FW: re: [DEHAI] Obama declares to Africa: End tyranny, corruption

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From: mgebreab@earthlink.net
Date: Sun Jul 12 2009 - 11:48:47 EDT

Subject: re: [DEHAI] Obama declares to Africa: End tyranny, corruption

It looks like it became for the American presidents a popular tradition to pay a pilgrimage visit to Accra Ghana to se their forefathers Slave Holding cells, even do they have the worlds biggest modern youth slave cells(Prison) at this time in their heartland called the good old USA.
first president Bill Clinton( Sleek Willie) went there and then President George W Bush( Goofy George) payee a visit. and now president Barack Obama( Barry the Deceiver) continued and followed the American tradition in every way and form he can.President Obama said while he was there in Ghana." the West is not to blame "for the destruction of the Zimbabwean economy" I said excuse me! how so, because let me try to drown the parallel similarity Eritrean colonial, straggle history and of Zimbabweans,
Eritrea was know as Bahri negasi when first in the 1500s occupied(eastern part ) by Turks(the Ottoman impair) and constant threat from the south by Abyssinian consecrative impardom.Zimbabwe was known as Bantu land and the first European occupiers(Eastern part) was Portugal in the 1500s and constant threat was from the south by the Zulu warriors. At 1880s Bahri negasi occupied by Italians and conscience became an Italian colony in1890 and the name became Eritrea and Bantu land(Zimbabwe) at the same time became a victim of the British mining impair led by Cecil Rhodes and the country name became Rhodesia. the Italians build the Eritrean infrastructure and made Eritrea the most Industrial country in Africa after south Africa but in forced their most Fascist roll( would not allowed to be in certain places) for Eritrean. and the colonizers built the rhodesian infrastructure and Rhodesia became the most commercial agriculture and mining industrial in the whole of Africa. After world war second Eritrea became a v
ictim of an American lead conspiracy either to federated with Ethiopia or to partied between Ethiopia and Sudan and held a phoney referendum under threat from Ethiopia. Rhodesia became a victim of Apartheid south Africa and held a referendum only to whites either to federate Rhodesia with south Africa or to partied between Zambia and Malawi. but Rhodesia privily to stay under British Rhodesians. and the roll under the white British became unbearable just the roll under imperial Ethiopia became hell for Eritrea. Robert Mugabe was an outstanding student and he had three degrees from three different countries on three various field on scholarship(From South Africa, Ghana and England) and he started working as teacher. In1960 he and others started a civil movement to fight the brutal resist Rhodesian Apartheid system. but by 1964 the Rhodesian colonial government put him in prison for ten years and suffered a lot of torture. In 1974 after he got out of pre sin he and others went to Mozambique and start a libe

ation guerilla front. he became chairman and commander in chief of the Rhodesian Liberation front. The Eritrean movement started after the Fascist Italian got defeated in 1941 British and allied forces. the Eritrean workers union and students staged a lot of demonstration and civil disobedience against the military British administration in Eritrea(1941-1952) and the phoney federation(1952-1962) with Ethiopia. the Ethiopian killings and attempt assassination became bolder and bolder. then they have no choice but to be organized in small cells( Mahber Shoate/Harekat) and most of the organizations leaders forced to sake refuge in Neiboghr country Sudan and then Egypt( Ex. WOL WOL and IBRAHIM SULTAN) from there they decided to start arms straggle from inside Eritrea and in September first 1961 the Eritrean liberation front lead by Hamid Idris Awate became a reality at Adal mountain. the rest is history with those thirty years grueling ups and downs straggles to release the Eritrean Independence in may 24th 1991
. the Zimbabwe(Rhodesia) arms straggle like i said started in 1974 from inside Mozambique and lead by Robert Mugabe. thy fought their way inside Rhodesia and the Racist government of Ian Smith start to lose badly and his sout help from Apartheid South Africa, Zaire/ Congo government of Mubutu Se Seiko, Angola/Unita of Jonas Savimbi, and of course Britain( Most in arms and monitory) and others. the liberation front to counter these they ask for help and the got help from Mozambique the government of Michel Sammora. Angola the government of Edwardo De Santos, Libya/Qadafi, Ethiopia from Mengistu Hailemarim ( that is why he gave him sanctuary in Zimbabwe today to pay his debit to mengistu) and from Cuba/ Fidel Castro. any ways to make the story short, the Liberation arms lead by Mugabe won the ware and declared independence in April 18th 1980 and Rhodesia became Zimbabwe. Britain agreed to pay every year to Zimbabwe in exchange the Zimbabwean government would not confisicate and expel the white industrialist a

