[DEHAI] : RE Ethiopia & Eritrea: Let's get the facts

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From: mgebreab@earthlink.net
Date: Thu Jul 09 2009 - 10:36:55 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: mgebreab@earthlink.net
To: hassan.u.abdalla@gmail.com
Sent: 7/8/2009 8:25:51 PM
Subject: RE Ethiopia & Eritrea: Let's get the facts

Dear Hassan, I just want to say a thing or two to you about your article. the Ethiopian elite you so called yourself "intellectuals" weather you are a Christian or a Moslem you are so blinded by arrogance, ignorance and dishonest. you have allot of thing to say and lecture about the Eritrean people Identity and history, but you have no clue and knowledge about the subject matter or deliberately you are twisting the facts. Last time your hero major Dawit Weldegergis mutilated the Eritrean people struggles history on purpose with out any shame just to cover all the crime he and his likes committed on the Eritrean and Ethiopian people. and now you are parroting him by using him and other real criminals as historians and heros.any way let go back what you wrote, for example you said" When we say Eritrea is Ethiopia we are of course, speaking, foremost and above all, about the oneness of the Tigrigna-speakers or Tigres as they are popularly called in Mahel-ager on both sides of the River Mareb. Neither the Afar
s nor the Kunamas or Sahos claim that the 60 years of Italian colonization has transformed their identity to the extent that they have nothing to share with their kin and kith on the other side of the Ethiopian border. But this is exactly what the ruling party elite in Eritrea tell us squarely. That is why one of them is called Tigraway and the other Tigrigna. They claim that they were so transmuted that they have no common identification as one people living in two neighborly countries. This is an intricate and obsessive notion. It is more than abject denial of history and geography but denial of their authentic ethnic identity. It is “the mother of all complexes." If the people in highland Eritrea have nothing common with their cousins, they will have little justification to claim ties to the Surmas in Maji Awraja in South Western Ethiopia. For sake of a diversion, I will tell another " that is one from the many your misleading analyses.

 first of all for you information it is not only Tigrigna speakers in both Eritrea and Ethiopia. there are Sahos,Afars and Kunamas living in both countries as you are very aware, and this not unique only in Eritrean and Ethiopia who speak the same language live in two border nations. but all over Africa even all over the world live on both of the border of a two or more countries you finds.go to France you will find a Germans speakers Germany ethnics living in French sovereignty as a French citizen and visa versa in German, Switzerland, Italy and other European countries, Asia and of course almost all African counties. so do not give this none sence two tigrigna speaker people can not live in two countries but one country called Ethiopia or as woyane and Professor tesfazion Medhane dreams GEATERTIGRAY. You know very well that Professor tesfazion is life long Ethiopian advocate. He may be Eritrean by birth but his soul and work has been nothing but Ethiopia TIQDEM and now this days GRETER TIGRAY and you are v
ery well aware about this. but you are so dishonest( Allah yalek) and try so hard to mislead and confuse the gullible Ethiopians from knowing the true fact.SHAME ON YOU!
Please for a change Ethiopian Elite get the fact right!

Mussie Gebreab

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