Re: [DEHAI] Re: [dehai-news] Miss Eritrea 2009

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From: Berhane Alazar (
Date: Tue Jul 07 2009 - 02:40:00 EDT



No, it is not "Only you" my friend. I couldn't agree more with you. I
had always wondered about the merits, if any, of such exercise in
futility when such activity used to be "Common" in the West. Then when I
heard similar activities taken place in some African and Asian
countries, I said "oh well, 'Habalsi meTemeti'a tqwaHal"! I guess I was
naive and an "Old fashioned" that for the life of me, I never thought
such meaningless show would take place in Eritrea, certainly not in my
life time. Well, oh well, and there it is for all of us to see and

I never really understood the value of such alien culture. But, I
refrained from making it an issue for I knew, as all Eritreans do, that
we have some bigger national issues to address - thanks to the ever
jealousy-ridden Weyane thugs.

I simply do not see any educational or artistic value to be had, as you
correctly stated, by displaying our young ladies in a similar fashion as
it is done when one is assessing a domestic animal for purchase. It is
customary for people to go to "'edaga kebti" and examine the beast for
its suitability for whatever it is sought after. Does it have a full set
of teeth? Is its skin spotless and healthy? Is the "Kolkwel begi'e"
meaty? Well, that makes sense because one wants to get the best for his
money. But human beings for show! - And innocent young girls at that? I
am purposely stating "innocent" here, for I was amazed how many young
people back home believe what they see in western movies as being the
day to day real life activities.

Is that the kind of girls we like to nurture - girls who are judged by
"Beauty" and "Good looks"? What talent does it take to have such girls?
Isn't Eritrea what it is - because of our men and women who toiled in
unison - so that Eritrea may be free and march on to developmental
progress? How does one's physical attributes help Eritrea march forward
to face the contemporary challenge that all start-up nations must face?
Wouldn't it be desirable to encourage our young ladies to become
doctors, pharmacists, nurses, teachers, farmers, chemists, engineers,
lawyers and technical and artistic consultants...etc., etc.? Isn't that
what Eritrea needs - now more than ever - when we should be tackling our
meager women participation in some schools as we would like them to be?
But, "Pageant show"? Please, give me a break!

I think I heard that this silly occasion is being sponsored by our
youth. Youth or old, the message it might send is not what we, as
Eritreans, want to entertain. I would strongly suggest that somebody of
authority steps in and review this nonsense from occurring over and over
again. No matter how one slices it, it is dehumanizing for the female
part of our society, a significant society we can't afford to go astray.
After all, isn't "Beauty in the eyes of the beholder" and the
participant doesn't have to show or work for it. One is - what one is as
created by the Creator. So, how does one compete to "Win" for such
meaningless contest anyway? By applying some make up thick enough that
one needs a knife to scrape off?

As I said earlier, this may not be a priority of priority for our
nation, but, it sure makes one wonder what the organizers of this
"Subjugation of women" were thinking when they copied one of the rotten
cultures of the west! If it is not the naming of our kids some ferenji
names, it is selling our youngsters as something less than human beings.
And where are the Eritrean women in all this? Are they always going to
succumb to the insatiable male ego?


That is my take and be glad to hear yours,



Berhane Alazar

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