d commercial agriculturists. But Britain broke her promise to pay and the whites substage the Zimbabwe economy by capital filet to oversea( mainly to Britain) and saling machinery and others to Apartheid South Africa and start to hart the Zimbabwe Economy and life of its majority black. the British refused to honor what they agree and singed to pay Zimbabwe. the Zimbabwe government started to take action by distributing back the fertile land to the Black Zimbabweans who was land less, because it was taken and monopolized by few Zimbabwean whites.
Britain and her friends America campaigned to the world to put Zimbabwe on sanction and blocked just like they are trying to do to Eritrea. well Eritrea is different because her economy is based on self reliance but Zimbabwe economy was so dependent on those white supotares. America and Britain managed to straggle the Zimbabwe economy merciless and the junior( Telmeden) politician barack Obama is lecturing us about Zimbabwe History and folds. let alone to know the history of Zimbabwe few years a go he didn't knew his fathers neighbor Somalia where it was. Let me share a story with you in 1990 I told you before I use to attend a political group discussion every Sunday afternoon in Boston in the house of a great Black civil activist by the name professor mel king and one day I came late and told them I am sorry I came late because my class mate she just find out her father the Defense Minster of Somalia got assassinated. and barack Obama asked me where is Somalia? every one rolled his/her eay. I said Somalia
is north of Kenya and east of Ethiopia. He said to me quickly oh I know I know. I said to my self you are master of deceit, (because he has already deceived the Black student at the Harvard university).why you ask me if you knew and the other participant said that is bad she lost her father. the Somalian girl name is Mona Mohammed and she was my class mate at Massachusetts college of Pharmacy. when first time I sow her at our school I said to her Selam Eritrawit diki she said what I know you think I am from Eletra. she said I am Mona from Somalia and I said my name is Mussie and I am from Eritrea. then I said to her you do not look topical Somalian, she said yes every one thinks I am from Eritrea or from Ethiopia. She looks topical light skin Eritrean girl and she told me her father is a mix of Somalian and Yemen( His father from Yemen and his mother somalian) that is way I do not look topical somalian and that was September 1988 and at that time she did not tel me her dad is a Somalian defense Minster. but

I suspected she was from a well to do family because she had a brand new sport Mercedes Benz and she live out of compass in rich nieborhood( Back Bay) as an international student. Two years late in 1990 her defense Minster father in the Sayed Bare government assasnated and the trouble of Somalia starts from that day on. later on when I told to one Somali I met and i ask him about Mona my class mate and her assassinated defense Minster father. He confirmed and told me her father was the brain of the Bare government and he ashore me the government of said bare would not last long with out her father. he was right the bare regime fell six month later, Eritrea became independent but at the same time Somalis long ordeal just began, the rest is history. the crux of the story is Barack Obama can not lecture as about African history and her political ordeals today if he was not aware her yesterdays history and wrong doing. I am open to any comments and enlightening from any one Thanks


Date: Sat Jul 11 2009 - 09:21:22 EDT
Obama declares to Africa: End tyranny, corruption By MARK S. SMITH,
Associated Press Writer Mark S. Smith, Associated Press Writer 1 min ago
ACCRA, Ghana – An American president who has "the blood of Africa within me"
praised and scolded the continent of his ancestors Saturday, asserting
forces of tyranny and corruption must yield if Africa is in to achieve its

"Yes you can," Barack Obama declared, brushing off his campaign slogan and
adapting it for his foreign audience. Speaking to the Ghanaian Parliament,
he called upon African societies to seize opportunities for peace, democracy
and prosperity.

