(RTF.1)Dispute over protection for refugees from Eritrea in Europe

From: Semere Asmelash <semereasmelash_at_ymail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 20:12:47 +0000 (UTC)



Dispute over protection for refugees from Eritrea in Europe

Mass exodus of Eritreans is judged differently - called for greater commitment to human rights in Eritrea

23,000 Eritreans in Germany & Switzerland - Swiss Society for Threatened Peoples welcomes stop-deportation

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has welcomed the fact that Switzerland also wishes to refrain from future deportations of rejected asylum seekers from Eritrea in their homes because their safety is not guaranteed. This is an important signal for Germany and the countries of the European Union, in which the face of growing numbers of refugees, the calls would be louder for a loosening of refugee protection for Eritreans.

That said the STP Ulrich Delius on Wednesday in Göttingen. Europe must urgently work for greater human rights and democratization in Eritrea to stem the exodus of more and more young people from the small state. As long as there is no substantial progress Eritreans in Europe must be given protection as they would flee from persecution and worst crime against humanity, as Delius.

Eritreans established in 2014 in Germany with 13,198 applications for political asylum, the third largest refugee group. In Switzerland they formed with 9,851 asylum searched the largest group seeking protection.

After a visit of a delegation of Swiss foreign and Justice Department in the State in the Horn of Africa, Switzerland will maintain its existing asylum practice and not deport failed asylum seekers to their homeland Several political parties told the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" on Monday. In the Switzerland had demanded a more restrictive refugee policy towards Eritreans in the fall of 2014 and demanded repatriation of rejected asylum seekers. But initiated by the Swiss Federal Office for Migration Fact Finding Mission found no evidence of sustained improvement in the human rights situation in January 2015, her visit to Eritrea.

If Switzerland had loosened their refugee status for Eritreans, so this would have grave consequences for tens of thousands of Eritrean refugees in the European Union, said Delius. For the Danish Ministry of Justice had stated on 25 November 2014 Eritreans would no longer automatically recognized as political refugees, but would henceforth individually prove their persecution.

The immigration authorities of Denmark had previously published a controversial report on the human rights situation in Eritrea, who certified the country perceived progress in respect of human rights. Human rights organizations criticized the report because it is contrary to the first search of a commission of inquiry was set up in June 2014 by the UN Human Rights Council to document human rights violations in Eritrea. Sharp criticism of the report came from in the report referred to witnesses and experts, the authority of the accused that they had been misquoted in the publication.

Most Eritreans flee the unlimited military service, arbitrary arrests, torture, forced labor, and before the refusal of the press, expression and religion. In the
worldwide press freedom index, Eritrea is the 180th and last place. On the issue of religious freedom, the state regularly ranked among the lowest-ranked countries. Eritrea is considered one of the most repressive countries in the world.

(Last modified: Thursday, 12/02/15 - 18:59 )
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Received on Thu Feb 12 2015 - 15:12:49 EST

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