applied to strangulate Eritrea.

Disconnecting Eritrea diplomatically also meant economic suffocation.
Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen made trilateral pact to encircle and strangulate
Eritrea whilst Ethiopia and the US used the African Union based in Addis
Ababa to campaign and further-alienate Eritrea. The Arab League was used to
condemn Eritrea at every turn to validate the demonization and justify
punitive measures. The European Union was also used to ensure that EU
countries cannot engage on economic activities, trade, developmental
assistance or cooperation. Wikileaks exposed how Germany backed-off from
funding the Bisha Goldmine under pressure or at the behest of the US.

These collective campaigns were-then used to pressure the UN particularly
China and Russia into going-along with punitive sanctions against Eritrea.
Done in escalating fashion, the first step was the arms embargo, Resolution
1907 (2009), a sanction imposed based on lies. Later, under pressure from
the US, in 2011, the UN passed Resolution 2023. The second sanction was
meant to deny Eritrea the revenue-stream from the mining sector. This time
however, Russia objected and the UN passed a “watered-down” sanction.

These economic, political and diplomatic webs are what Eritrea was forced
to contend-with. The layers of diplomatic hurdles were insurmountable by
any standard, however, and when it is African nation like Eritrea targeted
by the US, that nation is almost doomed.

*Deconstructing the Diplomatic Hurdles *

The people of Eritrea are no-stranger to western designs and machinations.
Years of struggle have made them aware and able to stand against it. The
homeland is vigilantly observed by the gallant Eritrean forces hence more
manageable, relative to the task of establishing or reestablishing
diplomatic ties independent from US pressures.

Eritrea’s diplomatic successes are too significant to detail in this piece.
It is therefore important to highlight, a) the mindset and b) the ways
Eritrea victoriously managed to expose the diplomatic hurdles that aimed to
stifle the nation.

Firstly, it is the mindset of veteran Eritrean leadership that believes
peace is prerequisite for success (Eritrea cannot afford to be entangled in
endless conflicts) and that Eritrea must overcome and defeat all challenges
to her sovereignty to be considered viable.

The second most important aspect is how Eritrea managed to expose the
machination methodically:

Those who demonize and try to destabilize Eritrea own no moral or legal
high-grounds. Every attempt against Eritrea was illegally conceived, based
on false morale pretext and designed to stop Eritrea’s progress by any
means necessary. It is not humanitarian, justice-minded or democratic.

These machinations are obvious to the people of Eritrea. They understand
that the west, in one hand is subjecting the youth to the trenches to
defend and turn around blame Eritrea for the national service program that
aims to develop while defending Eritrea.

Eritrea’s consistent adherence to the rule of law; the unity,
determination, strength and the perseverance of the people Eritrea managed
to expose the duplicity and foiled the agendas that aimed to, in one hand
blame Eritrea for host of human rights violations and destabilizing roles
in the region while allowing the rule of law to be undermined by Ethiopia
that openly declared regime-change, hosted countless anti Eritrea groups
and openly bragged for militarily-attacking Eritrea on numerous occasions.
Ethiopia is brazenly occupying Eritrean territories and provoking
hostilities rather than seeking peace and stability. Disregarding these
obvious violations, the US labels Eritrea problem maker of the region. This
however is a miscalculation based on the notion that Ethiopia will prevail
and Eritrea will fail.

Ironically, everything they tried worked against them. In a speech at the
Clinton Global Initiative on September 25 of 2012, President Obama made the
following remarks:

“I recently renewed sanctions on some of the worst abusers, including North
Korea and Eritrea. We’re partnering with groups that help women and
children escape from the grip of their abusers. We’re helping other
countries step up their own efforts. And we’re seeing results. More
nations have passed and more are enforcing modern anti-trafficking laws.”

As confusing as it may sound this is an expression of incoherent policy
that intended to destabilize by encouraging uncontrolled youth flight. That
led to refugees flooding the Sinai believing Eritrea to be
get-unchallenged-asylum-card. Israel, a country that grapples with the
right to return for Palestinians, allowed refugees access and soon found
out that it opened uncontrollable floodgates. Israel was then forced to
deal with the consequences by systematically kicking-out the refugees and
drew attention from rights groups. What started as a ploy to destabilize
Eritrea became a source of major national and regional security issue for
countries involved. Europe is dealing with these issues in the same manner.

Most of the countries that granted asylum to those that claimed to have
fled Eritrean national service are now forced to retract their asylum
review process based on Danish authorities’ report that went to Eritrea and
did extensive research. The 79 page report called, “Eritrea: Drivers and
Root Causes of Emigration, National Service and the Possibility of Return”
which concluded that Eritrean migrants aren’t refugees is now the bible
that Europe is using to refuse asylum. Most European countries and others
are adopting the report to make asylum decisions with the hopes to stem the
flow of refugees.

Eritrea was forced to deal with many issues in ways no African country has
to deal with. How Eritrea dealt with the adversities was a reflection on
the nation. And Eritrea dealt with it with class, dignity, by standing
firmly on principles that ensured-advocated dignity and proper treatment of
Eritreans. Eritrea kept open communication with all affected countries and
used the issue to attack the underlying causes that lead to instability and
offered/showed the world alternative solutions. In other words, Eritrea
diplomatically unraveled the agendas while reestablishing longstanding
relations with many of these countries.

The results are reflected on the level of interest EU countries are
showing. From May 26-28, a group comprised of representatives from the EU,
British, French, Italian, Switzerland, Belgian, Turkish Ambassadors and
first secretary of Embassy of Check Republic have conducted a three days
tour in the Anseba and Gash Barka regions, witnessed development-activities
and experienced the prevailing peace in Eritrea. Many of these countries
have economic interests in Eritrea.

Eritrea exhibited tremendous resolve and creativity when dealing with
international matters. Eritrea’s neutral non-interference policy also
contributed on how countries perceived Eritrea.

The regime in Ethiopia tried to align and malign Eritrea by associating her
with many issues and countries with lies. That failed because as time went
on countries and the world understood why these lies are fabricated


Eritrea’s diplomatic challenges emanate from one source and that is the US.
On every turn Eritrea was forced to climb mountains to achieve small
diplomatic progress. Overtime however, the people of Eritrea have managed
to make significant diplomatic strides. The cold war and the unipolar world
the US maneuvered ill-served the people of Eritrea for decades. To be
shunned by the US means denial of rights as a nation and ultimately death
and, only handful nations’ mange to escape it. Eritrea’s brilliance is
therefore a unique development on international affairs.

The problem with the US led unipolar world was that nations were often
forced to work against their national interests. However, competing
international powers and their geopolitical interests is leading nations
away from US led agendas into focusing on their own interests

Eritrea’s diplomatic achievements are therefore a fruit of the people’s
dedication, hard-work and perseverance. Eritrea is amongst the most
strategic places in the world. Eritrea is also endowed with riches that
will sustain her for generations. To ensure a bright future Eritrea played
it right and today finds herself in a position to rip the benefits. For
most countries diplomacy is a matter of success or failure. For Eritrea
however it is existential hence victory is a must. Eri-Plomacy!

Awet N-Hafsh



Received on Sun May 31 2015 - 16:25:50 EDT

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