"This is a new moment of promise," he said. "To realize that promise, we
must first recognize a fundamental truth that you have given life to in
Ghana: Development depends upon good governance. That is the ingredient
which has been missing in far too many places, for far too long. That is the
change that can unlock Africa's potential."

The son of a white woman from Kansas and a black goat herder-turned-academic
from Kenya, Obama delivered an unsentimental account of squandered
opportunities in postcolonial Africa.

America's first black president spoke with a bluntness that perhaps could
only come from a member of Africa's extended family.

"No country is going to create wealth if its leaders exploit the economy to
enrich themselves, or police can be bought off by drug traffickers," he

"No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20
percent off the top, or the head of the Port Authority is corrupt. No person
wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of
brutality and bribery. That is not democracy, that is tyranny, and now is
the time for it to end."

He added: "Africa doesn't need strongmen, it needs strong institutions."

Obama was on a 21-hour visit to the West African nation to highlight that
country's democratic tradition and engagement with the West. His visit, his
first to sub-Saharan Africa as president, was greeted as a "spiritual
reunion" Saturday by Ghanian legislators.

People lined the streets, many waving at every vehicle of Obama's motorcade
as it headed toward a meeting at Osu Castle, the storied coastline
presidential state house, before his speech to Parliament. "Ghana loves
you," said a billboard.

He was also visiting a hospital and a one-time slave trading post, joined by
his wife, Michelle, a great-great granddaughter of slaves.

The Obama administration sought a wide African audience for the president's
speech, inviting people to watch it at embassies and cultural centers across
the continent.

The address was in part a splash of cold water for Africans who blame
colonialism for their problems.

Obama spoke of the indignities visited upon Africans from the era of
European rule. He said his grandfather, a cook for the British in Kenya, was
called "boy" by his employers for much of his life despite his being a
respected village elder. He said it was a time of artificial borders and
unfair trade.

But he said the West is not to blame "for the destruction of the Zimbabwean
economy over the last decade, or wars in which children are enlisted as
combatants." Nor for the corruption that is a daily fact of life for many,
he said.

"Africa is not the crude caricature of a continent at war," he said. "But
for far too many Africans, conflict is a part of life, as constant as the
sun. There are wars over land and wars over resources. And it is still far
too easy for those without conscience to manipulate whole communities into
fighting among faiths and tribes.

"These conflicts are a millstone around Africa's neck."

Obama started his day with typical calm. Wearing a gray T-shirt and gym
pants, he walked through the lobby of his hotel almost unnoticed at 7:30
a.m. local time on his way to the downstairs gym for a workout.

A short time later, his motorcade left the hotel, passed under hovering
military helicopters and arrived for a delayed welcome ceremony with
Ghanaian President John Atta Mills.

"I can say without any fear of contradiction that all Ghanaians want to see
you," Mills said. "I wish it were possible for me to send you to every home
in Ghana."

Before the flight home, Obama planned to tour Cape Coast Castle, a seaside
fortress converted to the slave trade by the British in the 17th century. In
its dungeons, thousands of shackled Africans huddled in squalor before being
herded onto ships bound for America.

The castle visit mirrored ones paid by Clinton and George W. Bush to the
slave-trading post of Goree Island, Senegal — with the added impact of
Obama's mixed-race background and history-making election.

In Ghana, too, Obama followed in Clinton's footsteps. In 1998, a surging
crowd cheered Clinton in Accra's Independence Square and toppled barricades
after his speech. Clinton shouted, "Back up! Back up!", his Secret Service
detail clearly frantic.

Bush's reception last year was less tumultuous, but equally warm. At a
welcoming banquet, then-President John Kufuor noted huge increases in U.S.
development aid and AIDS relief — and named a highway after Bush.

Obama avoided scheduling large public events, wishing to keep emotions in
check in a singular moment in African-American diplomacy.

Obama flew to Ghana after the G-8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy, approved a new
$20 billion food security plan. It aims to help poor nations in Africa and
elsewhere to avert mass starvation during the global recession.

He also had a cordial first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI. In their
half-hour private audience at the Vatican, the two reviewed Mideast peace
and anti-poverty efforts, aides reported. They also discussed abortion and stem
cell research at length, subjects of disagreement between them.

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