[DEHAI] Chapter VII of the UN Charter: A sword raised when wanted and sheathed when not

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From: mgebreab@earthlink.net
Date: Sat Jul 25 2009 - 16:44:10 EDT

Chapter VII of the UN Charter: A sword raised when wanted and sheathed when not

By Staff
July 24, 2009, 12:24

On, July 22nd 2009, the International Court of Justice has passed its ruling regarding the situation in Abyie region. Even though the matter directly involves the Sudanese people, what is of concern to us is the sanctimoniousness of the United Nations over the rule of law.

Prior to the ruling of the International Court of Justice concerning the Abyie region, the Security Council had been making a huge commotion about the resolution being final and binding, and that noncompliance to the resolution on the part of the parties concerned would result in the enforcement of Chapter VII of the UN Charter attesting to the supremacy of law.

It is to be recalled in this context, that the United Nations and the Security Council with other six countries was a guarantor of the Algiers Agreement signed between Eritrea and Ethiopia regarding the border conflict and cessation of hostilities for comprehensive peace after which, the EEBC gave its final and binding verdict in April 13 2002.

This being the fact however, the TPLF regime had until, the border issue was legally closed by the declaration of virtual demarcation, continued to violate the agreements reached and the rule of law; not because of the supremacy of its might, but because of the unjustifiable and intensive support extended to it by the former US Administration at the cost of the suffering of the Eritrean people and stability of the region. The fundamental question that should be addressed here is 'where were the United Nations and the Security Council at that point in time?'

Why has the United Nations failed to fulfill its moral and legal obligations in accordance with article 41 and 42 of Chapter VII that articulates the authorization of punitive measure on the party that violates the rulings of the Algiers Agreement?

Why is the United Nations today raising chapter VII in the issue of Sudan uninvited, when it had previously threatened to enforce punitive measures on Syria under chapter VII of the UN Charter unless it immediately withdrew its troops from Lebanon; when it had done nothing when the US directly invaded Iraq and indirectly invaded Somalia by way of its servant TPLF regime and waged an open aggression against Eritrea.

Why is the organization that disregarded the EEBC's final and binding verdict under pressure of foreign powers, today, hastily calling for chapter VII of the UN Charter regarding the issue of the Abyie region.

The answer is clear and simple. Conflicts that are being witnessed in our region as well as elsewhere in the world stand witness to the numerous violations of the rule of law and the acts of the superpowers that pull the strings of the United Nations from behind the curtains. And hence, Chapter VII of the UN Charter has become a tool that is raised when desired, and put away when never required.

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